Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 108: Bury an eyeliner

Yang Cheng suddenly stopped screaming, frightening Sunny, and the feet that stepped out hesitated to fall.

"Isn\'t he supposed to be in Brazil? Who was sent to stare at him?" Yang Cheng was extremely angry, and his roar echoed in this slightly narrow passage.

"Sorryboss, I\'ll call now." Hansen didn\'t dare to shirk. As the contact person of the group, he was also jointly and severally liable.

Yang Cheng was angry not because he heard that Louis Lehman was also there, but because of the negligence of the team he sent, serious negligence, the mission goal appeared in front of Yang Cheng, and there was not even a report. What if this is a killer?

Waiting to collect the corpse?

Hansen held his mobile phone and ran back the same way. The signal in the corner of the room was not very good.

This series of conversations were all in English, and Sunny and her assistant could only stare blankly, not knowing what was going on.

Yang Cheng bit the dry skin of his lip. He didn\'t believe that the team sent by Hansen would be so unprofessional. He didn\'t even know that the mission target went to New York. There were only two reasons why he did not report. They were killed; second, they collectively defected.

Obviously, the probability of the second guess is less than 1%, that is, Louis Lehman has wiped out the group sent by Yang Orange. This also means that Louis Lehman has won a phased victory from the battle of 3g capital and can only be empty. Clean the eyeliner around.

Of course, this still needs Hansen\'s confirmation.

However, what is the purpose of Louis Lehman coming to New York at this time? Pure business trip? still is?

"Oppa? Are you okay?" Sunny hesitated and asked with concern, taking Yang Cheng\'s hand.

Yang Cheng realized that when he got involved with the enemy, it was easy to lose control of his emotions. He shook his head and exhaled a sulky breath, slowing down his mood, rubbing his big hands on sunny and smooth shoulders, "It\'s okay, let\'s keep going."

After walking for about a few minutes, the crowd suddenly increased. They should be all s-m staff members, all ears of smecta, very noisy.

Yang Cheng temporarily put aside his irritability and endured the inexplicable smile at Smecta. Following Sunny, the iron tower of Andrew with an indifferent face, standing by Yang Cheng\'s side, the narrow backstage suddenly screamed. .

Sunny\'s male assistant with glasses wanted to speak up to make Yang Cheng more concerned, but he didn\'t dare to speak out. Who could go out with a bodyguard, how could he offend an assistant?

And Yang Cheng looked disapproving, obviously didn\'t think there was anything wrong with his bodyguard.

"Oppa, I have to be ready to go on stage. I will let my assistant take you to the VIP area in a moment. I will reserve a place for you." Sunny took Yang Cheng to an empty room and still apologized to Yang with worry.

"Ok, you\'re busy with you, don\'t worry about me, behave well, come on!" Yang Cheng gently hugged Sunny as a sign of encouragement, but didn\'t dare to work hard for fear that she would lose her makeup.

After Sunny left, Yang Cheng went around the room boringly. This should be a temporary waiting room, only 10 square meters in size. The dressing table and mirror are placed on one side for the performers to apply makeup. There are boxes stacked in the corner. Used for props.

Randomly picked up the plastic colored ball from the table and tossed it in his hand. With his eyes rolled, he slapped the male assistant with glasses smirkly, "Man, what do you call it?"

"Uh, just call me Zhenghuan." The assistant was very introverted, and Yang Cheng\'s demon king\'s mannerism a little frightened him, but he replied with a promise.

"Zheng Huan? It seems that you are about the same age as me. Don\'t be cautious. Anyway, there is still some time to leave the field. Chat with me?" Yang Cheng put his arm around Zheng Huan\'s shoulders and deliberately made the two of them about the same age. At least 2 years older than him.

"Nei, what do you want to talk about?" Zhenghuan pushed his glasses grandiosely.

"Just talk about your job, right? Isn\'t it fun to be an assistant to a big star? You usually hug and hug, so you can take advantage of it?" Yang Cheng asked this question. I don\'t know what the case is about. \'S assistant is about to cry.

Is this chat?

"No, no, I\'m just an assistant, I\'m only responsible for carrying bags and getting water, and I don\'t have much contact with celebrities."

Zheng Huan\'s denial was in Yang Cheng\'s expectation, who would write the insignificant words on his forehead.

Yang Cheng was not discouraged, and said with a smile, "Is it dishonest? The assistant is one of the closest people around the star. Let\'s take Sunny. She is so cute and has a hot body. You haven\'t imagined it? thought?"

"No, really not!" Zheng Huan shook his body, staring at Yang Cheng in panic and waved his hands again and again.

"It\'s definitely there. It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t admit it. Everyone is a man. I understand. By the way, who is the best man among the young members?" Yang Cheng said that I understand your expression and continued his absurd questions.

"The children are very popular, and whoever is the most popular with men is probably Taeyeon xi." Zheng Huan wanted to run, but there was a black-faced door **** standing at the door, where he could run, so he had to accept Yang Cheng in an aggrieved way. Interrogation.

"Taeyeon? Why?" Yang Cheng asked curiously, pretending to be surprised.

"Pretty? Good figure? Good skin? Good personality? Many advantages, anyway, many trainees in the company and even idols who have already debuted take Taeyeon xi as their ideal type."

Jeong-hwan seems to treasure Taeyeon\'s advantages.

"So, actually you like Taeyeon, right? Have you confessed it? It\'s not a crush?"

Yang Cheng\'s playful eyes made Zheng Huan as if Chi Guoguo was exposed to the sun, and he had to push his glasses, not daring to look at Yang Cheng.

"You don\'t need to be shy, it\'s only natural for men to like women." Yang Cheng consoled insincerely.

Zheng Huan pushed the frame of the glasses subconsciously, and his lips trembled, "I\'m just an ordinary assistant, no matter where I am worthy of Taeyeon, I just need to look far away."

"Yo? I didn\'t expect to be an innocent boy? Yes, I have ambitions! In this way, I have a job that can make you a lot of money. Would you like to try?"

Yang Cheng laid the ground for so long, and finally revealed the tail of the fox, pushing Zheng Huan this assistant step by step to the edge of the cliff. The saddest thing is that the choice of jumping or not is firmly in Yang Cheng\'s hands.

"What? What job?" Zheng Huan stammered.

A devilish smile appeared on Yang Cheng\'s face, "Why don\'t you help me stare at Xu Xian? As long as any opposite **** with wrong intentions appears next to her, you have to notify me as soon as possible, is it simple?"

"No, it\'s illegal." Zheng Huan refused without even thinking about it.

Yang Cheng sank her face, "You should think about it, not for anything else, just for 10 million won a month."

"No..." As soon as the word uttered the first syllable, Jeong-hwan forced him back. You must know that his monthly salary is more than 3 million won. In the face of high prices in Seoul, he is not as good as a dog and he is under pressure at work. Amazing.

Suddenly one day someone came over and gave you three times the salary for nothing, just asking you to mark people, not to kill people, would you be heartbroken?

The answer is very positive. People who don\'t move are starving to death!

"Really 10 million won? Every month?" Jeong Hwan swallowed to hide his embarrassment, and he just refused explicitly.

Yang Cheng\'s expression is well controlled, there is no sarcasm, only gratification, "Well, it is a fool to have money and not make money, don\'t worry, you won\'t lose a penny."

"Okay~okay, what exactly do I need to do?" Yang Cheng\'s kind smile brought Zhenghuan a little relief, and he would not feel too guilty.

"No hurry, I\'ll tell you slowly, first tell me if Xu Xian has a boyfriend or a close opposite sex?" Yang Cheng took Zhenghuan\'s shoulders. If not, anyone would think how much the two are related. Get close.

At this time, the concert has already begun. Listening to the rumble of music, it should be the s-m men\'s group that started the show. Yang Cheng was not interested in watching the female gun dance, and it was too late to pass after a short time to play.

"As far as I know, Xu Xianxi has a male friend who grew up with a childhood sweetheart. He has been to the backstage of the concert and his colleagues have seen it. As for whether the relationship is confirmed, it is not clear." , It seems that the sticks are well versed in it, and did not hesitate to tell the news that he knew.

"Oh? childhood sweetheart?" Yang Cheng muttered softly.

"Boss!" Hansen ran in from outside and called Yang Cheng.

"How\'s it going?" Yang Cheng put away her frivolous color and asked hastily.

Hansen\'s dignified 6-foot man, his eyes were rarely red, and he shook his head tightly.

Half of the members of the group sent to were comrades who had followed him on the battlefield before. They did not die under the gunfire, but died in the hands of garbage. How could he accept this!

Hansen\'s meaning was clear to the eye, Yang Cheng had expected it, and the entire group was wiped out.

"Huh, Louis Lehman, this is our old hatred and new hatred." Yang Cheng hit the wall with a fist, making a loud bang, gritted his teeth, and now he can\'t wait to swallow Louis Lehman.

Wait, Yang Cheng suddenly thought that Alan was still in Rio, didn\'t it?

no, I can not.

He took out his cell phone tremblingly, and dialed Allen\'s number in his heart.

"Beep, beep, beep..." Every time the blind tone sounds, Yang Cheng\'s heart sinks.

When Yang Cheng was about to lose hope and was about to go up and slap Louis Lehman alive, there was a "click" from the phone, followed by Allen\'s humble voice.

"Fuck, do you know that making a call at a critical moment is easy to cause people to yw?"

"Damn it, bastard! Are you okay?" Yang Cheng felt her heartbeat again, pulling her hair up and exhaling turbid air.

"What can I do? Jason, what\'s your nerve?" Allen complained puzzledly.

"Fuck, you quickly book a flight back to New York. The people I sent to watch Louis Lehman have been killed. You can\'t stay anymore." Yang Orange explained anxiously.

Allen froze for a few seconds, "What about the shares? I just got on the line with Louis Lehman\'s sister."

"Don\'t care about the shares, I\'ll send someone else, you come back first."

"No, change someone else, his sister will definitely be vigilant, so she\'ll be stunned, give me 2 days, and I will take it within 2 days." Allen knows that Yang Cheng is good for him, but it\'s not the character of a fat man to shrink back. , He was also ruthless, vowing to pack votes to Yang Orange.