Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2041: Mumbai

"Sister, of course I know, but the price is too expensive, and San is not that easy to fool, at least you have to think about it?"

"This is nothing to discuss. The early warning aircraft has assembled the most cutting-edge technology in the entire country. There is no place to save. It starts at a cheaper price of 400 million yuan. It is less than this price. There is nothing to talk about, and it is second-hand."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "It really doesn\'t matter whether this item is second-hand or not, it\'s a matter of price."

"It\'s really impossible to negotiate, just the price~"

"Forget it, I will think of something else."

"You\'d better sell the Apache first, and see how sure you are, it seems that you have eaten San."

"Of course, at the level of Ah San\'s corruption, as long as the money is spent, nothing is impossible!"

"Well, waiting for your good news~"

. . .

In mid-March, after staying in New York for more than half a month, the wildfires in Los Angeles were controlled, Luo Yue and Lin Ximan went back to work, and Yang Cheng finished the company’s business and set off for India. The market there needs him. Open it yourself.

What kind of country is India? Many people have had such doubts. The unified impression is that many unreliable things are piled up in mountains. India is alone among the world\'s most exotic countries.

And it’s recognized that neither Europeans nor Asians have a good impression of Asan. Anyone who has been to India doesn’t want to go there again. All kinds of unthinkable things emerge in an endless stream, which will definitely make your three views. Refresh over and over again.

But when Yang Cheng got on the plane, his mood was still very stable. After all, he has the protection of bodyguards and India is very friendly to the rich. He doesn\'t think India can refresh his three views. In total, India is Dirty, broken, messy, Africa is too dirty, South American chaos?

So before going, I\'m really not as cautious as I went to South America.

When the Jason arrived in Mumbai, an Indian metropolis known as "developed over the Shanghai stock market," Yang Cheng\'s first reaction was to sneer.

Apart from other things, the Shanghai stock market does not know how many streets it has left on the level of airport construction.

The hotel staff in charge of picking up the airport looked very upright, and the drivers were all dressed in decent uniform suits, none of them were unkempt or bearded. Of course, the sandals and sandals with "Indian characteristics" were worn on their feet. It seems to be very popular in India, just as Koreans cannot do without kimchi.

The five-star hotel Yang Cheng chose to stay at was opened by a local tycoon in the UAE. Like many developing countries, this hotel has two floors inside and outside. The interior is well decorated, and the outside is smelly.

Don\'t expect any network signals to be full. This country, which claims to have the world\'s fastest network speed, can drive people crazy by watching a porn!

There are many waiters, servants, doormen and other service staff in the hotel. As soon as Yang Cheng and the others entered the door, they were surrounded by a group of people. Although they looked orderly, they still gave people a strong visual impact. .

This is the class surprise in India. The servants here either serve you or take care of you. Just like the servants raised in the house of the old landlord, no one will defend you if you kill you.

Back in the suite, the bodyguards began to move water to the room. There was no way. Yang Cheng came to India to worry about eating and drinking. Although I don’t know if the Ganges River covered with dead bodies is true, India’s mess is messy. Known all over the world, for your own health, you should bring your own food and drink. Anyway, you are not afraid of trouble if you have a plane.

But ordinary people don\'t need such luxury. Yang Cheng turned on the faucet and observed it, and found that the water was not dirty, perhaps only in the hotel.

However, the price of the hotel is high enough. Although Yang Cheng doesn’t care about the money, compared with the old five-star hotels in London, this is at the most four-star level in London. A suite can dare to cost US$2,000, even an ordinary single room. It also costs $400, which is not counting the service charge and taxes.

Ordinary Indian white-collar workers, in a big city like Mumbai, have an average monthly salary of US$200 to US$300. No wonder Indian men go to the streets to find women QJ, and they have no money to open a house. What else can they do?

If it weren\'t for the bodyguards to make a strategy in advance, Yang Cheng thought he had entered a black shop. Other cities did not know that the entire Mumbai hotel was at this price.

The physique of India is also very interesting. It is a bit similar to the United States, but not exactly the same. Every state in India today is equivalent to the province of country Z and the state of the United States, but in fact they are equivalent to the ancient princes of country Z. , India’s central ZF is equivalent to the Zhou royal family at that time. Each state has very large legislative and judicial privileges, especially in taxation.

From one state in India, across to another state to deliver goods, that is to pay tax! The geographical area of ​​India is not small. A bottle of mineral water is transported from the south to the north, during which time it has to cross states, all of which are taxed.

This makes it very difficult to do logistics in India. Before the shipment has been made, the special commissioners of the various states along the road will ask you if you want to pay taxes. There is absolutely no way to escape!

The most funny thing is that their official language, Hindi, is not spoken by at least half of the people in the country, because India has 20 to 30 states, and each state has its own official language, which is not as popular as curry English in India. .

The point is that the local dialects are not like Country Z, and they can be understood in writing. Even if you listen to it, you can guess a little bit slowly.

But in India, it is different in all respects. From writing to hearing, being able to understand depends on luck!

In order to express denominations, Indian banknotes are printed one by one in 20 or 30 main languages. This is not to say that there are N different languages ​​in each state. If added together, there are more than 300 languages ​​in India. .

Moreover, in order to maintain their cultural "independence", many states do not teach Hindi because they have legislative independence, which means that popularizing Hindi has become a luxury.

Instead, English, which you have to learn, has become the mainstream language in India. If you don’t understand, you don’t have to doubt that you are illiterate. Illiteracy accounts for more than one-third in India.

However, the so-called curry-flavored English generally speaks the English accent of the lower class, which is very heavy. The English spoken by the middle class is more or less understandable, and the English at the upper level is very authentic. No doubt, Indian English that can be understood by you. It is definitely a high caste in India.

Yang Cheng made corrections in the hotel for a while, and then asked the driver to drive out, but not to meet people, but to visit the famous Bollywood. This is also the task given to him by Donna. For safety, all his business activities in Mumbai are It is carried out in a hotel. Can he not go out at night or not go out. Although he is not afraid, there is no need to cause trouble, right?

However, he regretted it when he got on the road. He didn\'t have a long memory. Just on the way from the airport to the hotel, he was scared enough. When the Indians wanted to change lanes when they were driving, they would change back. In the past, the mirror is just a decoration, it is better to break the province.

In this kind of road conditions, the Indians can drive two lanes out of six lanes, and at the same time everyone rushes on the road with a speed limit of 40 at a speed of more than 60 kilometers.

But the killer on the road is not a car, but a variety of animals that cross the road. Commonly there are cows, monkeys, and dogs. I have seen horses and sheep crossing the road, and occasionally large groups of crows or pigeons. Falling in the middle of the road is definitely a harmonious expression of man and nature.

Not only these livestock, but in India, whether it is in the city or in the suburbs, it is easy to encounter wild animals while walking.

Maybe it’s because there’s more contact, and the animals don’t think humans are anything terrible. At most, they just walk around a little bit, and you can see people feeding them with food, and the animals come in naturally, which is very interesting. .

The greatest legacy left by the British to India is the interconnection of the entire Indian railway network system. Railways are vital to India’s transportation. Up to now, the transportation within this country is extremely dependent on the British heritage.

India has many rivers, but there is no water transportation. For India, roads are the Achilles’ heel and the biggest constraint on national development.

Taking into account the extreme congestion of Mumbai’s urban roads, it takes 10 minutes to drive for a minute, so taking a small train is the most reliable mode of transportation in Mumbai.

India\'s national train ticket is divided into 7 levels, the seventh level is the legendary roof climbing.

However, Yang Cheng didn\'t have the courage to try the first level. He would rather be blocked on the road than experience the primitive train with the Indians. If he was overturned, he wouldn\'t know how to die.

Mumbai’s intercity train can also be regarded as a subway. The carriages are open and there are no doors. Many people hang half of their bodies outside the door. There are also young people hanging on top of the show, and hanging outside is quite cool. Get on and off. Also convenient.

Anyway, this is a necessary skill for train rides in India. Everyone jumps on and off without waiting for a stable stop. This is true for trains, buses and trucks on the road.

Yang Cheng sees whether the train is driving slowly, it looks like it is about 60 to 70 kilometers per hour. Fortunately, it slows down when it stops quickly, otherwise it will jump at this speed and it will be very cool to die!

On the way to Bollywood, Yang Cheng chatted with the driver. When it comes to the real estate prices in India, it is really high. I don’t know other cities. The world’s number one mansion that has occupied the list for many years is in Mumbai. Generally speaking, Mumbai The land in New York is almost the same as that of New York. It is something to be proud of to get an office in downtown Mumbai.

The housing price is expensive not because the house is good, but because of demand. Mumbai does not have a plan, or simply that the country does not know what the plan is, and there are no upper-level control measures.

Therefore, there is no third choice.

Most office workers live in the suburbs, and the houses in the urban areas are too expensive and they cannot afford or rent them, so they can only travel a little longer.

The building as a whole looks dilapidated, but it is crowded with people, and there is no idea of ​​repairing it.

But according to the driver, don’t look at the appearance of these buildings, but the structural materials are very good, so even if the walls are all rotten and the steel bars are exposed, the building will not collapse...

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