Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2027: I saw A, 3 and 1 dollar

Ah San has been cheated and deceived, and he may not be able to fit it in leather trains when he writes a long story. In 2011, the United States sold 10 C17 transport planes to India with a total contract price of US$4.1 billion and a unit price of US$410 million.

The US military’s self-purchasing price was US$150 million. Compared with other countries’ purchases, the United Kingdom’s unit price was only US$220 million. The three parties in Algeria accepted three times the price. Thank you respectfully.

Last year, India failed to purchase F35 fighters. Instead, it spent US$9.6 billion to purchase 36 French Rafale fighters, with an average price of US$250 million. At that time, the F35 that the United States sold to RB was only US$200 million.

In the Soviet Union, the T72 tanks sold to India were the same model as the Ilaq. Needless to say, they were all simplified versions that couldn\'t be simplified. Isn\'t it the quality? Just look at the performance of the Gulf War.

The weapons exported by polar bears are not divided into simplified and self-use versions, but the quality is difficult to guarantee. This is also the folkway of others, understandable, anyway, whether you like to buy it or not!

In 2016, Asan’s audit report pointed out that 62% of MiG-29K fighters could no longer perform missions because of the frequent failure of the supporting engines.

It\'s just a joke, so the reason why Ah San spent money to buy a plane was completely because he couldn\'t repair it. The plane was bought and opened, and it was too bad to be repaired, so he bought a new one directly!

Although there is no simplified version of the weapons sold in Western countries, they are selling outdated scrap copper and iron, and set obstacles.

In 2005, the United States sold an amphibious dock transport ship worth US$400 million to Asan at a sale price of US$40 million.

At first, Asan was a treasure, but later it was discovered that none of the supporting helicopters could be used, and there was only one hangar inside, and the vertical landing capability was insufficient. Moreover, the United States clearly stipulated that Asan could not use the ship for combat!

Ah San seriously protested: Then what do we buy it for?

US Army: Have a curry party?

It is useless to complain anyway, because in the purchase contract, Asan really authorizes the United States to board the naval ship inspection clause at any time.

Who can blame?

I can only blame them for their bad foundations and their ills. This kind of people still want to participate in the beauty contest. Don\'t you laugh at who you laugh at?

The slow development of Ahsan’s own equipment is that his defense industry is weak and he cannot produce independently. Therefore, cooperation with other countries will always be subject to others. The most important thing is that he is not clean. The corruption in the arms purchase field makes them pitted. getting bigger.

As early as 60 years ago, Ah San established his own national defense industry system, with the ZF allocated 1 billion US dollars each year. This organization has not developed a decent weaponry in the past 60 years.

For example, the quality of the Insass rifle developed by itself is ridiculously poor. It is said that more soldiers died because of the gun’s misfire than those killed in armed conflicts.

There is also the SU30 aircraft produced by Asan, which is produced by Asanstan Airlines. However, due to the low technical level of the workers and the insufficient quality inspection, the performance of the product is reduced.

The company has also overhauled the Mirage, MiG, and British Jaguar series fighters. It is considered a world-class manufacturer by its name.

However, their repair is to scrap the bad ones. At least 50 aircraft have been planted in the company\'s hands over the years!

Asan also tried his best for development, such as cooperating with foreign companies for research and development, but it was also difficult. First of all, these advanced core technologies would not be provided by foreigners. Most of the projects were developed by foreign companies. Asan ZF invested in research and development. The process is dominated by foreign countries, but Ah San has to bear the funds and all risks.

The core components are still produced in foreign factories, and profits flow into the pockets of foreign shareholders. The most typical case is the T50 fighter jet.

All the parts of the aircraft are produced in the territory of Polar Bear. Asan doesn\'t even know where the factory gate is open, but the money is actually spent.

Someone asked why Ah San had been deceived so many times, why he didn\'t change after repeated teaching?

Answer: Because there are people who don\'t want to be good!

Corruption has led to chaos in the arms market and prevented A-San’s national defense from purchasing high-quality equipment. This is a problem that A-San is difficult to reverse.

When purchasing the SU30MKI fighter aircraft, the Air Force Gaoguan responsible for the procurement once accepted the polar bear\'s 1.5 million U.S. dollars in cash and hundreds of thousands of diamond bribes. The wool came out of the sheep. The high bribes increased the price of military equipment.

There is also a helicopter procurement project. An American company lost to an Italian arms group when the equipment was well equipped and the price was 80% lower than the bid price.

Later, the popularity of the United States deteriorated rapidly, and someone was found to expose the whole story. It turned out that the chairman of the Italian company paid bribes to Indian officials to obtain contracts.

Of course, Americans do this kind of thing the most. It is typical that I can\'t eat meat, and you don\'t even want to drink soup.

In short, let alone the weapons orders, as long as the money is in place, Guofang Intelligence Asan will sell them properly.

In Asan, young people want to be Guan not for the country and the people, but to serve their own pockets.

Strictly speaking, Jeff\'s condition is still very attractive, of course, provided that there is no comparison with Princess Moza.

Regardless of other factors, Yang Cheng didn\'t need to bother, because it was not equal.

But the problem is that when people give you alms, you can take it if you want it, and if you don’t, it’s just as simple and rude.

Yang Cheng is entangled, is it to save face or actually benefit?

Directly detain the person for the sake of face, and then squat with C~I~A, otherwise I will let the person be honestly and pretend to be grandson with some practical benefits.

The two Yang Oranges were reluctant to choose. In the end, Jeff took the initiative to ease a step, "Or you can discuss it with others and notify me when you have the results? As for others, you can stay with you first."

Damn, is this guy talking about the whole thing as a business?

But that\'s good, this decision is really difficult to make!

Jeff left dashingly, and he really ignored his men. He didn\'t even ask for a meeting. UU Reading just patted his **** and left.

Hansen came over at this time, "Boss, Jeff has been more mysterious since joining Langley. After several trainings, he went directly to Europe to take up his post. At first, he was responsible for the intelligence work of the anti-terrorism department in Albania, and later transferred to Poland. Hei, was promoted to management in France, and finally transferred to the United Kingdom. It can be said that most of his life was dedicated to Europe.

In addition, during Jeff’s tenure, he did not achieve any decent results, but he did not make any mistakes. He is a qualified managerial talent~"

After listening to Hansen’s report, Yang Cheng asked, “Do you know his style of doing things? Today this person doesn’t feel like a special agent, but a businessman, and an entrepreneur with a large structure~ "

"Because of the lack of time in this regard, there is no time to investigate, I will go now~"

Yang Cheng stopped Hansen, "Forget it, it doesn\'t matter if you know it or not, this time I\'m planted, I\'m sure I didn\'t dare to lift the table, I used C~I~A to attack me, I have no counterattack. Ah~"

He sighed deeply, full of helpless emotions.

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