Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 182: Explanation? Do not believe!

On September 18, the early morning air after the rain was exceptionally fresh. Today’s sunshine was slightly insufficient, the humidity was very high, and the sky looked a little gloomy. Yang Cheng stood downstairs in the apartment doing stretching exercises, and was exposed to dew soon. Wet the clothes.

Hansen and Andrew were sent to pick up the car by him. Last night they found the car dealer that Andrew said through their relationship. After confirming that the car had not been sold, he decisively took it down. They just woke up this morning and arranged for Han Sen went to the car dealer to handle the delivery procedures for him. The messy cost plus more than 3.3 million US dollars. It is said that the original owner who customized this car had a very luxurious life and installed all the extraordinary things he could think of on the car. As for what luxury is it To the extent, Yang Cheng has not yet seen the real car is not good for comment.

After taking a few deep breaths in a row, I was about to take out my mobile phone and ask Hansen where they were. Unexpectedly, the mobile phone rang first, it was Amanda\'s call.

"Hey, good morning."

"Morning, did you play William last night?"

Yang Cheng listened to Amanda\'s questioning, and she couldn\'t help but wrinkle her brows, "What do you mean by calling me specifically if you don\'t have a beauty sleep this morning? Xingshi asks sin?"

"I\'m reminding you to be careful of William. You don\'t understand him. You are good at playing conspiracies, but you are not rewarded with kindness. Huh~ I\'m sleeping, bye."

Listening to the busy tone coming from his ears, Yang Cheng put away the phone in a jealous manner, and blamed Xu Xian for making him nervous.

After waiting for another few minutes, a dark Maybach with a powerful front appeared in Yang Cheng’s field of vision. As the car approached, Yang Cheng realized that the car was not completely black. The light gray shoulder line The headlights extend to the rear of the car to form a two-tone body with Maybach characteristics.

After waiting for the rear car door to stop accurately in front of him, Hansen pushed open the co-pilot\'s door, got out of the car and reported to Yang Cheng, "Boss, the car is back. The serial number of this car is 66."

Yang Cheng patted Hansen on the shoulder, said goodjob, and then turned around the body. From the appearance, except for the Maybach logo inlaid in the lampshade, the standing logo and the Zeppelin lettering on the tail , It is difficult to distinguish the difference from the regular version of Maybach.

Hansen opened the rear door for Yang Cheng and sat in the compartment. The luxurious atmosphere on the face made Yang Cheng feel the charm of 3 million US dollars. For example, the seats that can be placed flat in the first class of an airplane are as much as half a meter. Leg space, soft and comfortable leather wraps the body. After millions of experiments by ergonomic experts, it can provide the most perfect support for every passenger.

What makes Yang Cheng most satisfied is that this car also has a glass partition that can change color and lift, which separates the front row from the rear row independently. Afterwards, Yang Cheng will have a private space in the back row, which is convenient for him to do something invisible. Things.

Silver wine utensils and cups, advanced fragrance spray devices, LCD screens, audio-visual systems, and crystal handles specially customized by the original owner, such as door handles, window buttons, etc., are all crystal products, all highlighting the car’s A luxurious atmosphere.

When the car started to move, the quiet rear space like a bedroom made Yang Cheng sigh again and again that money is not a waste of money. It is a pity that this car is good everywhere. The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is that the appearance is too old. In line with his temperament as a vigorous young man.

Of course, people are not perfect, and cars are the same.

After coming to the company, Yang Cheng began to browse the daily work briefing. The installed capacity of Toutiao app is steadily moving towards the small goal of 50 million. The daily active users have already exceeded one million. The high-volume server architecture is spending money like water. A round of financing is imperative and needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible;

The Expendables 3 has been fully drawn, and the final global box office has just exceeded 150 million US dollars. The resignation of Marklaces is a foregone conclusion, and it is urgent to find a suitable successor for Lionsgate;

The newspapers of the Forum Company have gone downhill again after some time ago, and sales are deteriorating. Although it is still far from bankruptcy, the Forum Company cannot withstand the toss of danger in times of peace;

Time Magazine’s acquisition negotiations came to an end, and it was almost time to sign the contract. The final purchase price was US$2 billion. There is still room for downward pressure on this price. However, Toutiao app urgently needs content resources to supplement. What you want to eat, you can earn it back sooner or later;

The project of establishing a joint venture theater with Ari Films in Country Z has entered a substantial stage. A team sent by New Times Media and Ari’s staff will form a joint team to conduct large-scale investigations and research in Country Z. Home is not short of money, those cinema brands with screens in high-quality prime locations are the primary goal of the joint team investigation;

Ritz Khan submitted an application plan for the establishment of a private equity fund. Yang Cheng thought about it for half an hour, and finally chose to shelve the plan. Now is not a good time to set up a fund. One is the lack of good investment projects, and the other is his The layout of the company has not yet been completed, and at least it has to wait until New Times Media goes public before raising funds.

The above briefing is only one-third of the total amount of work today. It took Yang Cheng all morning to read it and give relevant instructions. Susu then distributed the written instructions to relevant departments. When he was in the company, he was not used to working with e-mails. He still values ​​the sense of ritual on paper. From this detail, you can also see the traditional plot in his bones.

He has been busy until 12 When he asked Susu to prepare lunch for him, a phone call once again ruined his half-day happy mood because of his fulfilling work.

"You took the person away, didn\'t you?" Xu Xian\'s thoughtless words after answering the call made Yang Cheng\'s expression gloomy.

"You tm still have the face to question me?" Yang Cheng did not show mercy, and cursed back.

"You promised that I won\'t touch him, you promised!" Xu Xian yelled at the phone with a deep cry.

Yang Cheng exudes air-conditioning, and the surrounding temperature seems to have dropped to freezing point. There is a dead silence, and he coldly snorted, "You promised me not to meet him again? Why? I feel that the emperor is far away, and I can\'t control you. You can do whatever you want?"

"I haven\'t. Since I returned to Seoul, I have been hiding from him, but today he suddenly found the crew just to ask me for an explanation. I also made it clear to him that I will not meet again in the future. Please put him away. Is it? His parents have to call the police urgently." Xu Xian tried to restrain his emotions and explained to Yang Orange.

However, Yang Cheng was unmoved. He firmly believed that Xu Xian was playing tricks with him. He was not to blame for his narrow-mindedness. No man could remain calm when encountering this incident, although Yang Cheng could not talk about feelings for Xu Xian. , But who makes him possessive, especially his current status, and does not allow his own woman to do things that are sorry for him.

"This is just your side of the word, why do you want me to believe you? No wonder you tried to avoid having a relationship with me when you were in the UK. I\'m afraid you still want to disconnect with your little boyfriend, right?"

"You bastard!" The more anxious Xu Xian appeared, the more guilty it seemed to Yang Cheng.

"My bastard? Humph, then I\'ll let you see what the **** will do!" Yang Orange smiled and hung up the phone without a smile.