Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 109: Gun 1

Yang Orange looked at the phone that restored the home screen page with dumbfounding. She was touched and helpless. Compared to the $100 million pit against Louis Lehman, Allen’s life is more important. Forget about brotherhood, there is Ellen, the top trader. Is it difficult to earn his 100 million goal?

Putting the phone in his pocket, sorting out his thoughts, he said to Hansen for a long while, "Send two more brothers to fly to Rio overnight to protect Allen. No mistakes are allowed this time. In addition, the brothers who died this time, have Each family sent 1 million US dollars. If the family needs work, the company will do its best to arrange it. If it doesn’t work, it will arrange to go to the ranch in Santa Barbara, and he will be buried alone."

Hansen\'s shoulders trembled slightly, and Andrew\'s black hands were tightly clasped. The man had tears and didn\'t flick it lightly, but before he got to the point of sadness, a comrade from a unit just left, and he didn\'t even see the last side.

Yang Cheng’s treatment is not good. The $1 million is a real deal. With this money, whether you continue to work for Yang Cheng or start your own business, your brother’s family can live happily and they can rest in heaven. Up.

Of course, the most urgent thing is that this hatred must be reported.

"I remember Budweiser has a lot of wineries in the country? That\'s very valuable. If one of you suddenly explodes, will it cause stock prices to pour?" Yang Cheng\'s seemingly random words have hidden murderous intent.

Hansen and Andrew showed bloodthirsty expressions at the same time. Yang Cheng\'s words were not over yet, "Well, when Allen comes back, go and protect his two brothers and give them a vacation, rest and relax in Rio. All the expenses are up to me. Reimbursement, I heard that the villa we stayed in last time was not far from Lehman’s manor? Alas... what a pity it was blown up!

Zheng Huan, who was standing silly, didn\'t know that the bombings in the north and south in the next few days were born in this waiting room before his eyes.

"Andrew, you go and check why Louis Lehman appeared in Madison Square. I don\'t believe he came to the concert."

Arranged tasks for Andrew, Yang Cheng and Hansen Yu Zhenghuan led into the concert scene.

Because they were walking through the infield tunnel, they were just on the side of the stage. With the deafening music accompaniment and the screams of more than 10,000 audience members, Yang Cheng felt that his eardrum was about to be punctured.

Sure enough, no one can understand the world of brainless fans, and the fans of the World Cup are not so crazy.

Yang Cheng looked dumbfoundedly at the side stand, where a fan leaned across the railing and waved a light stick, shouting for help on the stage, speechless.

"Did you buy these fans\' glow sticks and glitter headwear? Or did you send them?" Yang Cheng asked Zhenghuan\'s shoulder curiously.

"It was sold by a peripheral product company authorized by s-m before the concert began." Zheng Huan answered honestly.

No wonder the singers or artists who are not singers who have just played singles desperately hold concerts, and there is money everywhere.

"Sunny, when will they appear?" Following Zhenghuan to the VIP area, the people here are relatively calm, some are playing with their phones, some are chatting with people around them, and few people really pay attention to the concert. One.

Jeong-hwan looked at the program list, then glanced at the program on the stage, and replied, "The next one is."

Yang Cheng and Hansen found a place to sit down, with empty seats on the left and right, Zhenghuan hesitated and sat down beside Yang Cheng.

"Are they busy with work?" Yang Cheng asked with her legs folded, pointing to the side of the stage who was about to appear on stage.

"When is it? I can’t even sleep during the time when the album was released. After the promotion period, I don’t need to maintain exposure at all times with my current status. I occasionally participate in variety shows to show my face. The main task is usually I’m left to rest and make preparations for the next album." Jeong Hwan\'s eyes seemed to be nailed to Taeyeon.

"Heh, why don\'t you want to chase after you like it so much? There are also many families with strong women and weak men." Yang Cheng listened to the cheerful rhythm, Sunny and the women I saw yesterday walked to the center of the stage with **** dance steps, fans behind The eruption seems to be able to overturn the ceiling.

Zheng Huan smiled bitterly, "Actually, the future of artists, especially female artists, withdrawing from the show business circle is almost destined, either to marry the rich, or to the male celebrities in the circle, who can fade away and find an ordinary woman who lives with her husband and child. There are very few stars."

On the stage, Yang Cheng\'s eyes were dazzled by 8 pairs of bright white legs.

"Let’sgo." Taeyeon\'s first line at home caught Yang Cheng\'s ears, and there was disproportionate energy in this body.

"Artists endure this kind of sorrow while also earning wealth that ordinary people can\'t imagine for a few lifetimes. This world is fair, and what you get is inevitably lost." Yang Cheng subconsciously remembered that netizens from previous lives kept on the Internet. Shouting that the actor has missed the country.

This sentence seems to be suspected of hatred for the rich on the surface, but is there any error in thinking about it? It seems to be right.

Cultural and entertainment events are a manifestation of the prosperity of a country. That’s right, but when stars perform on stage in just a few minutes, they can get the rewards that ordinary people can save for decades without eating or drinking. When stars wear top luxury goods What do the new generation of young people think when they swagger through the market and often have millions of luxury cars at Ivanhoe House?

Young people will mistakenly think that being a celebrity is a very good errand, and the scenery pays off quickly. Men are all beautiful women, and women can make handsome men every day. Who doesn\'t want this kind of life?

When young people in a country have such naive ideas, can the country be saved?

Who is going to study? Go for plastic surgery! Anyway, the fans can always find excuses for their idols.

Singing out of tune? It doesn\'t matter, there is a computer to fix the sound, and live performances can also be fake!

Don\'t know how to act? It’s okay, isn’t there a substitute? Why don\'t you just cut out the picture and read the number head office with a straight face? Late dubbing! A face worth 80 million, really tm drunk!

Neither of these works? That\'s simple, think of a way to get a big star, make her belly big, quiet for two or three years with children on variety shows, a season of tens of millions, this is a cost-effective investment, no wonder the stars are competing to have a second child and spend a few minutes in bed You can get tens of thousands of times the return on investment. This tm is more cost-effective than buying a double-color ball, at least this matter is guaranteed, double-color ball, ha ha. . .

Zhenghuan heard the deep contempt in Yang Cheng\'s tone, opened his mouth and did not dare to refute, let\'s be honest yy Taeyeon.

After a song was sung, the young members gathered in the middle of the stage with whispers and began to interact with the audience.

But elder sisters, can you speak again after you have practiced your English? Except for tiffany, everyone can only say hello newyork, I am *, dare to say howareyou, fihankyou again?

mmp, Yang Cheng, who was watching, has committed embarrassing cancer.

At this moment, Andrew came over with a big white tooth, relieved Yang Cheng\'s symptoms of poisoning, and followed Yang Cheng\'s two bodyguards who had stopped before.

"Boss, Louis Lehman is here to meet James Dolan." Andrew squeezed Zhenghuan away and sat beside Yang Cheng to report.

"James Dolan? Is there a business intersection between them?" Yang Cheng was full of confusion.

"I don\'t know, but I observe that the two talked very happily, not like they met for the first time." Andrew added.

On the stage, Xiao Shi then performed three songs in a row and walked off the stage to the sound of the audience.

Immediately afterwards, there was also a girl group. The number of people was small. Yang Cheng didn’t know any of them. And because Louis Lehman made him feel bored, he suddenly lost his mood. He made a sigh of relief and prepared to go to the waiting room for a while. Sunny says goodbye.

Under the protection of four bodyguards, Yang Cheng exited the scene. Some bored audiences found Yang Cheng\'s figure, and they responded with curiosity and envy.

. . . . . .

Outside the door of the young waiting room, Zheng Huan was a little surprised. This group of female bombers had already turned the sky over. Why is it so quiet today, gently opened the door, the already crowded waiting room has long been full of people, two blondes The white man was escorted by the interpreter with the young members.

Suddenly one of the white people hugged one of the members and forced a face-to-face ceremony. The girl was so scared that her face was pale, her face turned pale, but she did not dare to resist, letting the white man flirt.

One by one, the young members fell into the claws. Zheng Huan outside the door looked anxious, and he did not dare to speak. After all, they did not do too much. Embracing veneer is a traditional Western etiquette.

Yang Cheng was even more cold-eyed, not too lazy to complain about the servility of the stick. The goddess of your country has been bullied by foreigners into this way, and there is no one who dares to stand up to stop it. He is indeed the godson of the United States.

But he hadn\'t seen the first few women. UU read and didn\'t care about it. Seeing that the white man was going to bully Taeyeon, he wouldn\'t pass if he didn\'t do anything.

What\'s more, the enemy was extremely jealous when he saw each other. He had a hairspray that looked like a tortoise shell on one end. The greasy voice and the disgusting look could even be recognized even when it turned into a gray orange.

Yang Cheng, whose heart reached his throat, turned around, and pulled out the Colt m1911 from Hansen’s waist. This black shiny, because the legendary pistol of the Marine Corps\' reputation was held by Yang Cheng In his hands, the murderous aura was condensed.

Pushing Zhenghuan away and walking into the waiting room, his left hand was inserted into his pocket, his right hand was holding a pistol, and the muzzle was down. Hansen saw that something was about to happen, and they drew guns in their hands, their muscles tightened, and they entered a state of readiness. It was the bodyguard who blocked Louis Lehman, don\'t even want to go in.

"Louis, when will your lascivious problem be corrected?"

At the moment when Louis was about to hug Taeyeon, Yang Cheng raised his pistol and loaded it up, and the cold muzzle firmly pressed against the back of Louis Lehman\'s head.

"Oppa!" When she saw Yang Cheng appearing Sunny who thought she would be hoping for a savior, she saw Yang Cheng pull out a pistol. Her hideous expression made her scream. From Sunny who was born in the war in Kuwait, she was born right. Weapons have a deep fear.

Yang Cheng couldn\'t hear the outside world at all at this moment, and all her attention was restraining the desire to press the trigger.

"Jason, what are you doing?" The New York Knicks owner James Dolan, who had a beard and was still betraying him before, called out with a look of astonishment.

Yang Cheng didn\'t even turn his head, and stared straight at the back of Louis Lehman\'s head. It seemed to be a red bullseye. As long as you gently press the trigger, it is a perfect ten ring.