Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2099: The predecessor of BP

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The award ceremony has nothing to write about, the focus is on the celebration after winning.

The team took the bus back to Liverpool overnight. The fans who drove to Wales followed all the way. The long convoy of hundreds of cars was spectacular, looking down from the air like a golden dragon and returning home. This scene was also filmed by a BBC helicopter. Live broadcast to audiences around the world.

While feeling the enthusiasm of the Liverpool fans, everyone can\'t help but envy this kind of relationship between the team and the fans, but this is something you can\'t learn. This is the accumulation of emotions over the decades.

Liverpool\'s victory is also the face of the United Kingdom. How can the BBC let go of this opportunity to show off? After the live broadcast, they will also arrange for someone to participate in the celebration banquet and then make a video report.

Immediately afterwards, the players and their family members joined together and flew to London by chartered flight. Yang Cheng generously entrusted Liz London as the venue for the celebration banquet. There were also London celebrities who participated in the celebration banquet. Today, because it was too late, the championship parade It was put on the next day.

I didn\'t want to be so tossing, but after asking around, there is not a high-end hotel in Liverpool, so I just took a little effort to fly to London.

At the celebration banquet, Yang Cheng took out the championship ring carefully crafted by Cartier. All the players of the first team have a share, and of course the coaching team.

However, there is still a difference between the ring of the main player and the substitute player. The difference is not big, but the number of diamonds is less.

Of course, the sponsors’ bonuses were cashed out on the spot, the main player is at least 500,000 pounds, and the least staff also has a 100,000 pounds bonus, which can be said to be rain and dew.

There are countless top ingredients at the celebration banquet, and you can drink casually with fine wine. The players who were dressed in suits and shoes at the beginning are all a little bit up. The tie is missing, the suit is flying, and the faces are red when they drink. There is no shadow of professional players.

But this kind of thing is really uncontrollable. Everyone is excited. Is it going to be a disappointment? Besides, after a hard season, when the harvest comes, how can you not drink some wine?

With the self-discipline of a professional player, drinking this once a year is really nothing. It\'s a big deal to make up for it after a few more hours of practice.

But when everyone was having fun, Yang Cheng got together with Abu and Conrad.

"What\'s the situation?" Yang Cheng asked, twisting his eyebrows. Today, because of the Champions League, he didn\'t pay attention to BP\'s development at all.

Conrad said, "I received news that BP was originally going to develop a conference to explain this incident, but at the end it was stopped by their CEO."

"CEO? Who is the current CEO?"

"Bob Dudley~" Abu whispered.

"He did it this time?"

"No, I heard that Bernard Rooney, head of BP\'s upstream business, first proposed it. I heard that he is the main candidate for the next CEO."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why? Does he want to step on us to the top?"

Conrad shrugged, "I don\'t rule out this possibility, but this is not important. What matters is what BP will do next."

"It\'s nothing more than a game, let\'s just look at ZF\'s attitude~" Abu said disdainfully. He has a deep grudge about the relationship with ZF.

But there is some truth to what he said. On the surface, BP is a private oil company, but in its 100-year history, it has been a state-controlled company for 73 years.

Of course, the British ZF does not interfere with the normal operation of the company. However, due to the strategic significance of oil, the British ZF continues to use diplomacy, military and even methods similar to 007 to protect the interests of BP, that is, the national interest, so from a certain level In other words, BP and British ZF are interdependent.

However, BP is indeed a private company, and its growth history is also related to a person, this person is William Knox Darcy.

On May 28, 1901, the Persian King Aldin Khan signed a concession to grant Darcy a privilege: allowing him to develop and utilize natural gas and oil in the whole territory of Persia except the five northern provinces within 60 years. Wait for the products, and can be shipped and sold, Persian ZF can get 20,000 pounds in cash and 20,000 pounds in shares, and 16% of the net profit. Yunnan

In his early years, Darcy immigrated to Queensland, Australia with his father, where he obtained his first pot of gold by developing the Morgan Hill gold mine. In 1889, he moved his family back to the United Kingdom and bought property in London and the countryside, gradually establishing contact with the upper class.

Out of the businessman’s sensitivity, he had long noticed a report by the French geologist Jacob Morgan on the prospects of Persian oil. In October 1900, the former British minister in Persia, Sir Wolf and his friend Persian General Ji Taborge reunited in Paris, and the latter asked him if any British capitalists were interested in oil concessions.

After hearing the news, Darcy consulted Redwood, a well-known British petroleum expert, and despite being cautious, he decided to seize this opportunity.

On the one hand, he quickly sent his cousin Marriott to Tehran as his plenipotentiary representative to negotiate; on the other hand, he asked Redwood to send experts to the Persia site to investigate.

At this time, the Persian Empire was in a period of financial tension. The king desperately needed money, and Darcy privately paid Kitaberg 10,000 pounds to help clear the ZF relationship, so Marriot went smoothly. It only took five weeks to obtain The king’s authorization and expert opinions are also gratifying: Persia’s favorable geological conditions are worth investing heavily in exploration and will surely generate huge commercial opportunities.

However, the exploration process has twists and turns. The sign of oil does not mean that there is oil, and the presence of oil does not mean that it has sufficient commercial value.

Oil exploration is like a gamble, similar to futures market transactions. Without sufficient funds to cover positions, you may not see the day of success. Even if you continue to cover positions, you may end up with nothing.

Darcy hired George Reynolds, an engineer who had worked for Sumatra Royal Dutch Petroleum (the predecessor of Shell), to be responsible for the exploration.

This person graduated from Asan\'s Polytechnic Institute. He has the reputation of being thrifty, restrained, dedicated, professional, and able to endure hardships. He arrived in Tehran in September 1901 and only started to drill in November 1902. He has been preparing for more than a year. In, Reynolds encountered a lot of trouble.

First, the local feudal leaders did not agree with the king’s concession arrangements, asking for high prices, and constantly asking for benefits. Second, high temperature, water pollution and mosquitoes seriously affected the health of prospectors.

The report at the beginning of 1903 showed that the exploration situation was very good. Darcy decided to set up an oil extraction company and raised 600,000 pounds of equity, which he personally accounted for 350,000 pounds.

In fact, this oil well soon lost its stamina. In order to raise new funds, Darcy visited many people, including the British Admiralty. He told the Admiralty that if there is no money to continue exploration, this treasure land will belong to the Russians. .

The navy did not provide assistance, so Darcy used his Morgan Hill gold mine shares as collateral, hoping to get the support of the famous Rothschild family.

He met Alfonso Rothschild in Cannes, France, and told him about Persia\'s oil prospects. He deliberately concealed the current low oil output.

But in fact, this is a trick. The Rothschild family, as the largest financial institution in Europe, has been involved in the Polar Bear’s Baku oil field as early as 1886. They did not support Darcy. This may seem wise at the time, but if Rothschild intervenes in Darcy’s business, so the global resource map of the 20th century will be largely attributed to the Roche family. Until now, the Roche family still holds the iron mining industry in the world. Every spring, the steel giants in country Z have Bite the scalp and endure the price of BHP Billiton controlled by Roche.

No way, oil expert Redwood introduced Burma Petroleum Company to Darcy. The company was founded by Cargill and other Scots in 1886. The company is headquartered in London. It mainly extracts oil in Myanmar and sells it to India and other Southeast Asian regions. , Burma is the old name of Myanmar.

After Redwood sold its patented technology for refining petroleum, he has been serving as a consultant for Burma. Out of respect and attention to Redwood, and desire for oil sources, Cargill quickly reached an agreement with Darcy in November 1904. After the agreement, the two sides cooperated in the exploitation of Persian oil.

Darcy is based in London, with only a secretary who is in charge of the overall situation, while Burma sends someone to be responsible for Persian exploration management.

Until the spring of 1908, after trying several places in Persia, oil exploration still did not make progress. Burma reluctantly informed Darcy, "You really have no money, you need to find a solution for the rest."

After weighing Darcy, he ignored Burma. He understood that Burma had been locked up just like him. If there was really no money, Burma had to bite the bullet and put it on himself.

Sure enough, Burma finally took out 40,000 pounds to continue the exploration. On the morning of May 26 of this year, when the drilling rig reached 1,180 feet, Muski de Suleiman’s oil well blew out a 25-meter-high Hot oil flow, this is the first eruption of Middle East oil!

On April 19, 1909, the Anglo-Polish Petroleum Company was established, with 1 million ordinary shares and 1 million preferred shares (6% discount), among which 600,000 preferred shares and 600,000 company credits Bonds are open to the public for purchase in banks in London and Glasgow.

Cargill wrote to Burma\'s partner the next day, claiming that he had never seen so many people rushing into the bank to apply for purchase, and it took more than five hours to stand at the counter.

Burma owns almost all the common stocks of the British-Polish company and all the assets of the mining oil company, while Darcy has acquired 170,000 shares of Burma.

Darcy obtained huge returns through this share swap and gradually faded out of the new company\'s business. Charles Greenway, a director of Burma, served as the president of Anglo-Polish.

As a result, the commercial oil era in the Middle East began. For a hundred years, countless ZZ makers, entrepreneurs, businessmen, soldiers, and ordinary people have been involved in the magnificent world ZZ and industry. In history, BP Petroleum has gradually grown along with this historical process and has become one of the most powerful energy companies in the world!

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