Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 163: Destroy 3 views (3)

The next day, a magnificent morning glow appeared in the east, and the air was filled with mist like a veil. The morning sun slowly sprinkled on everything, and the scenery was picturesque and pleasing to the eye.

But last night, Yang Cheng, who was woken up by the phone’s ringtone, had no time to appreciate the generous scenery offered by nature. With sleepy eyes, Yang Cheng saw Xu Xian already well dressed. No, it was accurate. Wrapped tightly in the nightgown of the hotel, standing on the side of the bed with red eyes staring at herself, her eyes contained all the negative emotions Yang Cheng could think of: sadness, anger, disgust, fear, depression, sadness, negativity, and loss.

Sit up and lifted the quilt. He found that the ugly brother was lying softly where he should be. He subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. As for why it was soft? Nonsense, you fought for several rounds yesterday, can you still get up this morning to do morning exercises to raise the national flag?

The most worrying thing did not happen, Yang Cheng was not so flustered, glanced lightly at the clenched fists, desperately suppressing the angry girl, Shi Shiran got out of bed, naked clothes fragments scattered all over the floor I found the noisy mobile phone in the middle, and got back to the boat to pick it up.

"Oh, sunny."

"Oppa, my goodness, you finally answered the phone. Xian is with you, right?" Sunny exhaled heavily, then shouted.

Yang Cheng raised her eyelids, and saw Xu Xian still looking dying, she couldn\'t help sighing, "Well, she\'s here, sunny, come to the hotel, my room is *."

"That\'s good, you don\'t know that Xian\'s agent was mad last night. If I didn\'t press him, he would have to report to the company and call the police. Wait, oppa, you let me go to the hotel?" Sunny hasn\'t reacted yet. The Tao from Gu Zi suddenly changed his tone, as if thinking of something terrifying, he tremblingly said.

"Yes, come here quickly. Come alone. Besides, do you know the size of Xu Xian\'s clothes? Bring her a new set of clothes by the way. If anything comes," Yang Cheng finished shouting excitedly regardless of the phone. Sunny, hung up the phone directly.

He glanced at Xu Xian, found the bathrobe to put on, shook his head, walked out of the bedroom, opened the door, Andrew and Hansen were chatting outside, "Let the hotel bring me breakfast, a hearty meal, and without my permission, this room is allowed No entry is allowed, understand?"

Hansen and Andrew were stunned. There were two people in the house, meaning that the girl was not allowed to go out. This is not easy, "yougotit, boss."

Half an hour later, Yang Cheng came out of the bathroom warmly, wiped her hair with a bath towel, and just saw Xu Xian crying in a grievance with Sunny.

"Are you here?" Yang Orange asked aloud.

Sunny turned her head when she heard the sound, her eyes were as complex as Xu Xian\'s before, raised her hand to wipe Xu Xian\'s tears, stood up and rushed over without expression, rounded her right arm, and slapped Yang Cheng with a "slap" slap. On the left face.

Yang Cheng was neither hiding nor angry. She threw the bath towel on the ground casually, and said calmly, "You talk to her. They are all adults. This thing is not so difficult for men and women to accept. This is the end, think about it. What conditions are the best choice for her, otherwise the only one who gets hurt is herself. I will wait for you outside and come out when I think about it. We will talk peacefully."

Although Yang Cheng looked at Sunny with a disappointed face, he actually said this to Xu Xian.

Leaving the bedroom space for Sunny and Xu Xian, Yang Cheng rubbed her numbed cheeks and went to the dining table in the living room, where Western breakfasts were already served.

As if nothing had happened, I picked up a piece of cheese bread with butter and ate it. It consumed too much energy last night, and I was hungry now.

After he had eaten seven or eight minutes full, there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the bedroom, and then the door was pulled open and hit the door frame with a loud "boom". Hansen and Andrew outside the door immediately Raised a gun and rushed in.

Yang Cheng glanced calmly, waved to Hansen and the others, indicating that it was all right here.

The bodyguards frightened the second daughter of Xu Xian with their eyes and withdrew from the room.

"Did you figure it out? Come over for some breakfast, eat and talk, don\'t lose your appetite, sunny did not eat it? Together?" Yang Cheng\'s caring words make it impossible to connect with the bad guys.

"I want to sue you!" Xu Xian roared coldly.

Yang Cheng looked back at Sunny in surprise, "Is this the result of your conversation?"

In fact, Sunny did not act so angry. She would not think that Yang Cheng was deliberate, only when the two were drinking*. Regarding Yang Cheng\'s failure to control herself, Sunny said that she expected it, after all, since the first meeting , Yang Cheng wandered around the world with honey, she knew all the virtues.

As for the slap just now for Xu Xian, why would you help Yang Cheng talk to Xu Xian? Wouldn\'t it be better to just take people away and go back to discuss with someone with more status?

Yang Cheng understood this and didn\'t stop or even fight back.

Seeing that Sunny was helpless and anxious, Yang Cheng sighed heartily, but had to come by herself.

"What are you going to sue me? qj?"

Putting down the knife and fork and asked, before Xu Xian answered, he said to himself, "Yes, then I will analyze the possible direction of the incident for you."

He got up and came to Xu Xian, stopped less than 30 centimeters away from her, stared at those big shiny eyes with fun, playing with the taste, "First of all, you find a lawyer who is not afraid of power. Remember to find a barrister with experience in international lawsuits, if you can’t find it, I can provide it for you;

Then, before you get out of the hotel door, I will break the news to the media that Girls’ Generation’s youngster is suspected of falling in love, and the man is a rich Chinese American. I believe that with my strength, s-m will not have a little chance to change public opinion.

Of course, you can also complain to the media. You are the victim, put yourself on the side of the weak and win the sympathy of the public, but for your future life, I don’t recommend you to do this, because fans are obsessed with cleanliness and will not like it. A tainted idol.

Finally, if you really get to the court, I will find President Sun and Vice President Li to testify in court. They will prove to me that you are willing to go upstairs with me. There is no coercion. There is video surveillance as evidence. Your judge is willing to believe Two entrepreneurs who have made significant contributions to society? Or do you wear a mask of hypocrisy every day, a star in the mixed entertainment circle? "


Yang Cheng\'s words were so cruel that even Sunny couldn\'t listen, but he just raised his hand to tell her not to interrupt.

Take a step forward, look down at those stubborn eyes slightly, and continue with a sneer, "This is not over yet, because you sue me, I will be very angry, and the consequence of that anger is naturally revenge, endless revenge, look You are also a filial child, so why don\'t you think about it for your family? Oh~ what a pity! Poor! What a sigh!"

Sure enough, Xu Xian, who hadn\'t been frightened in front of him, immediately lost his square inch when he mentioned that his family members immediately lost his square inch. She watched in horror as Yang Cheng took two steps involuntarily and fell into Sunny\'s arms.

"Ah! Oppa, you are too much!" Sunny also exclaimed indignantly.

As soon as Yang Cheng\'s aura took off, her evil expression was no longer there, she returned to her indifferent appearance and said, "Of course, because we know each other, you are Sunny\'s sister again. I can\'t use all these methods, so I just want to remind you. You think carefully, and while I still feel a little guilty for you, think about what kind of compensation is best for you. That\'s what a wise person does."

"Oh, by the way, in order not to let your brain open up and make excessive conditions, let me first a few points. First, last night we belonged to drunk*. You drink a lot, and I drink a lot, theoretically. We all have responsibilities. Of course, I will not be so dishonest and I will not even bear this responsibility;

Second, although this is a bit too much, it is not the first time for you, so I feel guilty for you, but not as big as I thought;"

After a pause, looking at Xu Hyun’s unsurprisingly angry look, he continued, “Third, the compensation for you can be money, resources, or even helping your family become a Korean family, but don’t think about it. Marry me, of course, if you don’t have this idea, just treat me as narcissistic nonsense. Now you can make it."

In the presence of Sunny, Yang Cheng would not admit that he was deliberate. This is detrimental to his image. You must be hypocritical when you should be hypocritical. At this time, pretending to be 13 is deliberate. It is useless except to make people crazy.

After so many words, dry mouth picked up a glass of iced juice and sat on the sofa, tilted Erlang\'s legs, and looked at Xu Xian\'s bloodless face in a daze.

After last night, the inexplicable evil fire in Yang Cheng finally vented out. He didn\'t know where the evil fire came from. Maybe the pressure was too heavy recently? Or are you overwhelmed with the secrets of heaven hidden in your heart? He couldn\'t find the answer, and he didn\'t know if this situation would happen in the future.

But he clearly felt that with this immoral sabotage incident he felt a lot more comfortable in his heart, and the whole person became less heavy, his body was light and fluttering, and he felt that he could fly when he walked. No wonder a lot of popularity will be vented by throwing things to the extreme. The two have the same effect. Sure enough, the desire for destruction exists in everyone\'s heart.

"Sunny, can I talk to him alone?" Xu Xian said suddenly with a hoarse voice.

Sunny heard this and looked at Yang Cheng, not knowing what to do.

"Go, don\'t go too far, go downstairs to have some breakfast, put it on my account, and there will be something to find you later." Yang Cheng nodded and said to Sunny.

"Okay, oppa, and Xian, you guys have a good talk, don\'t do it." Sunny was worried, and she turned her head one step at a time and asked.

When the door closed, Xu Xian flushed his eyes, raised his hand, tremblingly pointed at Yang Cheng, and asked hoarsely, "You didn\'t lose your virtue after drinking at all, you did it on purpose, did you?"

Yang Cheng frowned, put down the cup, tangled for a while, and finally nodded without words.

"Heh~ why? Why me?" Xu Xian laughed miserably with tears in his eyes. I saw Yang Cheng\'s pity and even the initiator of Yang Cheng felt distressed.

But still hardened his heart, "Not everything in this world has a reason. There are not so many reasons. Men are often impulsive towards women in that moment. I don\'t think you need to be too entangled. You are in the entertainment industry. , You should understand the darkness of this circle. Even without me, there will be Zhang San Li Si. You should be thankful that I am willing to offer a hundredfold compensation for my mistakes."

Xu Xian muttered to himself with empty eyes, "Yes, this circle is too dark. I always feel lucky that I didn\'t get involved in it. I didn\'t expect it to be..."