Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 121: Ranch renovation process

"Hey, Sister Zhang, English please! French is also fine!"

David Ellison\'s heart was always upset, and suddenly he heard an unintelligible language that made him uncomfortable. His character completely inherited his Lao Tzu, and he has always been dissatisfied.

"Uh~ sorry, Mr. Ellison, mine is that a large group in state z is also in contact with DreamWorks Studio." Zhang Jingchu paused and quickly apologized, with a slight grievance on Qiao\'s face.

"Oh? Really? Jason, what do you think?" David Ellison just vented his dissatisfaction and would not remember it in his heart.

Yang Cheng pondered for a moment and shook his head, "I understand that group, which started as a commercial real estate company, and later involved in the entertainment industry. It has the world\'s largest cinema chain. Does AMC Cinema know that it was acquired by this group."

"Amc cinema? Of course you know, the second largest cinema in the United States! It seems that their strength is very strong." David Ellison raised his colorless eyebrows and sighed with a grim expression.

Yang Orange shook his head and put forward a different point of view, "You forgot the anti-monopoly law we are most familiar with. This is an insurmountable gap for the ambitious Wan Da Group."

"In that case, we only need to serve Kasenborg. He controls more than 50% of the voting rights of DreamWorks Studio." David Ellison nodded in agreement, his beautiful assistant was blurred by the flirting eyes stand up.

"That\'s why you are needed. He is a Jew. You are more convenient to communicate with each other than I." Yang Cheng hit Ellison as soon as this idea came up. The relationship between the Ellison family and the Big Three of DreamWorks Quite good, especially David Geffen, who took over the former superyacht Sunburst.

David Ellison leaned on his assistant, with a wine glass in his hand, "Communication is fine, but he may not agree."

"Don’t worry, take your time. The current situation of DreamWorks is very similar to Lionsgate. It is the phenomenon of large-scale production losses. Without the support of external funds, we still have the opportunity to take advantage of it, and I have not fully controlled Lionsgate. It takes time." Yang Cheng finally set the tone for this matter.

After that, he took the beautiful woman\'s waist and returned to the room, ready to do something good for physical and mental health.

"When David Ellison was eating, he gave him the question about the role. Do I need to stay in La and wait?" Zhang Jingchu asked helplessly, patted Yang Cheng who was anxious.

Yang Cheng\'s interest was not disturbed at all. She took off her clothes and pants, and jumped onto the bed, and overwhelmed the frightened sheep. "Don\'t worry, what he says will be honored. I will return to New York tomorrow. You can follow me. Together, you can stay in la and play for a few days."

"Well, that..."

"Then what, don\'t talk about official business on the boat, go down."

. . .

The next day, at Los Angeles International Airport, Yang Cheng and Zhang Jingchu, who had come down from Gust, kissed goodbye reluctantly.

They kissed so much that they could not breathe and had to separate. Yang Cheng\'s nostalgic eyes were on the pair of babes that fit his palms. Suddenly he looked startled, thinking of something serious, "You tell me the truth, you really follow some Have an affair with the big director?"

Zhang Jingchu\'s bright and bright face was flushed with pink, but she suddenly turned pale and panicked.

Yang Cheng laughed. What he needed was not a definite answer. "I don\'t care if you have it or not. Anyway, after returning to China this time, I cut off all those messy relationships. Now you belong to me. You won\'t be short of resources with me. There is also no plastic surgery. During the time with me, away from other people of the opposite sex, have you heard?"

Listening to the man’s domineering declaration, Zhang Jingchu nodded her head in a touched but helpless way. What was touched was that a man was willing to show his possessiveness like herself, and he could protect herself not only with his lips, but also at home. Is there a more perfect lover than this?

On the contrary, she clearly knows that the two have no future, no age gap, her previous history alone is enough to scare away 99.9% of men. Now Yang Cheng’s attachment to her is only because she has a 40-year-old woman. The style and appearance of a 20-year-old girl are not inferior to those of a 20-year-old girl. Will Yang Cheng still be interested in her? Maybe she is destined to be alone in this life!

"Go back quickly, and stay in my Waldorf Astoria hotel room from now on. All the expenses will be recorded. If you sleep more and you will get up again, you won\'t be able to wipe your face." Yang Cheng hugged Zhang Jingchu again with big hands. Pinch and spit on the hip.

"That\'s someone else\'s home after all, so let\'s go back to the hotel for a while to make up for it." Last night, Yang Cheng, like no other woman in this life, asked endlessly. Zhang Jingchu felt that both legs were about to lose consciousness and walked. Just like stepping on cotton, I can still insist on wearing high heels to the airport to send Yang Cheng, which is really admirable.

"Ok, you go first." Yang Cheng opened the door and drove the woman into the car. The Waldorf Astoria driver took her back to the hotel.

Watching the car drifting away, Yang Cheng sighed, clutching her aching back waist, and turned and walked into the airport lobby with a wry smile.

They were about to let Hansen go to check in. The phone rang, and took it out of his pocket suspiciously. It was Georgina\'s call and answered directly, "Hey, dear, it\'s almost noon in New York? Didn\'t you have lunch? ?"

"Hehe, guess where I am?" Georgina said in a playful voice.

Yang Cheng gestured to Hansen for a while, and asked in confusion, "Are you not in New York? You are not in La, are you?"

Turning around in place, scanning Georgina\'s figure around.

"Almost, I\'m in Santa Barbara." Georgina reported the answer readily.

"Santa Barbara? Why did you go there? Wait, is the horse here?" Yang Cheng was surprised to ask a series of questions, but immediately guessed the true answer.

"Yeah, do you want to come and see the horse?" Georgina chuckled. The girl seemed to be like a child when she mentioned the horse, laughing endlessly.

Yang Cheng didn\'t hesitate, her heart was as grassy, ​​itchy, and happily replied, "Fortunately, you made a timely call. I will embark on the flight to New York in a while. You can go to the ranch and wait for me. I called the ranch."

"Ok, see you later."

Putting away the phone, thinking about it and saying to Hansen, "Hansen, refund the ticket. How do we go to Santa Barbara\'s ranch?"

"Good boss, if we go to Santa Barbara, we can rent a car or take an airport bus, and then take the local to the ranch." Hansen asked others to refund the ticket, and he stayed beside Yang Cheng.

"Then rent a car and choose to return it in Santa Barbara." He didn\'t want to squeeze the bus. Although there were not enough seats, there were too many people. He still brought bodyguards, which was not convenient.

It didn\'t take long. Yang Cheng and his five servants rented two cars, one Mercedes-Benz and one Land Rover. Yang Cheng naturally sat in the Mercedes and was driven by Andrew.

As soon as the car left the airport, Yang Cheng became drowsy. Andrew\'s driving skills were trained, he drove smoothly, coupled with the excellent craftsmanship of Mercedes-Benz, even the brakes did not awaken Yang Cheng.

Along Highway 101, all the way north, it took more than 2 hours to rush from Los Angeles Airport to Santa Barbara Ranch. Yang Cheng seemed to have set his mind in his head. As soon as the team entered the range of the ranch territory, they opened their eyes. Looking at the rolling hills, my eyes are green, and my mind instantly broadens.

The familiar private driveway was different from the last time I came. An unmanned guard was set up at the fork into the ranch. The Land Rover leading the way was stopped by an automatic lifting column, which was actually remotely controlled by the security staff on duty.

Yang Cheng pressed the car window when she saw it, poked her head out and greeted the camera disguised as a street lamp with a smile on her face. After waiting for less than 2 seconds, the cylindrical steel column slowly lowered and the convoy passed smoothly.

Nodded insignificantly, very satisfied with White\'s arrangement. It is hard to overstate how many incredible measures should be taken on the question of how to save his life.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Yang Cheng always feels that compared to the last time he left, the pasture is growing more and more luxuriant, and the refreshing greenery is becoming more and more charming, not far away in groups of people eating grass. Yang\'er bleated at the motorcade, seeming to welcome the return of the owner? Yang Cheng thinks too much. People just express their dissatisfaction with the arrival of the convoy affecting their meals.

The sky is vast, the wild is boundless, the wind and grass are low to see cattle and sheep, the scene described in the original song really exists.

Not long after driving on the rancher road, I saw White driving an environmentally friendly battery car oncoming.

Pat Andrew on the shoulder to signal him to stop and push the car door. The fresh and natural air suddenly broke into the lungs, washing away the smog factor absorbed in the city.

"White, how are you doing this time?" Yang Cheng hugged White enthusiastically and greeted.

"Of course, boss, I used to think about buying a ranch to take care of my life after retirement, but now my wish has come true ahead of schedule." White said emotionally.

Yang Cheng pretended to be dissatisfied and shook her finger, "White, you have no chance to retire in your life."

"my pleasure."

After chatting for a few words, White invited Yang Cheng to get on the eco-car so that he could introduce the progress of the ranch renovation to Yang Cheng.

"Look at the boss, that direction is a brand-new golf venue that relies on topography. The turf is airlifted from Bermuda. It is taken care of by a dedicated person. It is not a problem to hold a golf tour." White pointed to a hill. Introduced in the direction, it can be seen that he is also proud to manage such a heavenly ranch.

"Look at this side again. On the basis of the original vineyard, the area of ​​vines planted has been expanded. The grape varieties are mainly Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir, which are scattered with other varieties. It is considered an experiment. When the grapes mature, the wine is made. Experts will judge which grapes are the most suitable for growing on our ranch."

Yang Cheng listened to White’s introduction, and became more and more frightened, my sister, how much would it cost!