Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2060: Sticks and sweet dates

It’s not easy for Ian Al to study this step. He can speak some Chinese, or it’s because after Yang Cheng acquired Liverpool, he was learning and selling in order to flatter, and his level is not very good. Under such circumstances, he can understand At this point, I also took my heart.

For this, the bonus must be paid.

But after thinking about it, Yang Cheng asked, "It\'s still a profit issue. How can you guarantee 30% of the profit? No, I\'m not that greedy. It would be nice to have 20%."

Ian Ayre can’t help this question, "The first is the price of water.

The treatment fee will vary greatly due to factors such as water quality, drainage standards, and regions. The current average sewage treatment plant\'s water price is 1.5 yuan per square meter.

Second is the financial cost. Due to the large scale of investment in a treatment plant, the company generally uses 30% of its own funds plus 70% of loans to lock in the source of funds.

And to build a qualified sewage treatment plant, the cost in country Z may exceed 200 million. That is to say, you have to spend more than 60 million in principal, which is almost equivalent to an investment of 7 million pounds.

Of course, the part of leverage also requires costs. The bank will give the loan cost according to the size and efficiency of the enterprise. This directly affects the profitability of the water plant. Of course, the lower the loan interest rate, the better the efficiency of the water plant. The general private enterprise loan interest rate is a one-year bank loan. Interest rates have even risen, but some state-owned enterprises use low-cost overseas loans, and the interest rate is less than 4%.

In short, sewage treatment costs are mainly energy consumption costs, chemical consumption costs, overhaul costs, maintenance costs, sludge disposal costs, effluent disinfection costs, personnel costs, management costs, fixed asset depreciation, financial financing costs and other costs.

But the difference between the first and second tier cities will not be too great. If costs are controlled well, making money is not a problem at all.

Of course, based on my current understanding, the financial status of medium-sized and above sewage treatment enterprises in country Z is generally not satisfactory, at least not reaching the 30% expectation. "

Yang Cheng pressed his hand, "That\'s what I meant. This 30% profit is too idealistic. Once it gets bigger, it may become the target of ZF\'s burden and become a victim."

"I can\'t solve this problem. In the process of research, I found that the two leading companies in the sewage treatment field in country Z have similar development experiences: vigorous development-industry leadership-debt scale is too high-capital chain dried up-debt default- The\'national team\' shot-the founder lost control of the company. There is almost no omission in this whole evolutionary process."

Speaking of this, Ian El also shook his head helplessly. It seems that he himself also realizes that Yang Cheng cannot take such a risk. If the profit is really big enough, it would be okay. Unfortunately, a sewage treatment plant worth RMB 800,000 Income, in the face of huge investment, is nothing at all. That point of return, what can Yang Orange do not make back?

Sure enough, Yang Cheng directly denied his idea, "Don\'t think about it in Country Z, but you can consider acquiring several sewage treatment plants in the UK."

Ian El was surprised. Is this a stick for a sweet date?

"Also, didn\'t you say that gold can be extracted from sewage? Is it effective?"

Ian El came to the spirit, "Of course, we have negotiated a cooperation with RB and introduced their extraction technology, and we have already made good profits. I believe all this will be reflected in the financial report at the end of the year."

"That’s good, Ian, I’m still saying that. The greatest significance of the existence of a sewage treatment plant is to increase my reputation and to win over ZZ resources. It is never a question of whether or how much I earn. I don’t want it. The focus of your work has shifted.

Doing Liverpool well is your top priority~"

This banging made Ian El regain his senses of surprise. He knew that he might have slapped his **** on his hoof this time, and he was almost kicked to death.

I quickly apologized, "Don\'t worry about the boss, Liverpool will always be the center of my work."

Yang Cheng snorted and did not continue to criticize, "But your research was not in vain. At least it proves that sewage treatment is still beneficial. If this is the case, then buy 3 more London sewage treatment plants and remember to select high-quality assets. , I don’t want to take the blame for others."

"Understand the boss, I will arrange for someone to follow up when I go back."

"Well, don\'t talk about it, stay and have lunch together."

"my honor."

. . .

In the afternoon, Yang Cheng went to London by car and met Prince William at Kensington Palace.

As soon as he came up, he joked, "William, when you took my money, when will you give me the title?"

William smiled bitterly, "I know that your kid is okay, don\'t worry, I have been watching you about the title, as long as I have a chance, I will immediately report your name."

Yang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Relax, I didn\'t urge you, just a joke."

Sitting on the sofa casually, he asked, "Why didn\'t you see Kate, and George and Charlotte?"

"At school, Kate is holding a tea party today. I guess I\'m busy. Tell me about you. Why did you suddenly go back to England?"

"You know, Liverpool reached the semi-finals. I want to supervise the match. We are bound to win this year\'s Champions League."

"Oh, I said, no wonder, the other two are Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid? I don\'t think Atletico Madrid are rivals of Real Madrid."

"Inevitably, this year\'s Atletico Madrid\'s competitiveness has dropped a lot. Simeone\'s routines are exhausted, and he can only count on his stars to play. But now Atletico Madrid, there is no one who can do it. This year\'s finals must be May. Luo Zhengfeng."

William stood up excitedly, "Remember to get me some tickets for the finals. This year I must watch the game live."

"Don\'t worry, you are indispensable. Go to my box. No tickets are needed."

The two chatted for a few moments, and Yang Cheng\'s voice changed, "My investment in the civilian production industry in London is not small, you know what my purpose is."

William shrugged, "Of course, no matter what your purpose is, I want to thank you for UU reading, it is always a good thing."

"Ha~ you are starting to think in the position of the king, this is good~"

After a pause, he said, "The current international situation is very bad. I need to leave a few ways for myself, William, don\'t let me down."

Seeing what he said so solemnly, William also became serious, "You are my brother, I will not let you down."

"That\'s good, well, not to mention this, Hugh Grosvenor agreed to buy our shares?"

"Yes, he is still very optimistic about this project, ready to eat it all."

Yang Cheng muttered, "This kid is really rich~"

"No way, don\'t envy you the wealth accumulated by generations."

Yang Cheng smiled, "I didn\'t envy him, so I just said casually, there are projects to bring him in the future, it\'s a shame that such a big benefactor doesn\'t use it~"

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