Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 172:


"It\'s okay."

Yang Cheng lifted his head and rested on Xu Xian\'s soft thighs and said something perfunctory, closing his eyes to sort out his messy thoughts.

He is not afraid, but distrustful of Abu this person and a strong sense of vigilance.

Speaking of which, many people have mixed opinions on Abu this person. Most people who grow up under the red flag look down on him, thinking that he is digging socialist corners and stalking socialist wool, but from the perspective of businessmen seeking profits, Even if you are given a chance to squeeze the wool, you must first grasp it. You must be unique in political games and manipulating human nature to keep your wealth today.

In the beginning, I started small business, made some low-cost business, and made a special profit from Zhongda University. Later, through the relationship and my own efforts to get to know the rich and famous polar bear celebrities at the time, and then through these celebrities, they bridged the bridge with Yeltsin. The family members maintained good relations. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, they obtained West Siberian oil fields through Yeltsin. Then, just as people have seen, they quickly accumulated wealth, swallowed state-owned assets, and obtained a lot of benefits.

No matter how you criticize such a person, you can\'t conceal his ability and skill.

But in essence, Abramovich is not an oligarch. Real oligarchs refer to those monopoly capitalists or groups of monopoly capitalists who hold huge financial capital and actually control the lifeline of the national economy and state power.

Conceptually, even Abu at his peak did not reach this point. He and the wealthy like Prokhorov were just signs launched after the fight against oligarchs. They were for the outside world to see and tell the outside world that he did not There is no rush to kill, as long as you listen to his words, you will have no less wealth.

However, no one would underestimate Abu because of this. His strength is still strong. Although his wealth has shrunk in recent years, it does not hinder his deterrence. Yang Cheng is very embarrassed to do business with people from the fighting nation. It may be geographically related. The reason is that the blood in the bones of the polar bears is as cold as the Siberian climate. If you cooperate with them in the field of energy and minerals, you have to be in constant fear, because they do everything they can to escape capital.

According to the survey, the scale of Russian capital flight reaches 20 billion U.S. dollars each year. Two-thirds of them are contributed by rich people headed by Abramovich. They will easily transfer domestic assets through legal overseas investment, and they can celebrate their achievements with their money. , But pit their partners.

Therefore, Yang Cheng\'s heart palpitations are not unfounded. If he can, he would rather not know the news. After all, he has finally come back to it again, just wanting to enjoy life peacefully.

Forget it, don\'t think about it, if you think about it, it will be a lot of words.

Yang Cheng sat up with a pole and frightened Xu Xian again. Just now, she lay on her lap in a daze, afraid of disturbing Yang Cheng\'s thinking, but did not dare to move. At this moment, her legs were numb, and she patted Yang Cheng irritably. Slap, "What\'s the matter with you? I was shocked since I came back."

A little flattered by this sudden intimacy, Yang Cheng lay back down again, staring at those big eyes full of anger from below, and joked, "Are you caring about me?"

"Don\'t think too much, I think your head is heavy and my legs are numb." Xu Xian tidied up his expression very shamelessly, returned to a cold look, put her hair off and said, but it can be seen that she is gradually adapting to Yang Cheng\'s relationship. get along.

Yang Cheng found that Xu Xian didn\'t use her hair at all. This is a good habit. She looks very ladylike. With a hot figure, she smiles with femininity, which is completely different from the slightly green feeling when she first saw it. , Strange, how could there be such a change, obviously there was no plum blossom mark on the white sheets after that night, was it right? Could it be that her childhood sweetheart was not useful, and Yang Cheng developed her second time?

With a smile, he pulled the silky little hand and kissed it lightly, and suddenly said pretendingly, "If you don\'t run the schedule in the future, you can come to the United States to accompany me?"

Xu Xian was taken aback, and then nodded silently, all to this point, what else is it reserved?

Yang Cheng smiled satisfied, "After I go back, I will ask a friend to find out if there are any acquaintances with the US military in South Korea. If there are, your father\'s affairs will be easy to handle."

"Thank you." Xu Xian was not happy either, and thanked him faintly.

Yang Cheng didn’t care either. Sooner or later, the thorn in her heart would slowly fade away with the passage of time. He could afford to wait, "We will disembark after the yacht docks. Are you coming back to New York with me? Korea?"

Xu Xian’s right hand was played with by Yang Cheng, and she had to use her left hand to follow her hair and muttered, “I’m going to go home first. I\'m going to join the group, I have to hurry up and prepare."

"Alright, but don\'t have a burden on you. You are my person. No one dares to bully you. If you have anything, go to CY Entertainment President Liu Jianjun. He will take care of it for you."

These short words made Xu Xian the first time to find a sense of security from Yang Cheng. It was wonderful, just like someone opened up a clean and flat sunshine avenue for you on the road full of thorns. She can do whatever she wants. It feels good to move forward with confidence.

And Yang Cheng is also the first time to see Xu Xian showing a sweet smile from the heart, her eyes facing each other, the eyes meeting in the air seem to collide with some kind of spark, the affection blends, the atmosphere becomes pink, and Xu Xian is fair. An attractive pink color appeared on her face, her nose was blue, her delicate eyebrows were lightly raised, and she swallowed her saliva unconsciously. When everything was about to happen, Xu Xian drew out her hand abruptly, playfully avoiding the burning of the orange. Cheng Huo\'s eyes said softly with a nasal voice, "I\'m hungry!"

. . .

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just getting bright, and the distant sky hadn\'t turned out the white fish, Yang Cheng was awakened by the steam whistle sounded when the yacht entered the port, with his smooth and tender body in his arms, he lifted the quilt and took a look. The little brother of Yizhu Qingtian feels very guilty in his heart. He has a warm cave, but he can only feel wronged. The little brother sleeps in the wilderness. There is hardship to say, too embarrassed.

After enjoying a hearty dinner with Xu Xian last I planned to go back to the house to exercise and consume calories. After the romantic and warm foreplay, my pants were all taken off, but Xu Xian’s holy Under the gaze, I didn\'t dare to cross the bottom line. Finally, I slept all night with the slippery, snow-white delicate jade body. I still didn\'t do anything. I could only comfort myself with good deeds. After all, Qiang\'s once was enough.

Yang Cheng shook the greasy ball in the handshake vigorously, leaned over and kissed the jade back lightly, rubbed Xu Xian\'s blushing peach cheek with his cheek, and whispered in a low voice, "Little villain!" Get out of bed and go to the bathroom to wash.

It’s just that Yang Cheng didn’t realize that Xu Xian, who had her back to him, had already woke up. Hidden under her hair was a bright smiling face that coexisted with sly and comfort. She stretched lazily and squinted her eyes. Under the quilt, enjoying the warmth remaining in the quilt, she herself realized that she didn\'t know when she started and gradually got used to the beauty that bad man brought her.

The Eclipse was temporarily docked at the Royal Yacht Marina in Rotterdam. Yang Cheng and Xu Xian disembarked here. They took the train to Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, and separated at Schiphol Airport. Xu Xian took the fastest flight back to Seoul alone. Orange took the Toyama which flew from London to pick him up and returned to New York. The two of them will be busy with their own work and may not meet again for a long time, so that Xu Xian took the initiative to send him a kiss when he was parting. , Let Yang Cheng talk to comfort.

However, God was deliberately opposed, and Yang Cheng’s good mood did not last long. After receiving a call from Eddie over the Atlantic Ocean, the New York Times suddenly changed. The original plan went smoothly. The Forum Company and Hearst Group The little Arthur who joined forces was out of breath. He didn\'t expect that Cheng Yaojin would be killed halfway when the opponent was about to disarm and surrender. What made Yang Cheng even more shocked was that Amanda seemed to be betraying!