Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 193: B round financing completed

When night comes, New York shows the prosperity of the big city everywhere, the lights flicker, and the lights are shining. Both the night sky and the buildings seem to have been swallowed up by this colorful city that never sleeps.

Under the night, the modern buildings of the Big Apple City are covered with a piece of gold, and the night life belonging to this city begins to come. For tourists, this is the most beautiful moment to experience New York, the lights, architecture, sunset, and the city air The unique charm that is permeated in it is combined together, which is an extremely beautiful scene, which makes people intoxicated.

The banquet halls of major hotels condense the essence of this city that never sleeps. Countless dignitaries wear gorgeous costumes and go to various dances and parties. The night of drunken gold fans symbolizes the beauty of life. It seems that only this can prove that they are the big apple The true guardian of the city used money and power to build a huge wall for the city.

Yang Cheng is also one of them. No, the financing reception is in full swing in the small banquet hall of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. . .

"Did you talk to William IV about the transfer of equity?" Yang Cheng said with a slap in the face of the tall figure, gleefully looking at the frustrated David Ellison.

David Ellison was holding his forehead and spitting swearing helplessly, "shit, he is just shit, except for the name Hearst, there is no valuable place on his body. I have never seen such an idiot. Alone, never, I swear to **** Christ!"

Yang Cheng beckoned to the waiter who was holding the wine tray, changed a glass of champagne, pointed to William who was talking and said mysteriously, "Do you think he is the offspring of close relatives married?"

"Haha, yes, jason, this possibility is as high as 95%, fuck, should create a vocabulary for him that is more idiot than idiot." David Ellison is still indignant.

"Okay, seriously, what did you talk to him?" Yang Cheng pulled Ellison away from the line of sight that William might see, and began to inquire about intelligence.

"What else can I say, of course, I told him about his family, and asked him to ask me to buy it. As a result, this **** actually said that our family is a nouveau riche and is not worthy of dealing with the noble Hurst family, if not for fear of ruining you At the place where I have raised my fist and beat people, let this bitch\'s insight to see the madness of the Ellison family!"

Listening to David Ellison\'s exaggerated description, Yang Cheng secretly spit out in her heart, "It\'s more crazy, the last name of Ellison is really no better than the last name of Hearst."

But he agreed with his lips, "That is, Ellison is the number one crazy family in the universe, so~ You guys broke up in the end? Didn\'t even make an inquiry?"

David Ellison spread his hands out frustrated, "That\'s it, **** William Hirst, I will make him look good sooner or later when I return to Los Angeles."

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes and said in her heart, "Trash snack!"

It seems that it is unrealistic to expect David Ellison to deal with William, and he has to do it himself.

"Okay, let\'s talk about it again. By the way, do you have any comments on the valuation of Series B?" Yang Cheng asked while drinking champagne.

"Valuation? Ohgod, your $20 billion is too high. It has exceeded my expectations. I think it is impossible for everyone in the audience to accept it, not just me, including Uncle Yang." David Ellison recovered. Normal attitude, possessed by business elites.

Yang Cheng was helpless when he used his father as an example. This is why he was so surprised when he discovered that his father and mother had also come to the scene before the opening. If Yang Sen didn\'t support this valuation, who could accept it? And Yang Cheng also knew that Ellison was right. Dad was here on behalf of Yuanshan\'s board of directors, so naturally he had to make the best choice for Yuanshan. Business is business, don\'t involve father and son.

"Then give me a bottom line, what is the highest capping line given by you or Uncle Larry?" Yang Cheng gave up arguing with David Ellison about whether New Times Media was worth 20 billion, and asked instead.

"Comeonjason, this is a trade secret, how can it be easily leaked?" David Ellison winked strangely.

"Fuckoff, bastard, quickly say, otherwise I won\'t take you to play!" Yang Orange threatened silently.

"Okay, okay, don\'t worry? Just make a joke to invigorate the atmosphere." David Ellison\'s azure blue eyes revealed deep contempt from the Aegean Sea, despising Yang Cheng without a sense of humor.

But when Yang Cheng turned to leave, he immediately slapped Yang Cheng on the shoulder with a smile, "OK, I said it’s not enough, Larry meant $16.5 billion, but I just talked to a few Wall Street investors, everyone still I am very optimistic about the prospects of Toutiao. It is generally believed that the true value of media in the new era should be around US$15 billion.

Of course, considering the premium and our relationship, as well as the project you are about to acquire DreamWorks, I am the master and adjusted the online to US$17.2-17.5 billion. This is the limit. In this way, the US$1 billion I prepared can probably be divided. Get about 5.5% of the shares. When I find a way to get the 5% of Hearst Group, this result is enough to make a difference to Larry. "

Yang Cheng stared at David Ellison in surprise and saw him showing a sullen expression. He couldn\'t help but reminded, "David, William IV is an idiot, but his surname is Hearst. It will not do you any good to kill him. ."

Who would have thought that David Ellison stared, "Who is going to kill him? I feel dirty, don\'t worry, I just teach him a lesson, help him recognize the world, and hand over the shares by the way."

"OK, it\'s up to you. I will announce the final financing plan in a while, and then sign the contract of intent. You can just talk to someone? I won\'t entertain you." Yang Cheng patted Ellison on the shoulder and said.

"No problem, you go and do your job, leave me alone."

Next, Yang Orange had a deep conversation with representatives of major investment banks. Some people reluctantly accepted the 20 billion price, but some people sneered at it. Yang Orange found that they supported institutions that did not participate in the first round of financing. On the contrary, those companies that participated in the A round of investment, they can accept the upper limit of the valuation of about 15 billion, the contradiction between investors and management is infinitely magnified at this moment, which makes Yang Orange very embarrassed.

Up to now, the guests can be considered as going on, but the main task of tonight has not been achieved. Everyone is thinking carefully. Even the wine has no time to taste. Everyone\'s eyes are unconsciously drifting away from Yang Cheng\'s figure.

After sending away a wave of investors who came to consult, Yang Cheng randomly placed the drink glass on a side table, avoiding the crowd by going to the bathroom, and found his mother and Xu Xian who had been hiding in the corner from beginning to end. .

"Mom, Xiaoxian, what are you talking about? Talking for so long?"

"Talking about our women, why do you have to report to your big boss?" Liu Yun responded almost reflexively, and the choking Yang Cheng couldn\'t say a word, Xu Xian was very unconscionable on the side. Covering her mouth and chuckling, looking at her pretty red face, it\'s good to want to come and talk.

"Then what, mom, don\'t you look at my dad? Be careful he drank too much, I think a lot of little girls are surrounding him!" Yang Cheng decisively shifted the flames of war, and Dad is the best man back.

"He dare! Humph~" Sure enough, my mother was stimulated by Yang Cheng and rushed out carrying her dress.

When only Yang Cheng left in the corner, Xu Xian leaned in Yang Cheng\'s arms, and said with aggrieved eyes, "I can\'t stand it anymore."

Yang Cheng put her arms around her waist amusedly, "After holding on for a while, it will be over soon, did my mother tell you about marriage?"

Xu Xian nodded slightly, "Auntie is very nice."

"It\'s good to get used to it. My mother has to talk to any girl, so don\'t worry about it." Yang Cheng reminded her with a pun.

Xu Xian\'s complexion was very plain, perhaps because of the cosmetic contact lenses. The big shiny eyes are even more dazzling under the reflection of the crystal chandelier.

"I know, don\'t worry."

Yang Cheng nodded with regret, and sighed, "Oh... In fact, you are a good marriage partner, but unfortunately you are not anymore, otherwise it would not be unacceptable to marry you home." He is still very traditional in his bones. , And a little perfectionism, the woman who may spend the rest of his life with him must belong to him completely, otherwise he will not be able to overcome the hurdle in his heart.

Xu Xian was stunned when he heard the words, and then bit his lip, the naturally drooping lotus root arm unconsciously tightened, and his small hand clenched a fist, as if he had something to say, but finally held back in his heart. Of course Yang Cheng did not notice this scene.

"Can you do it yourself? If you can\'t hold on, go to the lounge and rest for a while, and then come to see you when I\'m done." Yang Cheng said, rubbing his big hand on Xu Xian\'s smooth arm.

"I can do it myself. Go ahead and don\'t let people wait." Xu Xian nodded cleverly, and stood up straight again while supporting Yang Cheng\'s arm.

The moment Yang Cheng turned and left, a sad expression flashed across Xu Xian\'s delicate and pretty face.

After that, Yang Orange did not delay any more. He took the stage and announced that his valuation of New Times Media’s B round of financing was US$17.5 billion, and it is estimated to raise US$4 billion After the B round of financing, New Times Media Three new shareholders were introduced, namely Yuanshan Capital, Ali Bar, and David Ellison. The three invested US$1 billion to occupy 5.7% of the shares. Pershing Plaza and Hearst, who participated in the first round of financing In order to ensure that their holdings are not diluted, the Group and Morgan Stanley chose to participate in the same ratio. Among them, Bill Ackerman did not use the lead investment right because of dissatisfaction with the valuation. After signing the contract of intent, he looked uncomfortable. It\'s so pretty.

After the second round of financing, the equity structure of New Times Media has changed. The details are as follows: 4D Space 52.8%, Pershing Plaza 10%, Georgina 8%, Ali Barbar 5.7%, Yuanshan Capital 5.7%, David Ellison 5.7%, Hearst Group 5%, Morgan Stanley 3%, and other minority shareholders 4%, raised a total of US$4.35 billion. After dilution of shares, Yang Orange still has absolute control over New Times Media.

With this inflow of funds, the success rate of the acquisition of DreamWorks will be greatly improved. Yang Cheng is satisfied with this, and the remaining funds are enough to make headlines for a while. It is estimated that within half a year, Yang Cheng does not need to be funded anymore. Troubled.

Finally, the financing reception also came to a successful conclusion with the opening sound of Romani Conti in 72 years.
