Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2061: Crown Prince's weight

As for William, there are mixed reviews from the outside world. Negative reviews generally say that he is hypocritical, but this word is actually present in everyone, but it is infinitely magnified in him.

In other words, the royal family is not hypocritical? At the very least, you can make a show, right? This is one of their daily tasks. If you don\'t even care about making a show, then simply don\'t walk out in the name of the royal family.

Among other things, William\'s perfect performance in etiquette is enough for those rich second and rich three generations to study hard.

But when he was with these friends, including Yang Cheng, William would put down his arrogance, and he was not far from the middle two.

This guy didn’t know if it was hungry or something. He chatted with Yang Cheng and took the snacks from his daughter’s teeth, threw them into his mouth one by one, complaining, “How could I not eat when I was a child? Such a delicious snack?"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "When you were a kid, I guess this brand was not born yet."

William laughed, "Is there something tonight?"

"Nothing, what\'s the matter?"

"It\'s the last time~"

Yang Cheng frowned, "Buy a castle? I said I\'m not interested~"

"After listening to me, this time my father is going to hold a party, inviting powerful foreign businessmen to come and participate. I hope everyone will actively donate to help the royal family restore some legendary manors."

Yang Cheng heard a strange smell, "Surely it won\'t make people pay for nothing, are there rewards?"

William smiled meaningfully, "You know, compared to my second overall pick, my father is the real crown prince. His words are more important than me. If you can help him solve this trouble this time, I I think he will not be stingy in adding your name to the list of promoted nobles."

Yang Cheng was speechless, and after all, didn\'t he want to spend money to buy it?

But it’s not bad to think about it. It’s better to be able to solve it with money than to owe favor directly. He doesn’t want his relationship with William to change.

"Well, I will check it out at that time, but how much I will pay depends on the situation."

Now a nobleman with no real power is not worth his tens of millions of pounds, because he is not an Englishman at all and does not have so much obsession with the title of nobility. He just wants to buy himself a guarantee.

"Of course, I\'ll talk about it then."

"But can you introduce me? Which estates did Prince Charles have prepared?"

William was stunned for a moment, "I don\'t know. He has done a good job of confidentiality, but the most famous ones will definitely be there."

The most famous? There are many well-known manors in the UK. Downton Abbey is the prototype of Highclere Manor and Howard Manor, as well as the Pembery Manor, which made Elizabeth\'s heart in the BBC version of "Pride and Prejudice". The manor of the ultimate pursuit of exquisiteness, now one family is more lonely.

Of course, there are also well-maintained ones, such as High Collier Castle, and a realistic version of Pembery Manor-the largest Lyme Manor in Cheshire.

This large manor in the south of Desley, Cheshire, contains a castle surrounded by gardens in a deer park.

This manor should now belong to the Lyme family\'s trust fund. After the renovation, it will be opened for visitors to visit. Because this is the most beautiful and largest manor in Cheshire, it has been visited by tourists since it opened.

But since the BBC filmed "Pride and Prejudice", its label is not "Cheshire\'s Largest Manor", but Mr. Darcy\'s Pembery Manor.

Before buying the North Sea Manor, Yang Cheng studied the history of the English manor. Lyme Manor is naturally in it. The manor is located in the rolling hills within a radius of tens of kilometers, on the vast hillsides, covered with greenery. Lawns and reddish brown vegetation.

The lawn and vegetation are dotted with dark green pine firs and golden trees, forming a vegetation ecological group of slopes with different colors intertwined far and near, which is very enchanting against the blue sky.

On the open ground near the valley, there stands a group of ancient royal buildings. Behind the group of buildings is a pool of clear water, and there is a green lawn on the slope.

Over the hill, it is the core castle of Lyme Manor. It is also here. The heroine Elizabeth and the actor Darcy in the drama version of "Pride and Prejudice" reveal their concerns to each other, and finally achieve their beautiful love, because the drama version " The success of "Pride and Prejudice" has attracted many fans to visit Lime Manor.

It seems that Britain’s well-preserved and self-financing manor houses have a wonderful connection with TV dramas.

The same goes for Downton Abbey to High Collier Castle.

In the past, after having wealth, titles, and power, what else did the aristocracy pursue?

Just like the modern rich, nobles competed in conspicuous competitive consumption, and even attracted jealous consumption.

However, in those years, what they showed off was not the mega private yachts and private jets of contemporary international wealthy people. In this regard, the most able to show their wealth, power and taste to their peers and society is to build or expand luxurious country houses.

Country mansions are not just huge luxury houses and manors built by noble landlords in the countryside, nor are they just mansions used by nobles to show off their wealth. To be more precise, they are "houses of power" and mansions of the ruling class.

During the Tudor Dynasty, the Black Death crisis passed, internal wars were less, and society tended to be stable. Nobles and landlords built manor houses in the countryside. Such manor houses were much larger and thicker than ordinary houses. However, due to the early years Limited by its financial resources, construction technology, and construction materials, compared with the luxurious mansions of later generations, it looks much simpler.

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, with the development of industry and commerce, there was a huge increase in country manor houses, whether in England or the surrounding Celtic regions, and the mansions in the aristocratic fiefs that had a basic foundation were even more important. Extensive expansion or reconstruction.

Take the Chatsworth mansion of the Duke of Devonshire as an example. This aristocratic stronghold that had appeared as early as the pre-Norman period was built as a luxurious mansion for the aristocracy during the period of Elizabeth I.

The first Duke of Devonshire, who played an important role in the Glorious Revolution, later expanded it into a palace-style mansion that was a model of English Baroque architecture. By the beginning of the 19th century, the sixth generation of Duke expanded and renovated it and became more Majestic

Including the leased land, the entire estate covers an area of ​​35,000 acres (142 square kilometers), and the garden part is 1,000 acres. The dukes of the 18th and 19th centuries devoted themselves to the construction and beautification of the garden in the garden-the famous 105 acres The exquisite garden of Zworth.

William asked the butler to ask Prince Charles for the list, and introduced them to Yang Cheng one by one, "The Churchill family of the Duke of Marlborough built the Brennen Palace near Oxford, which is good."

"This name is a bit strange~" Yang Cheng took the photo and looked at it.

"Brennan is the place where the first duke won a decisive battle with the French army in Europe, located in Austria."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Not bad."

Looking at the photos, the main body of the mansion is also a majestic Baroque palace building, which should be one of the most magnificent palace buildings in the UK.

The key is the former owner of this house. The Churchill family is not a wealthy family with a long history and a large amount of land. It is not easy to build this large palace-style mansion. It relied on Queen Anne and the people at the time for the first-generation Duke John Churchill. The gratitude and rewards of military exploits also depend on the good relationship between the Duchess Sarah and the queen.

Since then, the Duke of Marlborough was not good at managing money, and the family was often in financial difficulties. Now the manor should be jointly owned by the royal family and the descendants of the Churchill family.

Then Yang Cheng saw Clifden\'s mansion, not far from Heathrow Airport in the west of London. In the 17th century, it was the main country residence of the Duke of Buckingham. It has a unique location, beautiful environment and main building. From the hands of a famous teacher.

This mansion was repeatedly visited by the **** of fire, and the building built for the second duke of Sutherland in 1851 did not survive until today.

In 1893, the American wealthy Astor purchased the Cliffden House and Manor. In the mid-20th century, the family donated it to the public and managed by the National Trusteeship Association. In the mid-20th century, the main building was leased to Stanford University in the United States. It is now renovated into a rural luxury hotel, and the garden part is open to the public.

The manor houses of the British nobles are scattered all over the country. In North Yorkshire, more than 20 kilometers away from York, there is an extremely magnificent and splendid Baroque building called Howard Manor House.

But this is not the original castle. Howard Manor was built near the old castle, so it still uses the old name.

Most of the Howard Manor was built between 1699 and 1712 by Charles Howard, the third Earl of Carlisle, who hired the playwright at the time and later became a famous architect, Sir Vanbrugh. UU reading

The mansion is surrounded by 13,000 acres of land including several villages. The original Baroque structure designed by Van Bleu includes two symmetrical wings. After years of construction, the east wing and the part including the central dome were built between 1701 and 1706.

As the earl\'s energy turned to the garden and woodland, the west wing was not completed until the death of Van Bleu and the third earl. In fact, the construction was intermittent and was not finally completed until 1811.

This building is neither a castle nor an ordinary aristocratic residence, but it is more magnificent and luxurious than many palaces, and more beautiful.

It has been owned by the Howard family for more than three hundred years. Howard Manor has many exquisite gardens and lakes, which make people marvel at the luxurious and luxurious lifestyle of the British aristocracy.

It is much more luxurious than the current North Sea Manor. If you have to compare it, the North Sea Manor is at most a condensed version of Howard Manor.

No way, this kind of thing is incomparable. Several generations of the family have spent hundreds of years to supplement and improve one by one. It is only a few days before the Beihai Manor in Yang Cheng\'s hands?

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