Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 173: Take over

On September 15th, at 2 p.m. local time in New York, a hurried Yang Cheng appeared in the lobby on the first floor of the 7bryantpark building. Susu greeted him nervously with a folder and high heels, "Boss, you are back."

Yang Cheng\'s stern face eased slightly, "Well, how is the situation?"

"Since the opening of the market yesterday morning, there have been multiple accounts rushing to grab the shares of the New York Times with us, almost regardless of the cost. It had already fallen below the price of $5, but was raised by the other party and returned to the $5 line sideways. After seeing this, ordinary retail investors also stopped selling and chose to wait and see. At present, Mr. Allen is following up." Susu did not dare to delay, and followed Yang Cheng\'s hurried pace, making a report on the elevator.

Yang Cheng rubbed his chin, thinking, and then asked, "How many shares have we got?"

Susu glanced at the document and replied simply, "More than 35 million shares cost nearly 200 million U.S. dollars, accounting for about 22% of the total equity."

Yang Orange nodded and muttered, "A lot."

Then he shook his head, frowned, and asked, "What\'s the matter with Hearst Group?"

"I don\'t know. From the day before yesterday, the Hearst Group unilaterally ceased operations. Mr. Eddie tried to contact the other party, who refused to explain on the grounds of commercial secrets."

As Susu\'s voice fell, the elevator reached the top floor, the elevator door opened and walked out, without looking back, he ordered, "Let Ryze and Eddie come up to see me."

"It\'s the boss."

After returning to the office, a familiar feeling came to my face, and I was still comfortable at home.

Sitting in the boss chair, he sighed, picking up the phone and calling Amanda, but after thinking about it and letting it go, there is no contractual restriction on this operation itself. It relies on the relationship between the two bosses, and now I have not figured out the facts. The truth, I rushed to call to question, it is easy to fall out of the relationship, the gain is not worth the loss, or wait, at least let Yang Cheng investigate the inside story, he believes that this time the guy who robbed himself of the New York Times is no coincidence. Come prepared.

Without waiting, Ryze and Eddie walked into the office together, greeted Yang Cheng, and sat across the desk.

"Find out who is robbing us?" Yang Orange asked straightforwardly without talking nonsense.

"It\'s Slim, Carlos Slim." Eddie glanced at Ryze and gave a familiar name.

Yang Cheng raised his eyebrows and raised the pitch, "That Slim from Mexico Telecom?"

Seeing Eddie nodded affirmatively, he slammed the desk angrily, "I guess it\'s him. This old guy really has a soft spot for the New York Times."

The two did not dare to pick up the fight. After Yang Cheng finished venting, Eddie hesitated and asked, "Boss, is this Slim for himself to **** us? Or was it the rescuer invited by Arthur? After all, Sli He was also the largest shareholder of the New York Times before, and he has a lot of friendship with Arthur Jr. or the Schultzberg family."

"What is the current stock price?" Yang Orange did not answer directly, but asked about the stock price.

Eddie was stunned for a moment and didn\'t react. Ryze took over, "$5.8. It is expected to exceed $6 before the market closes."

Yang Orange\'s tangled brows never let go, "What is Allen doing? How can the stock price rise so fast."

"Uh~ Mr. Allen did it on purpose. He said he wanted to test out the other party\'s true intentions." Ryze stubbornly defended Allen.

"I want to catch it?" A strategy flashed in Yang Cheng\'s mind. Thanks to Yang Cheng, a Chinese friend who was deeply educated in the country of Z, Allen subtly accepted a lot of knowledge such as Sun Tzu\'s Art of War and Thirty-Six Strategies. And apply it to trading skills, and then rely on its digital sensitivity that is different from ordinary people, so that it is even more powerful, and it will never be disadvantageous in the financial market.

As Allen\'s good brother, he immediately understood Allen\'s approach.

However, Yang Cheng showed a weird smile, "Go down and tell Allen, let him cooperate with Slim, raise the stock price, and then wait for the opportunity to cash out and leave the market, we will not play!"

"What? Boss, we don\'t want the New York Times anymore?" Ryze was just surprised, and Eddie couldn\'t sit still. This is his main project, and now he will discard it without a result? I couldn\'t accept it for a while.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, motioned to the excited Eddie to calm down, and explained, "This is called avoiding his edge. Slim took advantage of the situation with a large amount of funds, and with sufficient preparation, at this time, fight with him and fight to the death. It doesn\'t make sense. Let him give him the limelight first, and when he feels that we are not threatening, we will suddenly strike him off guard. It doesn\'t matter whether he is for himself or helping little Arthur."

The precious wealth left behind by the ancestors is worth remembering. Even the students of Element Z know that Yang Cheng doesn’t believe that Slim’s funds can’t be used up, so take this opportunity to make a fortune. Drink The blood of others replenishes energy for oneself, is there anything better than this.

And he can beat the New York Times stock price once, and he can do it a second time. Will Slim still be able to come up with money to rescue the market?

Of course, Yang Cheng will not buy the bottom from the stock market anymore. It will smash the stock price to the heart of Slim’s distress. There is only one way to go for peace talks. At that time, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a cash acquisition or equity replacement, it’s not Yang Cheng. Have the final say?

However, there is a prerequisite. It is necessary to find out which style Amanda\'s crazy girl smokes. The effect of suppressing the New York Times without the help of Hearst Group will be greatly reduced. It seems that he really has to come out and talk to Amanda personally. talk.

Eddie wanted to persuade, and Yang Cheng interrupted, "Okay, do as I want. The New York Times will not run. Sooner or later, it will be yours. Now we are focusing on conquering Time Magazine, Ryze, you won’t fall again. Chains?"

Ritz sat upright and nodded again and again, "Don\'t worry about the boss, the negotiation is going well, and both parties have strong wishes. It is expected that the result will be reached by the end of the month, and the final purchase price will not exceed 2 billion US dollars."

"Very good, then we will hold a press conference with Lionsgate to announce to the public." Yang Cheng is satisfied with Ritz\'s efficiency. The price of 2 billion will not exceed his psychological bottom line and can be won in such a short time. For Time Magazine, it can be seen that Yang Cheng\'s spurring last time has worked, and Ryze has worked hard.

Let the two men go back to work, Yang Cheng took the mobile phone to the window, put her long legs on the coffee table, rested her head on the back of the sofa, looked up at the ceiling, hesitated, and dialed Georgina first. phone.

"Hey, where are you dear?"

"I\'m in Australia, have you returned to New York?"

"Yes, I just came back. It\'s winter in the southern hemisphere? Why did you go there?"

"Australia is okay, it\'s not too cold, I guess I have to stay here for a while to deal with things, sorry dear, I can\'t accompany you."

"Oh, it doesn\'t matter, you take care of yourself."

After talking a few words of love and chatting for a few minutes, Yang Cheng hung up the phone. Georgina had something to do, so she didn\'t mention Amanda.

Turning the brand new iphone6plus in his hand, his eyes were retracted from the ceiling, and he didn\'t know what was thinking.

After a while, he stood up suddenly, returned to the desk, took out the car key from the drawer, turned and walked out of the office, pressed the elevator, and said to Susu, who was immersed in work, "I\'m going out to work, and I won\'t be back today. I will return early in the evening Rest at home."

"Ah? Oh, I got it." Susu pursed his mouth and answered with some disappointment, but Yang Cheng had already gotten into the elevator and didn\'t hear it at all.

A few minutes later, the silver-gray Lamborghini roared out of the underground garage and whizzed into the distance.

. . .

VIIIdentityClub on Fifth Avenue is a top-level customized skin care club in New York. Its history dates back to the end of the 18th century. The founder Bernvitt developed a mysterious formula to treat his congenital skin diseases. Own skin diseases rejuvenated the skin and became the club’s earliest skin care secret.

Later, members of Burnwick’s family founded the first private club in 1942, which has continued to this day.

The reason why this type of club can survive is entirely because people love face. In the upper class, it is not only the face of celebrities that is the most important. Royal family, political celebrities, and business elites also need to attend various occasions in the best condition. This is how the club was born, and their practice of never dealing with the media has won the hearts of countless members.

This top-notch skin care customization club has a zero-error skin file management system. When viewing files, you need a dedicated skin cipher to open it. At the same time, it provides members with a 200-year-old private bank depository account.

Not only that, every room in the club is constructed with the world\'s most advanced sound insulation materials to ensure absolute privacy of members.

The most important thing is that club members are lifelong, and the membership requirements are extremely harsh. They must be recommended by two or more members with Jewish descent, and the requirements for membership in the media industry are more stringent.

Of course, Yang Cheng came here not to do beauty and skin care. His face is not so delicate but to find someone, Lydia Hirst, Amanda’s sister, usually if there is no accident, 3 pm -5 o\'clock this time, Lydia will be in the club skin care and beauty, this is almost Lydia\'s personal symbol.

After arriving at the clubhouse, hand the car to the bodyguard to park. Yang Cheng enters the clubhouse by himself. The decoration of the whole clubhouse is retro-styled in the style of medieval European palaces. The crystal chandeliers and carpet tables and chairs are all showing gorgeousness, originating from thin air and ultraviolet rays. The strong Meconopsis on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the light blue not only exaggerates the taste of the clubhouse owner, but also adds a romantic and elegant atmosphere to the whole clubhouse.

Stepping on the red carpeted stairs, Yang Cheng slowed down subconsciously, because being in such an environment would make people stand up unconsciously, just like returning to a medieval court, expressing Noble and elegant aristocratic style.

When I came to the second floor, I finally saw the service staff, a beautiful blond woman in a black senior uniform, and respectfully greeted me, "Mr. Yang, welcome."

Liu Yun is a frequent visitor here. He used to come here to take his mother home, so the staff here are fairly familiar with Yang Cheng.

"Thank you, but I\'m not here to enjoy your top service. Is Lydia here?" Yang Cheng bowed slightly and smiled politely.

"Is it Miss Hirst? She\'s here." Of course, the blonde beauty would not show an expression of impatientness, and the bullying of the shop would never happen here.

After inquiring over the phone, the blonde beauty asked, and took Yang Cheng to the door of a room on the fourth floor. Without waiting for the door to be called, the door was pulled open from the inside. Lydia, who was facing the sky, was wearing purple silk. The quality bathrobe smiled sweetly to Yang Cheng, "hello, jason."