Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2042: Bollywood's progress

The decay characteristic of India is that it rots but does not rot, or rots but does not collapse. Because it does not collapse, the people living in and around it did not think about maintenance and repair.

Yang Cheng understood what the driver said.

The business district of Mumbai is not planned. Next to a specialty store is a black and rotten bungalow, and then another specialty store is separated from the past, and then there are two dark houses. The poor and the rich live together. This is also a feature .

According to the driver, the villa area on the hill in front is the place where the big stars of Bollywood live, which is equivalent to Beverly Hills in Hollywood.

Yang Cheng heard the desire and pride from the driver\'s words, as if saying that Hollywood is nothing more than that?

This honey is self-confident, Yang Cheng is too lazy to say anything. The only thing about this house is that it is by the sea. It is facing the Mumbai Bay. Looking at the scene of fishing boats, passenger ships, oil tankers and warships in the bay, I don’t know if it’s a sea view. room.

At the destination, the driver said that Bollywood is not a scenic spot, so it is not open to the outside world, and it is very confidential to foreigners.

But this time, I was also invited by an Indian partner, so there is no issue of confidentiality.

Soon the Indian from the partner came out in a suit and shoes. He was very light-skinned and spoke pure American English. It seemed that he had studied in the United States.

"Hello Mr. Yang, welcome to Bollywood~"

Before Yang Cheng could speak, the buddy became guilty, "In fact, there is nothing to see, a dozen grades worse than the real Hollywood."

Yang Cheng was stunned and asked with a smile, "Are you not an Indian?"

"I\'m Indian-American~ By the way, just call me Heru." He introduced himself.

"Ask a not very polite question, is your surname a high caste?"

"Yes, it\'s nothing. I grew up in the United States and don\'t value these things."

Seeing that he didn\'t want to talk more, Yang Cheng didn\'t continue this topic. He looked around the empty environment and asked, "No one is filming today?"

Helu pointed to a building not far away, "Yes, but now I am shooting indoor scenes. This road scene is the courthouse. In fact, Bollywood is built on the mountain. It consists of road scenes and temporary sceneries. Build.

There is also a green screen special effects area next to it. The technical level is not inferior to Hollywood in a certain angle. I will show you a tour. "

The two of them walked and talked. Now the Asian market, which accounts for 40% of the global box office, has assembled the second to four largest markets outside the United States (China, Japan, and India), including the "magical" Indian market: the largest in the world Film production country, the world\'s fourth largest box office market, but India has only 0.9 screens per 100,000 people (the US is 14 and China is 2.5), and I don’t know how their box office is calculated.

Last year, India\'s box office revenue was 1.9 billion U.S. dollars, ranking fourth in the global box office revenue, second only to North America (11.4 billion U.S. dollars), China (6.6 billion U.S. dollars) and RB (2 billion U.S. dollars).

The Indian film market is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 11% and is expected to reach US$3.7 billion by 2020.

Such beautiful growth data, combined with the following factors such as India’s demographics, media environment, and cinema market, seems a bit awkward.

As the world’s largest film-making country, after all, movies are the preferred form of entertainment for Indians. Every year, nearly 1,000 standard-length movies are released and movies in approximately 20 languages ​​are produced.

At present, there are 5,500 single-screen cinemas and 2,400 multi-hall cinemas in India, with a total of 9,100 screens, of which 60% are non-digital cinemas and about 35% are multi-hall cinema screens. The average increase of 150 screens per year is about 100 for every 8 screens. The price of 10,000, considering the population base, these screens are far from enough.

Film distribution areas are mainly divided by film distributors according to language and region. There are 15 distribution areas in total.

Distribution in the pan-India region is handled by multiple distributors. The distribution of films in all key metropolitan areas is directly handled by Universal India, while the distribution of films in other regions outside the metropolis is handled by distributors in the suburbs.

In India, the distribution methods of movies of different themes and languages ​​are different. The method of distribution depends on the scale and theme of the movie. The distribution range is generally 50-300 screens. Hollywood movies with dubbed versions in 4 languages ​​are generally released. With a range of 1500-2000 screens, a successful dubbed version of a Hollywood movie will be released in approximately 600 centers in India.

The proportion of Hollywood movies in the Indian market is increasing and now accounts for 10% of the entire market.

Movies such as romance, drama and comedy are usually only available in English.

35% of Hollywood blockbusters are presented by dubbing, mainly in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.

Not all movies are dubbed, only blockbuster movies, purchase movies, action adventure movies and some popular horror movies will be dubbed.

Among the top five Hollywood movies released in India, three are universal, such as "Fast and Furious 7", "Jurassic World", "Fast and Furious 8", all of which have multiple language dubbing .

Due to aggressive marketing and distribution strategies, localization of content, continuous expansion of the market, and increasing acceptance of Hollywood content by Indian audiences, the share of Hollywood movies in the Indian market will continue to expand.

After Donna heard that Yang Cheng was coming to India, she urged him to go to Bollywood to investigate and seek the possibility of expanding investment. This is a big cake and cannot be based solely on the global dominance.

In fact, Donna was involved in the global layout of India.

But Yang Cheng feels that entering India is definitely the biggest challenge for the film industry in the new era, especially when there is no foundation.

Not to mention shooting in a joint venture, just wanting to send in your own films is not However, the progress of local Indian films in recent years is still very fast, especially when they are aiming The country Z market has left a deep impression on the audiences of country Z. The grand singing and dancing, colorful colors, Hollywood special effects, and exciting plot...... This is the intuitive feeling brought by the current Indian movies.

From "Wrestling, Dad", "Starting Line", "Mystery Superstar" and other Indian Bollywood movies in country Z, to the popularity of Indian movie stars such as Amir Khan among the audience of country Z, all of this illustrates the South Asian subcontinent. The influence of movies in the world\'s most populous country in the Z country market is increasing day by day.

In this regard, the United States is one step behind. Of course, it can be said that the Americans really do not appreciate Indian films, let alone have no historical origin.

In fact, unlike American Hollywood blockbusters until the mid-1990s, they began to introduce country Z and gradually occupy the mainstream of the commercial film market. The audience in country Z has a long history with Indian movies, dating back to the 1950s.

At that time, the foreign films introduced by country Z, except for the Soviet "Big Brother" and the Eastern European Socialist Countries camp, came from India.

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