Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 164: Smelly man!

"I don\'t want any compensation, as long as you don\'t appear in my world in the future, can you?"

Xu Xian seemed to calm down, except that his eyes looked a little hollow, his face slowly returned to bloody, he was indeed a mixed entertainment circle, and his psychological quality was good.

What she didn\'t expect was that Yang Cheng did not nod her head happily as she expected, but shook her head and sneered, "Naive!"

"What?" Xu Xian\'s eyes widened in disbelief.

Yang Cheng put his hands in the pockets of his nightgown, with his head resting on the back of the sofa, watching Xu Xian who had changed into a new dress, and said again, "I am naive, of course, it’s not guilty that you don’t know me, you don’t understand me, I It’s not the same as the second generation who play with female celebrities in your impression. They are used to dumping them after playing, and I prefer to keep female celebrities by my side, so this condition does not hold. Let’s change another one."

Xu Xian swallowed, and collapsed to the ground, crying like a TV show of Qiong Yao, "No~ I just want you to leave me, stay away from me, I don’t have any conditions, please, let me go Right."

Yang Cheng sighed, why bother, she got up and squatted down in front of Xu Xian, covering her teary face with her big hands, rubbing gently, and saying incomparably gentle, "Don\'t cry. What I think is so easy to let go, you just accept your fate."

Pinch Xu Xian’s chin and let her look at herself, “I’ll be okay for a while, I suggest you don’t go out today, just be here alone, think about it, your boyfriend should be divided, don’t wait for me If you do it yourself, it will hurt you or him, how about you?"

After standing up on his knees, he took advantage of the situation and pulled the limp Xu Xian up, hugged him in the manner of a princess, and returned to the bedroom to lift the quilt and gently put it on the bed. During this time, Xu Xian was covered. Not only did he not struggle, he didn\'t even move his eyelids. Like a dead body, other people had been frightened by this scene a long time ago, but Yang Cheng\'s mood did not fluctuate at all, and she continued to do her own things.

He changed his suit and tied his tie. In the living room, he poured a cup of warm water on the bed, leaned down and kissed Xu Xian’s white lips, trimming her hair at the temples, but her soft voice was full of domineering Tao,

"I\'m leaving, and when I\'m hungry, I call the hotel to deliver food, not for you, but for me. From now on, everything about you belongs to me, including your body and your life, so don\'t be like a girl. Play suicide and self-harm, because your death is a relief, and your family will suffer."

Seeing Xu Xian\'s trembling eyelashes, Yang Cheng knew that she had listened, chuckled and touched her dry face that had become dry from the evaporation of tears, then turned and left the bedroom.

What Yang Cheng didn\'t know was that not long after he left, Xu Xian got out of bed to find his mobile phone and pressed a quick contact number. . .

After Yang Cheng went downstairs, she found Sunny in the coffee shop, put her big hand on her head and rubbed it vigorously, "Your slap fan is hard enough."

Sunny gave Yang Cheng a frustrated look, "oppa, are you embarrassed? I entrust Xian to take care of you. That\'s how you took care of it? I still feel too weak for my strength!"

Yang Cheng looked at the lion with exploded fur in front of her with dumbfounded tears, and said pettingly, "Yes, yes, I am not good, and you have vented your anger for your sister. Don\'t blame me, okay?"

"Huh, and what were you talking about just now? Still threatening Xian\'s family and giving you the ability, son of the chaebol?" Sunny\'s anger had not disappeared, and it fell on Yang Cheng\'s chest like a rain of fists, slamming and cursing. , It didn\'t stop until the mouth was dry.

Yang Cheng kept letting Sunny vent. When she was exhausted, she smiled and put her arms around Sunny\'s shoulders, then lowered her head and asked, "Is there nothing else today?"

Sunny replied with a bad tone, "I pushed all the announcements. I have lost a lot for your troubles."

Yang Cheng laughed and tightened the person in his arms, "Okay, oppa compensate you, follow me today."

"Yeah, I won\'t be with you as a pervert, I\'m going to accompany the Xian."

"She doesn\'t need to accompany her. She is stronger and smarter than you think. She is a girl who knows current affairs. Let her be quiet."

"Huh, don\'t you blame you, stinky man, you can never control the work below."

"Yes, I stinks, I stinks."

. . .

The temporary headquarters of cy entertainment is located in Cheongdam-dong, which is full of entertainment atmosphere. Liu Jianjun bought a piece of land on Chungmuro ​​Road, the mecca of Korean film through Yang Cheng’s relationship with Lotte, and a new headquarters building will be built by Lotte’s real estate development company. It is expected next year The new film and television company and gapox can move into the new headquarters together.

Yang Cheng expressed his appreciation for this. Until 2017, the land price in Seoul has been ranked among the top three in Asia, which can be regarded as an inch of gold. Buying land and building a building now is undoubtedly a stable investment project with stable profits and no losses.

When I came to a 4-story building with a cement gray exterior wall in Cheongdam-dong, this is the temporary residence of cy entertainment. When I got off the car and entered the door, I saw a large artistic tertai with orange fluorescent signs hanging on the wall facing the door. Under the logo is the reception desk of the company. Three Korean beauties dressed in costumes were busy on the phone or gave instructions to those who came to handle business.

Yang Cheng didn\'t notify Liu Jianjun before he came, just to make random random inspections and see the real working atmosphere. Judging from the performance of the front desk, he was still very satisfied.

Arms sunny and walked to a receptionist at the front desk. Both of them were wearing sunglasses. Yang Cheng frivolously hugged the beautiful woman and followed the bodyguard. He didn\'t look like a serious person.

"Hello, I\'m here to find Liu Jianjun." Yang Orange said.

"Um~ hello gentleman, are you looking for our president?" the beauty at the front desk asked uncertainly.

"Yes, he\'s in the company?" Yang Cheng nodded and confirmed that is there, do you have an appointment? "

"No, you can call his office directly and Yang Cheng will find him."

"Uh~ well, please wait a moment."

Normally this is not compliant, but Yang Cheng\'s aura is extraordinary, especially the bodyguard behind him with a bulging waist, which is not easy to provoke at first glance. In order not to cause trouble, the beauty at the front desk confirmed with Liu Jianjun\'s secretary.

After waiting for less than 5 minutes, I saw Liu Jianjun rushed out from the elevator hall, wearing a suit while running, "Oh, Young Shao, why didn\'t you call me when you came? The people below didn\'t neglect you? "

Then he yelled at the front desk, "Keep your eyes open. This is our president of cy entertainment, Mr. Yang Cheng, haven\'t I introduced it to you? Even the boss can\'t recognize it, so what do you want?"

Yang Cheng frowned when she heard it, and Sunny also pinched Yang Cheng\'s arm with dislike, "Okay, what a shout, they did a good job, no matter who came, I must follow the rules, and I am no exception. Don’t look domineering, what do you say."

When Liu Jianjun heard the words, he hurriedly smiled and nodded, “Yes, what Yang Shao taught is, but you don’t know that these Koreans are cheap bones, so you don’t want to be uncomfortable if you don’t scold them. Bullying on you."

Thanks to him, it is Chinese, otherwise it would be strange to be heard by these Korean employees.

After being disturbed by Liu Jianjun, the whole company knew that the big boss was here, and lost the meaning of the surprise visit, so they had to go to the president’s office prepared for him by Liu Jianjun on the top floor, and let Liu Jianjun’s secretary take Sunny around the company casually, Yang Cheng Started to ask about work, "The Korean film market is very good this year? We are not earning less, right?"