Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 122: The horse is coming

Yang Cheng scratched his cheeks on the environmentally friendly car, embarrassed to criticize White for wasting. After all, it was his order at that time, everything should be the best, but now suddenly repents, do you want the majesty of the boss?

After thinking about it, he said vaguely, "White, is the budget still enough?"

"Um~ enough, the purchase of the ranch has perfect budget management. The boss can rest assured that he will not exceed the budget too much." After White joined Yang Cheng as a housekeeper, he knew Yang Cheng’s industry and recent trends. Orange recently asked about this because of tight funds. Of course, he wouldn\'t feel resentful that Yang Cheng was rebellious. That\'s not a problem for a good housekeeper to worry about.

"Okay, I see. Take me to Georgina. I want to see what horses she picked for me." Yang Cheng felt relieved, but after the establishment of the media company, it was urgent to get listed.

"Boss, Georgina brought good horses." White laughed in response.

The eco-friendly vehicle is driving on a winding road, and over a hill is where the horses are located. The original owner, Juan, is also a horse lover. The stables are luxurious facilities. There are two floors above and below, and the first floor is dedicated to horses. There are a total of 20 horse positions, each with two front and rear doors. The outer door allows the horses to go directly to the outdoor grassland for walking and playing in the water, and the inner door enters the racetrack through the exclusive corridor. Training and competition are there.

The second floor of the stables is a semi-outdoor stand, with native grasses planted as a roof to block sunlight.

The stable worker’s office is also here, and at least two people are on duty in the stable every night to take care of this group of valuable pets.

Through the rest room filled with various horse gear, and through a garden separated by 3 white walls, this is actually the horse\'s shower room, specially prepared for the horse\'s daily needs such as cooling down and drinking water.

Going further inside is where the stables are. Yang Cheng can vaguely hear the neighing of the horses, thinking it is because they just arrived in the new environment and didn\'t adapt to their irritability.

"Honey!" After entering the stable, Yang Cheng saw Georgina, who was wearing a thin khaki windbreaker and jeans and boots, who was directing the workers to lead the horse into the stable, and cried numbly.

Georgina turned her head when she heard the sound, and a slightly curly shawl of blonde hair rose in the wind, with a smile on her face. Ru Yan ran over and swooped over like a nest, her red lips were printed on Yang Cheng\'s face, "It\'s so fast."

"Of course, I\'m afraid you are waiting in a hurry." Yang Cheng scratched Georgina\'s nose, wrapped her shoulders, and looked at the maroon tall horse not far away with love.

"Haha, let\'s count you through, go and take a look at the horses. This time apart from the 4 Arabian thoroughbreds that I carefully selected for you to ride, there are also 8 descendants from different championship horses around the world, all quarter horses. , It’s convenient for you to organize the game yourself, or train baby horses.” Georgina introduced Yang Cheng to a dark horse while gently touching the horse’s face.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly. Although he didn\'t know horses, he didn\'t play less before. The basic market is still understood. Not those purebred horses, the descendants of these 8 champion horses, the combined value, almost can buy a Lafayette sports car.

"You bother, turn around and call you the money." Yang Cheng tightened and Georgina lowered her head.

Unexpectedly, Georgina gave Yang Cheng a charming look, and said grotesquely, "Whoever uses you to give money is a gift for your new home."

Look, the girls cultivated by the big family talk a lot, and send millions of gifts as soon as they are given. How can you only work **** the boat in return.

The two chatted with a smile, strolling around the stables, and suddenly Yang Cheng stopped and pointed to the wooden door, who was walking down from the car like a noble prince, with a beautiful white mane, shining in the bright sunshine. The horse cried, "This is ~Jipsy Vanirma?"

The Gypsy Vanir horse was first bred by the Gypsies and was bred by the crossbreeding of three types of horses: Clydesdale, Delmar, and Clyde ancient horses. 90% of the Gypsy Vanir horses They are all friesian horses, but there are also a handful of pure-color horses. They satisfy humans’ imagination of horses in fairy tales. They are the world’s longest and most beautiful horses with long hairs on all four hooves. They run beautifully and elegantly. Smart, very rare in number and expensive, every horse is a treasure.

Georgina screamed at Yang Cheng very well, let go of her hand, approached the horse gently, and beckoned to Yang Cheng, "They are docile and friendly to humans, and they especially like their master\'s touches. Come try? "

Yang Cheng followed the look of Georgina and leaned in lightly, raising his hand to stroke the horse\'s white mane. The soft hand felt like touching a top woolen blanket.

The horse seemed to be a little unhappy with Yang Cheng\'s arrival interrupting her communication with the beauty, turned her head and snorted at Yang Cheng, making Georgina laugh out loud, "Haha, it doesn\'t like you!"

White also followed behind, making Yang Cheng unable to get off the stage. He threatened the long horse face viciously, "Heart I will kill you and eat meat."

"Dare you!" Georgina took the rein and drew Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng dexterously hid and explained, "Just kidding, such a beautiful horse is definitely a treasure of nature, how can I bear to hurt it."

"White, did you find the person in charge of the stable?" Yang Cheng patted the horse and asked White back.

"Not yet, the stables have been empty before and cannot attract talents. Now that we have this batch of horses, I believe people who do not love horses will not be moved." White is the person in charge of the ranch, but every project facility in the ranch requires professionalism. People are responsible, especially the precious thoroughbred horses, Yang Cheng can\'t worry about letting laymen take care of them.

"It\'s best to find Gypsies, they are born masters of horse raising." Yang Cheng smacked his lips and gave instructions.

White nodded clearly, "I will specify this in the recruitment."

Georgina was listening to the conversation between the master and servant, and couldn\'t help but interrupt her mouth and pour cold water, "Looking for a gypsy? Honey, I\'m really worried about your wallet."

"What\'s the matter?" Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but wonder, are Gypsies very greedy?

Georgina bit her lip and endured a smile and said, "Gypsies have an extraordinary passion for horses since they were born, and will do their best to provide horses with the best things in the world, so you have to be prepared. In addition to issuing a check for 200,000 U.S. dollars each year as an annual salary, I also have to endure Gypsies asking you for money from time to time. Anyway, as far as I know, no one dares to hire Gypsies to support themselves, except for the group of oil rich men in the Middle East. Horse\'s."

"Oh, honey, you are such a bad guy. My good mood disappeared instantly. White did you hear that? We can\'t hire Gypsies." Yang Cheng pretended to be depressed, covering his forehead.

White smiled cooperatively, "Boss, don\'t have to be sad, it\'s definitely not the Gypsies who can raise horses in the world. I will find the best and cheapest talents for our stables."

"Ok, I don\'t worry about you doing things." Yang Cheng satisfied with an ok gesture, and put his arms around Georgina\'s neck, "Go, let\'s go to eat, are you hungry?"

Before Yang Cheng could find a suitable manager, the stable was temporarily taken care of by someone Georgina had brought from New York.

Because the rancher’s villa was being renovated, Yang Cheng and Georgina could only temporarily stay in a holiday villa that was rented out to tourists by the lake. This villa, made from a large number of fir trees, has an area of ​​more than 300 square meters and has one living facility. Everything is available, and when you go out, it is a shimmering lake with a charming view.

At noon, I had a simple steak with fries salad. Yang Cheng asked White to arrange for someone to place a parasol and two deck chairs on the lake. Georgina and themselves put on cool beach clothes and went to the lake to enjoy the sun.

Hansen and the others were not idle, they were sent out by Yang Cheng to purchase ingredients and prepared to roast whole lamb at night.

At 1 o\'clock in the afternoon, Yang Cheng and Georgina leaned against each other on the recliner, wearing sunglasses, enjoying a pleasant afternoon.

"My dear, how are you talking to Amanda?" Georgina cared about Yang Cheng\'s career, picked up a stone and threw it into the lake, making a "gu-dong" sound.

"She\'s hesitating, maybe she\'s not satisfied with the plan I put forward." Yang Cheng is also not sure about Amanda\'s true thoughts, so she can only say ambiguously.

Georgina hesitated for a moment, and said, "How about I get you some investors?"

The expected unhealed did not happen, Yang Cheng said very freely, "Okay, is it from Wall Street? Don\'t pull in those with poor character."

"Aren\'t you afraid that I will join the gang?" On the contrary, Georgina was surprised by Yang Cheng\'s attitude. UU reading www. uukahnshu.cOM

Yang Cheng sneered, "If you can really take the company from me, it will only prove that I am not good enough, and that I have missed the wrong person."

"I like your self-confident look." Georgina looked at Yang Cheng with an inextricably in love.

"Then when we return to New York, we will hold a party in the club in my name and call in a few friends who are interested, and you will communicate with them personally."

Yang Cheng is noncommittal. He finds that he is more and more like Le Shi Jialeting, who will be fleeing to the United States in the future. He has attracted a lot of celebrities in the entertainment industry and investment circles by flicking, and he has made a video website whose traffic ranks outside the top 100. The fifth largest Internet group in China by market value.

He couldn\'t help but shudder in his heart, he didn\'t want to end up in a situation where everyone shouted and beat him.

"What\'s the matter?" Georgina hurriedly asked with concern when Yang Cheng seemed to shiver.

"It\'s okay, just hold a financing reception in the name of the two of us. Anyway, you are also the second largest shareholder of New Media Group." Yang Cheng took a deep breath and put aside the inexplicable irritability.

"So formal? Are you going to invite all the people from Wall Street?" Georgina pulled down her sunglasses, revealing confused eyes.

"Come on, please. The time is set in three days. It happens that the forum company will release a newly developed app through the cocktail party, ready to open the scope of public testing." Yang Cheng stood up and strolled to the lake, barefoot and smiled gently at the lake.

Georgina also knew that the forum company had been stepping up research and development of the application. At this time, she asked in surprise, "Is it the headline app? The development is complete?"

"Yeah, it\'s finally finished." Yang Cheng opened his arms and squinted his eyes to embrace the sun. He had been looking forward to this day for too long. No one knew how much hope the ‘Toutiao’ app carried him!