Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 184: Drive a car

In the afternoon, a patter of light rain hit the glass, and the sound of ticking sounds like a lullaby makes people drowsy, Yang Cheng half-lying on the sofa, holding a glass of his own freely tuned cocktail, thinking with the sound of rain The pros and cons of acquiring DreamWorks.

In fact, to some extent, Disney has changed the rules of Hollywood mergers and acquisitions. In the past, Hollywood mergers and acquisitions were mostly for the layout of the industrial chain. Media companies have covered their industrial chains to TV networks and studios through mergers and acquisitions. , Distribution, cinema and other entertainment industries.

Now, Disney has made Hollywood and even the global entertainment industry aware of the importance of IP. This acronym for "intellectual property" in English means a well-known image, story, and brand.

This is also the most valuable aspect of DreamWorks Animation.

In 1994, Jeffrey Katzenberg, who saw that he had no hope of becoming the next head of Disney, founded DreamWorks with Spielberg and David Geffen. Ten years later, the DreamWorks animation he led was officially split. Independent and successfully listed on NASDAQ.

In the more than 20 years so far, DreamWorks Animation has produced many high-quality animations: "Shrek", "Madagascar", "How to Train Your Dragon", "Kung Fu Panda" and so on.

If you walk around in Universal Studios or Disneyland, you can realize the commercial potential of these images. They can be transformed into amusement facilities or toys. If they are run well, DreamWorks animation can become The next Disney, even beyond Disney-this is probably what Jeffrey Katzenberg thought when he left Disney and established DreamWorks Animation

But Katzenberg has not arranged these layouts. After all, to be able to fully develop the commercial value of these animated images requires a huge organization to understand the toy industry, the game industry, the operation of the park, etc. This is not DreamWorks Animation This is what a company that was founded more than 20 years ago can do.

Similarly, Disney’s greatness is not achieved overnight, especially with the rapid development in recent years. Disney’s series of acquisitions: $7.4 billion for Pixar, $4 billion for Marvel, and $4 billion for Lucas Pictures. The billions of dollars allowed Disney to have a beautiful turnaround in the past 10 years.

This is what Yang Cheng expects. Lionsgate has a treasure trove of horror movies. This means that once you build your own IP studio or paradise in the future, you can move the scenes of horror movies to the game intact. In the paradise, a unique horror paradise culture is established to attract players who pursue excitement to come and explore;

And those cute things under DreamWorks: pandas, dinosaurs, etc., can completely make children linger. Women and children make the best money these days.

If Hasbro can be acquired again to form an entire IP industry chain, then it will be possible to punch Disney and step on Universal, how wonderful this scene would be.

Hey, I can\'t think about it anymore, the saliva is flowing out, I still want to be realistic, Hasbro\'s market value of more than 10 billion US dollars is enough for Yang Cheng to grab his hair.

"Boss~" Susu\'s delicate voice sounded from behind, interrupting Yang Cheng\'s thoughts.

"What\'s the matter?" Yang Cheng turned back when she heard the sound. Today Susu wore a plain white dress with sling, revealing her delicate and **** collarbone. A pair of big car lights seemed to be equipped with a suspension shock absorber system, up and down with the jogging bumps .

"The people from Dassault Company are here, and I will confirm with you the final decoration effect of the aircraft." Susu exhaled cutely, patted his chest and said.

Yang Cheng lay down again, wondering why it was important, "Bring someone over."

After a while, Susu walked in with the people from Dassault, "Hey, Sophia, are you here?"

It turned out to be Sophia, a French ocean horse, dressed in a capable white shirt and black half-length skirt. His upright and proud figure makes people shine.

Sophia flirted with her blonde hair, and after thanking Susu, she charmingly gave a hug and face-up gift, "Mr. Yang, how have you been?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand to let Susu, who was pouting and looking bad, climbed up her hips unceremoniously, and squeezed it lightly, "You still need to experience how well I am doing."

Sophia came today and made preparations for dedication. Last time she escaped because of Yang Cheng\'s temporary accident. Today, she can\'t escape. Before coming, the vice president of Dassault Company warned her to meet all customer needs. Although Yang Cheng has already paid for it, such a high-quality young customer has to win in anyway. For this reason, it is not hesitate to pay for a beautiful beauty who has never been tainted by the company\'s senior management.

Rao is that Sophia is mentally prepared, and her body is still instinctively stiff, but the romantic nature of a French woman makes her quickly adapt to Yang Cheng’s "harassment" and have some relationship with a handsome young rich man. Can get a large commission, no matter how the deal is considered appropriate.

Sophia leaned her hot body against Yang Cheng, her pretty face was close to Yang Cheng, and she lifted her head slightly, feeling each other\'s hot sniffs, blinked and smiled, "Don\'t worry, work first."

"The work is not in a hurry, let me check and feel your sincerity before talking about work." Yang Cheng refused decisively, and said ambiguously, without giving the other party time to think and react, and directly bit the flaming red lips.

Yes, that\'s the end of the matter, let\'s enjoy it first, Sophia naturally raised her arms around Yang Cheng\'s neck to cater to Yang Cheng\'s movements.

Yang Cheng\'s big hands familiarly opened the shirt, feeling the slippery touch, the flesh was beating, the light rain outside the window was still falling, and the sound of the drizzle played a wonderful accompaniment to this soul mingling.

When two masters who are proficient in this way collide with each other, the effect is earth-shattering, especially in taboo occasions such as the office, romantic rainy days, without too much complicated foreplay, the two people\'s affection is growing, and both want Vent out as soon as possible.

. . . . . .

About an hour later, with the sound of dragons and phoenixes, the earth-shaking battle finally ended. Yun Xiaoyuxie\'s two disheveled and trembling rouges tangled together ~ feeling the afterthought.

Sophia gasped hard and turned his head away, looking at the man behind him who brought her infinite joy, and said with a hoarse voice, "It is said that Asians are not good, it seems that only seeing is believing."

Yang Cheng seemed to be very satisfied with what she had done just now, rubbing the woman\'s round shoulders with her palms, jokingly, "French women really have a taste like the legend."

Of course Sophia understood what Yang Cheng meant. With a beautiful glance, she licked her red lips and pressed her **** against Yang Cheng and said, "French women are not all licentious, at least you are my second man. "

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Before I came here, he might have guessed what would happen to me, and tried his best to dissuade me from giving up this job, but he was unable to support me, and I don\'t need a man to support me." Having said that, Sophia\'s eyes still There was a trace of sorrow, and a woman could never forget the first man who entered her body. Women all over the world are the same.

"Then are you willing to follow me? I mean, after the plane is delivered, a flight attendant is needed." Yang Cheng smashed his mouth, recalling the passion just now and suddenly suggested.

"Are you serious?" Sophia asked in surprise, which was of course the best choice for her.

"Of course~" Yang Cheng replied affirmatively.

Sophia was silent for a moment, and raised her eyes seriously, "May I think about it? After all, my family is in France."

Yang Cheng will naturally not object. The women in the Gu family are not bad, "You have enough time to think about it. Now, I need to check your work ability and wait for me to get this job."

Sophia understood the taste very well, and immediately understood Yang Cheng\'s meaning, pretending to be aggrieved, said "yes", turned around and half-kneeled on the sofa. . .