Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2751: Power of the Kingdom of God: Fruitful Bloodlines!

The latest website: Zhizhen Touching the Vine silently endured this biggest transformation in the level of life since it came into existence.

Zhizhen Touching the Vine believes that Lin Yuan will ensure his safety.

In other words, the suffering I am suffering now will eventually lead to the promotion of my rank and quality!

At this moment, Zhizhen Touching the Vine only felt a brand new change suddenly appeared in his soul.

This change made Zhizhen touch the vine extremely strange.

But this kind of change brought the soul of Zhizhen Touching the Vine to an extremely mysterious situation.

When Lin Yuan was investigating the situation of Zhizhen Touching Vine, he found that the aura in Zhizhen Touching Vine\'s body had changed drastically in an instant.

The breath of the previous Zhizhen Touching Vine is more and more similar to the breath of the Abyss Emperor.

But after this aura appeared, the aura of Zhizhen Touching the Vine was obviously superior to that of the Abyssal Emperor.

Become even more mysterious than the Abyss Emperor!

Chun passed Lin Yuan for the first time and stood in front of him.

"Master Sage, you don\'t need to worry no matter how much movement there is in a while."

"A strong person who advances to the realm of the emperor in the second-tier world will definitely attract the attention of many forces to this second-tier world."

"The will of this secondary world itself will also repel the ultimate touch vine."

"These are the obstacles in the promotion process of reaching the vine."

"And I\'ll level the resistance!"

While Chun was speaking, the vitality of Zhizhen Touching the Vine seemed to be extinct.

The eternal heart was burned to ashes, and the divine fire was completely extinguished.

But the aura in the soul of Zhizhen Touching Vine became stronger and stronger!

The sky of the main world surged like waves.

Lines like purple-black scars appeared in the sky, and the whole sky seemed to be split open.

All kinds of visions in the sky are aimed at the attaining vines that are being promoted.

Just like when Ye Qingyue used the ten-star holy source to induce the sky.

At this time, all the creatures in the main world can see the vision in the sky.

The horror of this vision is not weaker than that of the undead natural disaster.

Even stronger than the horror of the undead natural disaster!

After all, the undead natural disaster is a disaster gushing out of the ground, and the creatures of the main world cannot explore the underground environment.

But it can ascertain the situation of the sky.

Lin Yuan\'s mind letter paper received a lot of news at this moment.

Most of these messages were asking about the visions that appeared in Lin Yuan\'s sky.

Now that the natural disaster of the undead has just ended, it is the most vulnerable stage for the leaders of all forces in the main world.

Any disturbance is enough to make people startled.

What\'s more, the vision in the sky at this time is too terrifying.

And as time goes by, the accumulation of energy in the sky increases.

If the attacks contained in these energies in the sky are poured on the ground indiscriminately.

At least half of the infrastructure in the main world can be destroyed, and one-third of the life in the main world can be cleaned up!

Even if the natural disaster of the undead is not under control, it will not be able to achieve such destructive power in a short period of time!

Lin Yuan took the lead in replying to his master Yue Hou.

[Lin Yuan]: Master, don\'t worry, there is no problem here, everything is going well!

[Lin Yuan]: The vision in the sky was caused by one of my spirit being about to break through the stage.

[Lin Yuan]: After the rank is promoted, this vision will disappear naturally!

Lin Yuan didn\'t hide anything from Yue Hou, and directly told Yue Hou the most real situation.

This surprised Yue Hou\'s heart.

Months later, I thought that there would be a follow-up to the natural disaster of the undead, or that there was something stronger than Tadian hidden in the main world.

This force is also preparing to attack the main world!

I never thought that such power was caused by the advancement of one of Lin Yuan\'s spiritual creatures!

If that\'s the case, there\'s nothing to worry about after that month.

Based on what he knew about Lin Yuan a month later, Lin Yuan must have been prepared to let his spirit be promoted to a higher rank!

The improvement of Lin Yuan\'s spiritual creature\'s combat power is a good thing for Hui Yao and even the entire human race.

Lin Yuan\'s answer to Wen Yu and Liu Jie was the same as his answer to Yue Hou.

However, Lin Yuan did not explain the situation in detail to other people\'s inquiries.

It just shows that the change in the sky at this time will not have any negative impact on the main world.

Lin Yuan responded to the change in the sky, making all forces in the main world less worried about the impact of this vision on the main world.

As the saying goes, when the sky falls, there are tall people holding it up,

In the eyes of many forces, Lin Yuan has become the "tallest" person in the main world!

With Lin Yuan in charge of everything, there is no need for the leaders of other forces to worry about it!

After Iron Prison dealt with Manshui, one of the five major farming envoys, it announced the results.

Tian Feng didn\'t have the slightest opinion on this.

Iron prison did not consider Tian Feng\'s feelings.

Firstly, Iron Prison has always handled things wrongly.

Secondly, Iron Prison is also very clear, if Tian Feng really cares about Manshui so much and wants to keep Manshui.

And he won\'t give the mans water to himself!

Only by disposing of manshui can we alert those who have evil intentions.

Let these people not be blinded by greed like Manshui.

After the undead disaster is over, Huiyao will face the biggest change in history.

Although the duration of the undead disaster was short, the undead disaster still had a great impact on the entire main world!

Lin Yuan was going to distribute the cakes.

These cakes will increase the strength of the major forces in the main world by at least two times on the original basis.

When resources are distributed, greed will inevitably appear in the hearts of some forces.

These greeds will have a great impact on Hui Yao.

This vigilance can at least make the greed in the hearts of these forces disappear by more than 30%.

If after knowing the fate of Manshui, there are still forces who dare to be greedy.

Tie Prison will not give up in the slightest!

Tian Feng has always defended his shortcomings, but in the face of big right and wrong, Tian Feng\'s approach has been affirmed by Iron Prison.

If Tian Feng, who is the crown prince, wants to protect his weaknesses in this kind of matter, it will definitely have a very bad impact!

It will also make Iron Prison wonder whether Tian Feng has the qualifications to be a crown prince!

A month later, the turmoil caused by the vision in the sky was calmed down immediately, and the first step in the transformation of Huiyao after the undead natural disaster began.

When multiple orders had been issued a month later, the vision in the sky still did not stop.

There were even many changes in the visions in the sky.

Its power is far from comparable to the vision at the beginning!

But this didn\'t make Yue Hou nervous, on the contrary, it made Yue Hou even more shocked by the strength of the spiritual creature that Lin Yuan was promoting!

The strength of Lin Yuan\'s spiritual creature that is being promoted must have surpassed the cognition of his own level.

In the process of question-and-answer practice with Lin Yuan before, it was always Lin Yuan who asked and answered.

After a month, I felt that the question-and-answer practice between myself and Lin Yuan was still necessary.

It\'s just that the question-and-answer exercise after that is to ask yourself, and Lin Yuan answered it!

Yue Hou is also a person with a strong thirst for knowledge, wanting to know what he doesn\'t know.

In the past two days, Lin Yuan saw that Chun blocked one attack after another for Zhizhen Touch Vine.

But Haru didn\'t completely resist these attacks.

Instead, use these attacks to forge the body for the ultimate touch vine under the condition that the ultimate touch vine can withstand it.

The body of the Supreme Touch Vine recovers after being destroyed again and again.

Every time it is destroyed and restored, the strength of the body will be improved on the original basis.

The miniature kingdom of God that has reached the vine has been solidified.

Lin Yuan used Mobius\'s skill [Real Data] to investigate the reach of the vine.

[Spiritual creature name]: Supreme touch vine

[Spiritual Species]: Carapaceae / Longvine

[Spirit Level]: Realm Emperor Rank (1/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Wood

[Spiritual quality]: Elementary Divine Kingdom

[Divine Kingdom Level]: Miniature


[Forbidden Growth]: After making a contract with any creature, you can break the confinement brought by the contract. As long as you have enough energy, you can continuously improve your strength. When the absorbed energy reaches a certain limit, you will automatically comprehend the required will talisman arts.

[Extreme Strongness]: The absorbed energy will consume a large part to strengthen the toughness and firmness of the vine. When it is damaged, the surface of the vine can be repaired by consuming energy.

[Long Vine Attachment]: Select two vines to attach to one vine, and the attached vines can obtain certain effects of the other two vines.

[Paralyzing vine juice]: When you are injured, you can make vine juice splash out through the wound, and the vine juice has a paralyzing effect.

[Savage Breaking Ground]: In the face of defense, instantly stimulate the power of seed germination to help vines break through the enemy\'s defense.

[Root binding]: Designate a target, use the target\'s body as the soil, root in the target\'s body, **** the target\'s vitality, and destroy the target.

[Phantom Thorn Meridian]: After the phantom thorn enters the target\'s body, the phantom thorn will turn into a phantom seed and germinate in the target\'s body, condensing more phantom thorns.

[Wedge of Freedom]: Every time the vine receives damage reduction, a layer of wedge skin will grow on the surface of the vine, and every three layers of wedge skin will turn into sharp wedge thorns. The wedge thorns can enhance the effect of the vine itself and increase the vine .

[Heto Gomori]: Designate a target, attach itself to the target, help the target resist external attacks, and at the same time contribute its own life energy to the protected target.

[Vine Armor]: Turn your body into a piece of armor, connect yourself with the original energy of the target, your own blood will be amplified in the armored state, and the amplified will appear after the armored state is released.

Exclusive features:

[Phegocytosis Homologous]: Each vine shares the rank quality, but differentiates into independent individuals. Each vine can swallow an object and grasp the characteristics of the object. The swallowed object can no longer be spit out, but it can be passed through Higher-level objects of the same kind will be replaced (with this exclusive feature, vines will not be further differentiated on the existing basis).

[Broken Vine Substitute]: In the case that a vine is destroyed in battle, you can designate a vine to take the damage instead of this vine, and save the selected vine by breaking your wrist.

[Suppressing phantom thorns]: Concentrate the energy in the vine on a certain part of the vine, and this part will grow phantom thorns generated by the special energy contained in the vine, which cannot be detected and sensed.

[Touch the vines and wood world]: Release the wood energy and life energy stored in the vines in an instant. These wood energy and life energy will turn into a large number of vines. These vines are intertwined to form a world made of vines. , the main body will integrate into this world to attack the target. Before the wood world is destroyed, the damage to the main body will be reduced and shared by the wood world.

[Spirituality with objects]: At the cost of sacrificing the absorbed items in the vines, the source of the absorbed items is psychic out. The psychic things do not have consciousness, but they have the power they have mastered. (Depending on the proportion of the energy used in the psychic in the item, the time to be able to psychic is determined).

[Vine Refinement Strangling]: Changvine strangles other lives. If the bloodline of the target strangled by Changvine is higher than that of the Supreme Touch Vine, the Ultimate Touch Vine can absorb the target\'s blood and use it to improve and strengthen its own The bloodline makes every vine that devours objects through phagocytosis homologously strengthened with the promotion of its own bloodline.

Power of God:

[Bloodline fruit]: The sacred tree that grows in the country of God can bear the fruit that contains the power of the bloodline on the tree after devouring the corpse containing the bloodline. It is related to the power of faith, the more power of faith provided, the stronger the blood concentration contained in the fruit of the sacred tree.

Lin Yuan discovered that Zhizhen Chuteng had become a strong man with a rudimentary divine kingdom at the first level of the world emperor.

The level of the kingdom of God is miniature.

It stands to reason that at this time the Zhizhen Touching Vine has completed its transformation.

The attacks that descended from the sky one after another were full of prying eyes.

Like Shiji and Shenjian who were promoted to lower elves and middle elves, they probably received the attention of some powerful people in the sky outside the cloud.

These powerful men want to intervene in the promotion.

Any of these attacks is beyond the reach of Lin Yuan relying on the Emperor Abyss.

Lin Yuan could guess that without Chun\'s help.

What will happen if you reach the top of the vine and rashly promote to the realm of emperors and gods!

After all the snooping was stopped by Chun, Lin Yuan spoke to Chun very seriously.

"Thank you, you..."

Before Lin Yuan could finish speaking, Chun knelt down in front of Lin Yuan with his knees straight after hearing Lin Yuan\'s thanks.

"Master Sage, I am your follower, and I should do everything for you!"

"You thank me, and I am really terrified!"

Faced with Chun\'s reaction, Lin Yuan felt quite helpless.

Lin Yuan didn\'t want a strong man like Chun to react like this to him at every turn.

It seems that I really can\'t be too polite to the people of the Jiyuan Temple in the future!

Seeing that Lin Yuan was about to step forward to help him, Chun hurriedly stood up with his body arched.

A face full of reverence and humility.

Lin Yuan could feel that Chun was contributing a lot of power of faith to himself.

The power of faith provided by Chun alone has reached one-tenth of the power of faith he has had since he owned the Kingdom of God!

This is enough to show how devout Chun is to her beliefs!

Before that, Lin Yuan hadn\'t felt Chun\'s belief in him.

It was because Chunyi was using a certain method to suppress the transmission of the power of faith.


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