Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 181: Is it green?

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"You fool me?"

An angry William rushed to Yang Cheng. The height of close to 190 was quite deterrent. Unfortunately, Yang Cheng didn’t take this set at all. He didn’t take a step back. He raised his head slightly and said with a smile, “What have you done? Very, compared to the loss of my reputation, your more than 10 million yuan should be a lesson. Before you bully others next time, it is best to investigate clearly. I am not a soft persimmon for you to knead. You picked the wrong one."

Of course, William remembers what he did. This time he came to New York to **** the Hearst Group\'s handsome seal from Amanda. But today, the Hearst Group is no longer the only one of the Hearst family. Representatives of Fang’s interests, for shareholders who only value their interests, naturally they will not let the Hearst family play tricks. Changing command at will is a tactical taboo. What\'s more, one is Amanda, who has already proven his ability. William, who doesn\'t know the depth of his appearance, even fools know who to choose.

William, who came with lofty ambitions, was deflated in the group, but was not discouraged. Instead, he tried to prove his ability to the board of directors. In order to find out Amanda’s weakness, William accidentally found out when he checked the company’s recent capital flow. A sum of US$500 million was spent, and the recipient was New Times Media.

A media company that had never heard of, why was he valued by the Hearst Group, William, who thought he was holding Amanda\'s handle, embarked on an in-depth investigation, and the wonderful prospects of media in the new era inspired William, an arrogant man If you can win New Era Media as a vote of fame, the board of directors will definitely look at him differently. By then, with his status as the first heir of the Hurst family, will it be possible to regain control of the group?

William, who fell into a sweet dream, really didn\'t put Yang Cheng, a young Chinese man, in his eyes. In William\'s view, Yang Cheng was just a guy who had lost his luck and was not worthy of his opponent.

According to William’s vision, first destroy the reputation that Yang Cheng has just established, and then he unites with the major shareholders of New Times Media to pressure Yang Cheng, forcing Yang Cheng to surrender management power, and gradually cannibalize Yang Cheng’s reputation. Holding shares, and ultimately achieve the goal of occupying the nest.

But the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny. His plan has just begun, and he was hit head-on by Yang Cheng and slapped his face mercilessly in front of many investors on Wall Street.

As Yang Cheng said, 10 million US dollars is a trivial matter, and fame is a major matter. Today’s one will spread throughout Manhattan before tonight. William IV, the first heir of his dignified Hearst family and inheriting the glory of his ancestors, will be one This alternative method is known to the entire upper class and becomes a joke.

"You\'re good, I remember you, let\'s go and see!" I don\'t know if it is a psychological effect. William felt that the eyes of others watching him were full of ridicule. After a ruthless word, he left the hotel with his entourage dingy.

Yang Cheng narrowed his mouth. After each villain was hit by a positive energy, he would have to say a few similar cruel words, otherwise, how could he highlight the evil of his villain?

Watching William leave, Yang Cheng did not gloat. He did not forget Paris’s reminder that a son from a wealthy family, no matter how mentally disabled, he still has the ability to make trouble for you, especially the Hearst family. It is not an ordinary wealthy family. If its deep foundation is determined to trouble you, it is really impossible to guard against, so Yang Cheng only temporarily relieved. The great leader said well, to contempt the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically. The two most important aspects of defeating the enemy.

Still the same sentence, throwing the two on the same field one-on-one, Yang Cheng is sure to beat William out, but if William is counseled and tie the family to a group fight, then Yang Cheng\'s chance of winning Greatly reduced, compared to the number of family members, both parties are not an order of magnitude.

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng had an absurd idea of ​​giving birth to a football team in the future.

The good show ended, which caused the subsequent auctions to be boring. In the end, Yang Cheng bought Bill Ackerman’s wine at a price that was twice the market price, which was regarded as a compensation for him to ruin the atmosphere of the auction. .

. . .

After 9 o\'clock in the evening, the banquet ended. Yang Cheng took off a tired body and sat in the back seat of the Audi s8, leaning his head on the car window, looking at the neon lights on the street, the whole person looked a little lonely.

To be honest, the night of Manhattan will get tired after a long time. The same light show is staged in this steel jungle every night. Yang Cheng always thinks that New York’s best night view, but after nightfall, strolling on the street, you can see a lot of life. Homeless people curled up on the street corners, drunk and noisy college students, couples cuddling with each other, office workers coming home from overtime work, and luxury RVs that drive by on the street from time to time, all this constitutes the epitome of New York.

In the Audi car, Andrew holds the steering wheel with one hand, and seems to have gradually become familiar with the more relaxed rhythm of the city, without the tightness of the first time on the battlefield, but Hansen still maintains a vigilant heart, a pair of eagle eyes patrolling around, occasionally Glancing at the rearview mirror, he saw that the guarded Escalade closely followed behind him, and then looked forward with confidence.

Since Yang Cheng\'s work has become complicated, it has become normal for the three masters and servants to commute to and from get off work in a quiet carriage.

"Yeah~" At this time, the stamina of the red wine was somewhat superior, Yang Cheng moved her waist awkwardly, and said uncomfortably, "This s8 is still suitable for driving, not suitable for riding, Hansen, go to the dealership to pick up a new car tomorrow. Rolls-Royce and Bentley are not new. Do you have any recommendations? Take into account the sportiness and comfort while sitting."

Hansen hadn’t answered yet. Andrew, the full-time driver, grinned and showed his big white teeth, and said to Yang Cheng in the rearview mirror, “Boss, I went to the car dealership while I was resting a while ago and just saw a The Maybach Zeppelin was parked in the exhibition hall. It is said that the world is limited to 100 units. The final price of that one is more than 3 million U.S. dollars after the addition. I don\'t know if it has been taken away now."

Yang Cheng\'s eyes lit up and she sat up and put her arms on the front seats. "Hansen, go to the dealership Andrew said tomorrow. If it hasn\'t been taken away, it\'s ours."

Hansen banged his fist with the excited Andrew and simply shouted, "Yesboss."

Maybach Zeppelin is developed and manufactured on the basis of Maybach 62s. It is equipped with a 6.0-liter v12 twin-turbocharged engine modified by mercedes-amg. The output power is up to 471 kilowatts/640 horsepower, the torque reaches 1000 N·m, and the acceleration time is 100 kilometers. It only takes 5.1 seconds and the maximum speed is 250 km/h. Power alone is not a big deal.

The important thing is that it is limited to 100 units in the world, and one more factory will not make it. After all, it takes too much time and it is easy to lose money if this kind of car is made too many.

Yang Cheng, who had been chatting because of the stimulation of alcohol, was about to discuss the topic of cars with Hansen and the others, but was interrupted by the sudden ringtone of the phone, muttering a few swear words, took out the phone and looked at the display. I haven\'t seen the number in South Korea. I didn\'t want to pick it up, but I swiped my finger to the right, and the call was connected.

Reluctantly leaned back on the seat, and then it sounded, "hello~"

"Hello~ Is this Mr. Yang?" The voice sounded a little nervous, and his tone was full of awe.

Yang Cheng raised her brows, "I am, who are you?"

"I\'m Sunny\'s assistant Zhenghuan, does Mr. Yang remember me?" The other party seemed to cover his mouth deliberately, and his voice sounded dull.

Yang Cheng was stunned for a long time before remembering, isn’t this the eyeliner he buried beside Xu Xian? He took Xu Xian off without any use. This eyeliner became a waste, but if nothing happens, this guy named Zhenghuan Don\'t dare to call yourself.

"Oh, of course, do you have anything to call me?"

"That\'s it. I was just commissioned by Sunny to send something to Miss Xu Xian from the crew of the Yanping naval battle. It happened that Xu Xian and his childhood boyfriend were talking in a corner of the shooting scene. Both of them were a little excited, eh~ You said that no matter what happens between the two of you, you will be notified, so I will call you immediately, hoping not to disturb you."

Following Zheng Huan’s narrative, Yang Cheng’s anger that had only subsided rose again. Although it did not reach the point where Qiqiao was producing smoke, it was almost the same. He subjectively ignored Zheng Huan’s words about the two being emotional, and subconsciously thought Xu Xian. He was playing a routine with him. He just played with William and turned his head and was **** by a little girl again. Is this going to be done?

"You are doing a good job, don’t worry, the money that should be given to you will not be less. In this way, I still need you to help me keep an eye on the two of them. Someone will contact you later, and then what should you do, the rest The matter has nothing to do with you, do you understand?" Yang Cheng ordered fiercely.

Zheng Huan shouldn\'t know that Yang Cheng\'s relationship with Xu Xian has progressed, so he directly ruled out the possibility of the other party playing clever for money.

Hung up the I found Liu Jianjun’s number and dialed out, "Hey, Lao Liu, where are you?"

"Um, Shao Yang, I\'m on my way to the crew to visit the crew, what\'s your order?"

Yang Cheng didn’t say anything, and directed straightforwardly, “Just right, I’ll send you a phone number later. You can get to the crew as quickly as possible. When you get there, contact this person named Zhenghuan and give me Xu Xian’s. The childhood sweetheart got it up, as long as you don’t die and do whatever you want, I’m very angry now, do you understand?"

Although Yang Cheng’s voice was calm, the more it was, the more Liu Jianjun could realize how irritable Yang Cheng was, and replied again and again, “It’s Yang Shao, don’t worry, I will definitely let the **** who dare to touch your woman give birth. It\'s better to die."

"Well, pay attention to proportion and don\'t affect the filming of the crew." Yang Chengruo reminded me deeply.

"I understand, Shao Yang, I promise not to let people on the crew know." Liu Jianjun understood Yang Cheng\'s thoughts very well. This is what he can rely on today.

Hung up the phone, threw the phone on the seat next to him, closed his eyes, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear, "Xu Xian, Xu Xian, you\'d better not do things that are sorry for me, otherwise don\'t blame me for violent actions. flower."