Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2026: Mass grave 3

To be honest, Jeff\'s remarks caused Yang Cheng to sweat a second time in a very short time.

He felt that there were no secrets around him.

Hansen and the others are not specialized in intelligence. They can provide the highest level of guards in response to armed attacks. They can face C~I~A opponents at the ancestor level of climbing walls, and they are really incapable of using them.

Yang Cheng was very entangled while biting his cigarette butt. The answer that he didn\'t say just now was, or it was a warning from the department directly under him, to warn herself to hand over the notebook as soon as possible, so that you can be an obedient and understanding pug. Useless work, trying to do some grassroots counterattack, that is not what you should do.

Okay, Yang Cheng has 100% understood the other party\'s intentions. This is a **** case triggered by a small book.

Recosta was just a scapegoat who happened to hit the gun.

However, Yang Cheng is worried that it is not a problem to let Moza\'s 3 billion big order, but he is afraid that this is not the end but the beginning, and no one understands the greed of humanity better than him.

Once this retreat occurs and the other party mistakenly believes that Yang Cheng is a soft persimmon, which can be handled at will, or that he is willing to be a dog in the future, then this kind of thing is definitely one, two and three.

Don’t talk about being an improper dog in the future. Yang Cheng now feels like a dog. The smelly rascal is beginning to shame. She used to wear a suit to look like a gentle scum, but now she doesn’t wear any clothes anymore. , Who can stand this?

Jeff said again, "Mr. Yang, in fact, I understand your current mood quite well. To be honest, from a personal point of view, I can\'t see the shameless manner above, but I can\'t help it. Like the brothers drinking coffee below, we are essentially innocent people.

Everyone is just a piece on the chessboard, the only difference is that the players are different. "

This metaphor made Yang Cheng roll his eyes. It is really Nima\'s image. Jeff is definitely number one if he can describe the stinky shamelessly so fresh and refined~

"Can you tell me who gave you the order?" Yang Cheng asked in a gloomy manner.

Of course it is impossible for Jeff to tell Yang Cheng, joking, is there a way to betray the superior?

Don\'t look at him now as the chief official of the border, but in front of his superiors, he is still the weak chicken with no resistance.

Therefore, unless it is a matter of life and death, he must not do the betrayal of his superiors.

Yang Cheng was not disappointed either. He did not expect the other party to compromise with a word of his own, otherwise he would think the whole thing was a joke.

Yang Cheng stared at Jeff’s eyes for a few seconds with a cigarette in his mouth, and then said, “You said it was a condition before you came here, but now you have not offered the condition, but you have given me a predicament. This is not the case. It\'s easy."

Jeff raised his hands above his head, "Two different things, I just passed on for my superiors, the next is the condition.

My person was invited by you to be a guest. It is because we are not doing things well and deserve to be punished, but the thing I just said will directly determine the future relationship between us.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, Mr. Yang had planned early.

As for the conditions for taking the brothers away, how about this? My friends in Asan told me that they are planning to purchase a batch of Apaches recently. Second-hand ones will do, mainly to compensate for training losses.

Of course, you send someone to discuss the price of the order, and you are in your hands as to how much you can make.

how about it? Is this condition pretty good? Although it is not as profitable as Princess Moza\'s order, it is the limit I can give. "

Yang Cheng raised her brows, Ah San bought Apache?

Replenish the loss? Ha~ His depression was gone. Asan is a country even more exotic than Korea, which is well known.

This magical country, from the Polar Bear’s MiG fighter jets to the American Apache, French Rafale fighter jets and various British weapons, can be said to be a concentration camp of the IWC brand.

Not only the calibers of various weapon systems cannot be unified, but the coordination of weapon systems has become a big problem. This messy arms market phenomenon is the characteristic of Asan. Anyway, Asan doesn\'t mind doing things that are difficult for normal people to understand.

Back then, when Nehru was still squatting in prison, he was confidently writing a sentence: Ah Sanyi cannot be a second-class role in his current position, or be a big country, or simply disappear.

After Ahsan became independent, Nehru began his dream of a great power. However, his industrial foundation was weak and he could not do anything. He had to resort to international defense cooperation, which happened to cater to the strategic goals of major powers such as the United States and Russia. Form the so-called Asan special armament.

After World War II, the United Kingdom withdrew from South Asia, and Ahsan became the target of the United States and the Soviet Union.

However, Asantotie insisted on the policy of non-alignment, which made the Americans unhappy. In addition, in order to prevent the Soviets from going south to the Indian Ocean, the Americans formed an alliance with Pakistan, which allowed Asan to take refuge in the Soviet Union at that special time.

Since 1960, the Soviet Union gradually provided military aid to Asan. During the India-Pakistan War in 1971, the USS Enterprise entered the Bay of Bengal, which made Asan even more dissatisfied and favored the Soviet Union.

However, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, although the international situation has changed, the legacy of various Soviet-style equipment has made the Indians inseparable from the polar bear. They signed an agreement with the polar bear, not only for military trade but also for various research and development.

As for the United States, in order to implement its Southeast Asian strategy, and after some big-mouthed people came to power, it launched the Indo-Pacific strategy, which raised Ah San\'s strategic position to an unprecedented level.

Originally, this could only deceive the children. The purpose was to sell arms. The ghost believed that Yankee would add a strategic opponent to the Indian Ocean. You must know that in the last 5 years increased the number of arms purchases from the United States. Nearly 600%, second only to polar bears.

Looking at the whole world, the only thing that can wander between the United States and the polar bears is probably the only wonderful thing called Asan.

Of course, it’s not because Asan’s curry is so meaty that it is loved by the top two. It is purely because Asan’s superior geographic and strategic environment can accomplish this feat. Arms dealers like Asan’s most ambitious, and There is a victimized delusion, the key is that there are wealthy local customers.

In the international military trade circle, there is an unwritten agreement: As long as the arms purchased by Ah San, the price will quickly double. It is not an ordinary doubling, and sometimes it is four or five times. It is to catch Ah San. Urgent purchase psychology.

For example, the most famous aircraft carrier. In 1998, the Polar Bear donated the Gorshkov aircraft carrier to Asan free of charge, but it had to pay for other expenses, such as spare parts, maintenance, and transportation. The initial contract price was 1.5 billion US dollars. After that, prices were continuously increased and the content was revised, and it took 14 years to be delivered and the total price became US$2.3 billion.

Happy* go directly to the wasteland to ride a brown bear to relieve the joy of heart!

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