Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 185: Ari is listed

(A visitor at home, I can only post the deposited manuscript, and I did not check for typos, sin!)

One afternoon’s body research gave Yang Cheng a full understanding of French women’s style. Natural, lazy, and **** are their common characteristics. God seems to have given them the charm of inspiring the wildness of men, giving them an achievement in conquering the wilderness and conquering the world. sense.

No wonder there is such a saying in the upper circles that, in addition to controlling power and wealth, a successful man will conquer a French woman in his life.

After Yang Cheng sent Sofia away, she had a deep understanding of this sentence.

. . .

On September 19, the light rain last night finally stopped. The sky was clear and the sun was shining. Yang Cheng arrived at the company early in the morning. This morning, Alibaba will be officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange, but he dropped 6 For the billion-dollar big order, whether the stock price of Ari Bar will open soaring as it did in the previous life, wait and see.

It is 8:45 am Eastern Time, less than an hour before the opening of the New York Stock Exchange. Normally, no transaction occurs when the market just opens. Whether it is a buy or sell order, all information will be summarized in Barclays Bank. Barclays, as the designated market maker, and Goldman Sachs, the manager of stable markets, observe the buying and selling forces, and then decide at what price and when to open.

That is to say, after the opening of the New York Stock Exchange at 9:30, there will be an inquiry process. This process has lengths and shorts. When the forces of buying and selling are balanced, the final price will be determined and the market will officially open.

So Yang Cheng didn\'t wait in the office either. Andrew was sent to pick up the plane by him at the airport. Calculating the time, Xu Xian\'s flight had already landed, so he should be on his way back to the company now.

Before this thought fell, the door of the office was pushed open, and Andrew walked in with Xu Xian, who was in a state of despair like a walking dead, and said, "Boss, people are here."

He waved his hand to let Andrew go out. After he took the door easily, Yang Cheng walked around the desk and came to Xu Xian, looking at her. Her hair was a little messy, her face was bloodless, her lips were dry, her eyes were red and swollen, her eyes were hollow and light blue. There is a faint coffee mark on the jeans, and the whole person is very morbid, completely out of touch with beauty, Yang Cheng frowns as she looks.

"You~" Yang Cheng just uttered a word, and was interrupted by Xu Xian\'s stubborn and resentful expression. While unbuttoning his shirt weakly, he said in a cracked voice, "I\'m here. Just do what you want. , I have to go back to work."

Yang Cheng was unmoved, just staring at her movements so coldly, the windbreaker fell on the ground, her chest opened wide, and a pair of white and attractive big darlings wrapped in black underwear, brightly displayed in front of Yang Cheng, Xu Xian waited for a long time and didn\'t wait to imagine the violent storm. He looked up at Yang Cheng in confusion.

"Look at it for yourself, you have this ghostly appearance now, and no one wants to give it to a beggar for nothing. Do you think I will be able to raise the interest?" Yang Cheng didn\'t have any pity for Xiangyu, and sneered, took out his phone and turned on the camera to face Xu Yin and poisonous tongue said.

Xu Xian looked at herself in the camera, which was in sharp contrast with the past glamour, like an apple that had lost its moisture and was about to rot. She wanted to cry without tears. She cried dry as early as on the plane that came, and her eyes were swollen It\'s like a walnut.

Yang Cheng raised his hand to straighten the hair on the temples for Xu Xian, then sighed and turned back and pressed the pager on the phone to call Susu in.

"Take her to my bedroom for a shower, and let people go to the brand store downstairs to buy some clothes and eat them."

Su Sumeng looked at Xu Xian, who was half-dressed, and agreed, "Yes!"

Seeing Xu Xian motionless and staring at herself in a daze, Yang Cheng had no choice but to slow down her tone and say softly, "Hey, do as I say, if there is anything waiting for you to recover, let’s talk about it. Also, your little The boyfriend has gone home and has no serious injuries. He can heal within one month after raising him."

Xu Xian lowered his head and said softly, "I see, thank you."

Half an hour later, Xu Xian did not wear new clothes, but changed to Yang Cheng\'s loose home clothes. His wet hair was casually draped behind his shoulders. He stepped on high heels and walked back to the office face to the sky. Yang Cheng glanced at him with a smile. In this nondescript dress, he found a pair of disposable slippers for the hotel and came to Xu Xian. He squatted down and put on her high heels casually against the wall, holding Xu Xian’s tender little hand to the sofa area. There were a few snacks and milk on the coffee table.

"Eat something, fill up my stomach, and go to my bedroom to have a good night\'s sleep. I can\'t accompany you with a lot of work today." Yang Cheng stuffed the knife and fork into Xu Xian\'s hands, and said he would ignore it. He didn\'t mean to Finding an excuse to avoid Xu Xian, today is really busy, and he doesn\'t need to escape, let alone whether he is wrong, even if he really misunderstood, Xu Xian can only bear it, deserves the bad luck of that kid.

After Xu Xian was arranged, Yang Cheng returned to his desk and started to work. He looked at the computer screen from time to time. After a while, Ryze brought two of his men in. First, he looked at Xu Xian’s direction for a moment and saw Yang. Orange didn\'t mean to explain, and he didn\'t care. He instructed two men to connect the computers to the display on the wall, and the situation of the market was clear.

Xu Xian had a few mouthfuls of croissants and had no appetite. He looked at Yang Cheng curiously with a cup of hot milk, and thought, "So this is how he looks when he works."

I don’t know why, when I came here, I was still in a state of anger. I was so sad that I was bitten by a dog and thought of committing suicide when I went back. But Yang Cheng seems to be totally disregarded, and seems Under the domineering, cold, but caring behavior, her heart suddenly calmed down. She was wearing that bad man’s clothes, and she was slightly exuding the fresh smell of laundry detergent, which relieved her nervous nerves, and unconsciously bent her knees and leaned against the sofa. Above, Yang Cheng\'s figure in the light blue shirt dangled, her eyelids getting deeper and deeper.

Yang Cheng Dekong glanced at Xu Xian\'s direction and found that the girl had fallen asleep leaning on the sofa. She couldn\'t help but picked up the suit jacket on the hanger, walked over gently, and put the milk cup in her hand on the coffee table. , She laid down Xu Xian with the most gentle movements, and let her lie comfortably on the large sofa with her suit covering her body, her big hands stroking her rosy and tender face, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, apparently sleeping very well. Not down to earth.

Back to the office area, motioned to Ritz and the others to lower their voices, and asked sternly, "What\'s the situation now?"

A white employee cleared his throat and pointed to the big-screen report, "Boss, the opening price quoted by the designated market maker has appeared on the New York Stock Exchange, ranging from 80-83 US dollars. The difference of 3 US dollars indicates that the buying and The selling power is not yet equal. When this price range gradually narrows, the opening price will soon come out."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Today we only buy and not sell. I am optimistic about the initial trend of Ari, right? As for the scattered stocks that appear on the market this week, how many we can grab and grab, understand?"

"Yes, boss." Three employees, including Ryze, replied in unison.

Generally speaking, the stock lock-up period is for shareholders who hold the original shares. The stocks subscribed by Xiang Yang Orange through IPO are tradable shares and are not within the scope of the restriction.

A few minutes later, the previous employee reported again, "Boss, the price range is adjusted to 82-85 US dollars. It seems that the buyer\'s demand is very strong, and the price may rise again."

After more than 20 minutes, "Boss, the price range climbed to a peak again, rising to 86-88 US dollars, and the range was reduced to two US dollars."

The inquiry time has been over an hour, but the opening price has not yet been determined, the price has soared to 90 US dollars, Yang Cheng repeatedly babbled, this is breaking the record.

In the end, from the live TV, with the shout of "freezedbook", the first transaction listed on the New York Stock Exchange of Alibaba was born. The opening price was determined to be 92.7 US dollars, which was 36.32% higher than the issue price of 68 US dollars. The market value is 238.3 billion U.S. dollars, the highest price during the inquiry period is 150 U.S. dollars, and the lowest price is 90.04 U.S. dollars. The inquiry time lasting 144 minutes has also become the NYSE\'s longest opening time in the past 10 years. The stock price of NASDAQ has soared all the way, at one time it was close to 100 US dollars in the intraday, and then gradually declined.

In the afternoon, when Yang Cheng was still happy about making nearly 300 million U.S. dollars in paper wealth in one day, Eddie suddenly came up to report that a mobile phone brand in country Z came to the door to seek cooperation. Simply put, he wanted New Times Media helped them advertise.

Yang Cheng frowned and asked, "Which company?"

If it is for other products, he will not hesitate for the sake of fellow villagers. Anyway, it is all about making money. Whose advertisement is not used? However, mobile phones are products that involve a wide range of areas, and they have to be cautious, because the core secret of a country lies in the basis of communication.

Eddie froze for a moment, as if looking for the correct pronunciation, "Warwick?"

Yang Cheng slapped his and it was the most troublesome one among the mobile phone manufacturers. No wonder Eddie ran up to report in the first time. He also understood the stakes here. Normal advertising business does not need Yang Cheng. The big boss makes the choice.

Warwick tried countless times to enter the U.S. market over the years, but they all ended in failure. In 2008, Warwick and Bain Capital failed to acquire; in 2010, Warwick failed to bid for Motorola’s wireless network equipment business; in 2010, Warwick participated in Sprint’s bid to enter the United States. Obstructed due to security issues; In 2011, Warwick acquired 3leaf due to “security issues”; in August 2012, the U.S. International Trade Commission launched a "337 investigation" against multinational wireless electronic equipment manufacturers, and included Warwick and other Z country companies’ products Survey object.

It is not difficult to see from these failed cases that the Yankees are extremely repulsive to Warwick. There are many reasons, but in Yang Cheng\'s view, the most important ones are nothing more than three:

First of all, Warwick’s core business is to make basic communication facilities, which may involve national information security in the eyes of sensitive Yankees.

Secondly, the leader of Warwick Ren always has a military background, which stimulates the very sensitive nerves of Yankees.

Finally, Warwick once had a struggle with the American communications giant Cisco more than 10 years ago and was denied entry into the US market. Of course, there is a certain ZZ level relationship. You must know that the economic giants have a lot of say in the United States. The United States and Cisco have interests. Is consistent.

However, this does not stop Warwick\'s determination to enter the United States. After all, if it wants to catch up with Apple and Samsung, if there is no blessing from the US market, this goal will always exist in a phantom dream.

This time I went to New Times Media, and for Yang Cheng and the Yang family, they did not know whether it was a blessing or a curse.