Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2098: Win the championship!

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The 30-minute overtime passed quickly. Like everyone imagined, the two sides did nothing, nor did they fail to attack, but most of them were anticlimactic. Both teams played very cautiously, and neither dared to press it rashly. .

Messi’s ability to break through the receptors with the ball can affect the threat, but he still used a tricky free kick to threaten Navas’s goal. It was almost as if Navas used the tip of his finger to get the ball out, otherwise Messi The hero of Liverpool.

The penalty kick came as scheduled, and the players on both sides drank water to relax their muscles, and the court was busy.

Loew is well prepared for the penalty shootout and planned several plans early.

The captains of both sides guessed the coin, Real Madrid gave the penalty first, and Liverpool followed.

Real Madrid\'s first appearance was Bell. The game was mediocre, but because he was concerned about his speed, Liverpool had always arranged someone to stare at him, which was considered a contribution to Real Madrid.

At this time, Zidane arranged for him to play the first free throw, which is also the trust in his ability. The first and last free throw players in the penalty shootout bear the most pressure.

Ronaldo is definitely going to be the finale, so Bell, as the team\'s second star, naturally has to bear the pressure of being the first to play.

The whistle sounded, Bell started, volleyed, and the ball went into the net. He steadily scored the first goal. Real Madrid fans were full of joy.

The first Liverpool player to play was Coutinho. The Brazilian midfielder possessed superb skills and footwork. Only then did he make many threatening passes in the game and played very well, making him the first Playing on the court also means that Love is optimistic about him.

Sure enough, he did not disappoint Loew and the fans, and deceived Navas deftly, a push, and the two sides tied again.

The next few rounds of free throws were also scored smoothly. At this time, no one dared to make a mistake.

The penultimate player of Real Madrid is Ramos, who is the best player in Real Madrid. Today I want to ask Real Madrid who is the best player. It is Ramos. Watching him hold the ball to the penalty spot, behind the goal. The Liverpool fans relentlessly mocked him.

Yang Cheng secretly prayed that Ramos would be thrown away. Since he gave a big gift, please send another one.

Luo Yue clasped his hands together and did not dare to look with his eyes closed. He was too nervous and his heart rate was too fast.

Ramos retreated far enough and took a deep breath. His eyes should be aimed at the upper right corner of the goal, but Loew gave the goalkeeper a small paper exclusive to the German team before the penalty kick started. Article, it clearly records the free throw habits of each Real Madrid player.

But it hasn\'t been used so far. In fact, the ball is also useless, because Ramos kicked the ball away. He thought very well. He aimed at the upper right corner of the goal, but actually slammed the center. Using too much force, the ball was sent to the stands with one kick.

The opportunity came. As long as Harry Kane, who played the fourth game for Liverpool, made the ball steadily, Liverpool was only one step away from the big ears.

"Pretty~" Yang Cheng yelled with a fist, and the loud voice made Florentino next to him look sideways. The expression was so embarrassing and embarrassing.

Yang Cheng doesn\'t care at all, this is war, who cares about your face.

"I\'m going to win, I\'m going to win, right?" Luo Yue asked excitedly, clutching Yang Orange\'s jacket.

"Won, I must win, I don\'t believe Kane will miss the ball~"

As he said, Kane chose the most secure push. Although the angle is not tricky, it sticks to the earth very fast. Although Navas judged the right direction, he still did not have time to touch the ball, 4-3, With a total score of 5-4, Liverpool took the lead for the first time. Wu Jiu Literature

The last free throw was the peerless double pride. Cristiano Ronaldo vs. Messi, the script can no longer be perfect, just the last shiver.

Cristiano Ronaldo is still very stable. He chose the bottom right corner of the goal he is most used to. The Liverpool goalkeeper also judged the right direction, but the angle was too tricky and it was impossible to touch the ball. Cristiano Ronaldo held his last breath for Real Madrid.

The rest is left to Messi. As long as Messi makes a penalty, another Champions League trophy in 12 years will return to Liverpool\'s arms.

Take the ball, swing the ball, retreat, take a deep breath, run up, volley, and the ball into the net. The whole process is as smooth and silky as white chocolate.

"We won, we won~"

The Liverpool players rushed to the place with their arms raised madly. On the other hand, the Real Madrid players sat on the court in frustration, looking up at the sky, their expressions were so helpless, the entire season\'s efforts were in vain.

As the captain of Ramos, it can be said that he personally sent the team to hell. He facelessly faced Elder Jiang Dong and covered his face with clothes. No one could see his crying face.

William, Konrad Koch, Abramovich, and many other friends of Yang Cheng congratulated him one after another. The Big Ear Cup is the best return on his investment in recent years.

Also happy are the sponsors of Liverpool. The visibility of the Champions League can\'t be exchanged for any money. This game is enough to make them earn a lot of money. Yang Cheng did not let them down.

Yang Cheng was also very excited, but at this time, he was very calm, except for the smile on his face, his body couldn\'t see the excitement of winning at all.

As if the one just now, when Messi sent the ball into the net, he did not exist with his arms raised.

"Thank you, thank you all, for the celebration banquet in the evening, we will not be drunk or return~"

"Ha~ Jason is going to bleed tonight~"

Yang Cheng laughed and said, "What\'s this? I emptied the wine cellar of the castle tonight. You can drink it if you can~"

Everyone\'s eyes are shining, they are all wine lovers. Everyone knows that Yang Cheng has good wine in his hands. It is rare that he is generous, how can he bypass him? Konrad Koch, who was going to leave early, decided not to leave, so why would he have to drink until Yang Cheng feels distressed before leaving.

The on-site staff are still busy preparing for the championship celebration for a while, and the team staff put out the championship shirts that they had prepared long ago to put on the players, but who cares about this at this time?

Seeing that the Liverpool players surrounded Love under the leadership of Messi, in the horrified eyes of Love, lifted him up and played a game of throwing people.

This is much more exciting than riding a roller coaster Yang Cheng saw this scene and immediately decided not to go down, otherwise he would be the next one to be thrown up. This game is not fun at all.

But he still lit the cigar of victory leisurely, and when he turned his head, he happened to look at Florentino next door and hesitated for a while and walked over.

"I\'m sorry, Lafayette, I didn\'t let you win consecutive championships today." Yang Cheng\'s smile must be extremely ugly and even disgusting in the eyes of the other party, but what? Don\'t accept and bite me.

Lafayette has experienced a lot of battles. He has a good qi training. He just looked stiff and stretched out his hand pretentiously, "Congratulations to Jason, Liverpool played well today and deserves the victory."

People are so magnanimous, and Yang Cheng is not so good at being a villain, so she eased her smile, and shook the opponent hard, "Real Madrid performed well, but fortunately we recovered our luck in time, otherwise we would have lost a long time~"

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