Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2750: Domain mountain level! ?

The latest website: Otherwise, in such a world where mermaid blood is expensive and scarce, there is no way for Lin Yuan\'s blood to improve to such a level in such a short period of time!

None of these races that measure individual status by bloodlines are easy to improve at the bloodline level.

Now Lin Yuan\'s body only absorbed the mermaid blood.

Later, when they arrived in the Beyond the Clouds and encountered other races.

Most likely also have the opportunity to absorb the blood of other races!

If it wasn\'t for the fact that the blood in Crimson Yiying\'s body wasn\'t pure enough, Chun Duo would have hinted that Lin Yuan could try to absorb the blood that controls the blood.

Under normal circumstances, if a creature absorbs the blood of two races at the same time, this person will definitely explode and die under the conflict of the two bloods.

There is no way for the body to bear the collision between the two blood vessels.

However, Lin Yuan\'s body of all spirits can successfully carry and accommodate various bloodlines.

Not only will these blood vessels not conflict in Lin Yuan\'s body, but they will even promote each other to produce some linkage and benign reactions.

So absorb the blood of many kinds of creatures, and let the body be compatible with the blood of these creatures.

For Lin Yuan, it can be said that there are only advantages and no disadvantages!

The more domineering point of the body of all spirits is that when Lin Yuan wants to give up a certain bloodline, he can directly use this bloodline as an energy source.

Sacrifice to another bloodline with the same characteristics to help another bloodline to ascend.

This makes it so that even if Lin Yuan abandons a bloodline, the previous cultivation expenses for this bloodline will still not be wasted.

In addition to Lin Yuan\'s curiosity about the mermaid and bloodlines, he was equally curious about the void beast bloodlines mentioned by Chun.

It is because of the blood of the Void Beast in Crimson Yipage that he was able to sneak attack on him!

If Chun and Xia hadn\'t protected him in times of crisis, Lin Yuan wouldn\'t have been able to determine where the battle would turn in the end.

"Chun, you can recognize the blood of the void beast in Yiye\'s body, but what level is the blood of the void beast in the sky beyond the clouds?"

"How does it compare to the blood of mermaids and vampires?"

Chun had already guessed that Lin Yuan would ask himself such a question.

The blood of the Void Beast is very diverse, and it is much more complicated than the blood of the vampires and mermaids!

But the lower limit is extremely low in comparison.

Anyway, there is still a long time before Lin Yuan\'s promotion, Chun said to Lin Yuan very seriously.

"Master Sage, do you remember the innumerable imaginary realms outside the Cloudy Heaven Territory that I just mentioned to you?"

"Void Beast is a general term for those creatures in the Void Realm who have spatial abilities but whose race cannot be determined."

"Most of these creatures have the characteristics of tentacles and multiple eyes."

"The appearance of the body is extremely changeable."

"The bloodline of the Void Beast in Scarlet Yiye\'s body can be regarded as a particularly common existence among Void Beasts."

"And the blood of this void beast doesn\'t have much in the body of Scarlet Page."

"Otherwise, the scarlet page probably won\'t be able to maintain the appearance of a blood race."

"There are many races whose blood has been infested by void beasts, and they all eventually become very hideous and terrifying."

"The corresponding crimson page didn\'t inherit much, the unique ability of the void beast bloodline."

"The speed of his sneak attack on you can\'t even reach half of the space transition standard of a realm-level void beast!"

"Because of its powerful spatial transition ability, the void is quite common in the four major space-times of the sky beyond the clouds."

"Many powerful races and forces are very willing to domesticate void beasts as pets and mounts."

"The value of the void beast itself is not high."

"As long as the strength is strong enough, you can easily buy or capture the Void Beast."

"But it is not an easy task to tame void beasts."

"The resources needed to tame a void beast are much more expensive than simply buying a void beast."

"Some strong people or members of forces like to use void beasts as pets and mounts, which can be regarded as a proof of status and a show off of resources."

"Void beasts will go to the sky outside the clouds in large numbers because the void beasts especially like aura and various energies."

"Elemental energy, life energy, death energy and even the power of faith, Void Beast can absorb it."

"And after absorbing it, the body will change accordingly according to the energy absorbed!"

"With the resources at hand, you can easily raise void beasts in captivity."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan knew exactly what the Void Beast was all about.

In fact, if the sky outside the cloud is compared to the main world, then the surrounding virtual world is equivalent to the dimensional world that wraps the main world.

Hearing Chun\'s introduction to the race of the Heaven Beyond the Clouds, Lin Yuan became more and more yearning for the Heavens Beyond the Clouds.

After Lin Yuan arrived in Yunwai Tianyu, it would definitely be impossible to sell aura crystals, pure elemental energy, these basic materials that represent the foundation.

Lin Yuan needs to use these basic materials to create an industrial chain in Yunwai Tianyu that can continuously obtain resources for him.

Cultivating these void beasts can be counted as a livelihood.

But how to do it specifically, Lin Yuan still has to wait until he arrives at Yunwai Tianyu for field inspections before he can decide!

Chun saw that Lin Yuan had an unsatisfactory expression on his face after listening to his narration.

He hurriedly spoke to Lin Yuan.

"Master Sage, if you like to hear about the situation in the Tianyu beyond the clouds, I can tell you a good one!"

"Yunwai Tianyu is a place where all races fight for hegemony."

"However, the strength of each race is not something that can be determined by the Hundred Clans Ranking."

"Because the Hundred Clans List is ranked by the Ten Thousand Clans Alliance."

"Many races are not interested in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races."

"For example, the elves have not participated in the Ten Thousand Races League these few times, but they still rank among the top ten relying on the results of the previous few times."

"Races like blood races that like to compete have made more serious preparations for the Ten Thousand Races Alliance."

"In this case, the ranking of the blood race may be higher than the true strength of the blood race."

"Although the elves don\'t like competition."

"But because I don\'t want hostile forces to overwhelm me on the Hundred Clans List, I won\'t completely ignore the results of the Ten Thousand Clans Association."

"Before I went to this first-level world, I heard that the overlord forces of the four major time and space had plans to promote individual groups to enter the Ten Thousand Races Alliance."

"I\'m not sure how well the idea is working out now."

"If this idea goes well, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will surpass the rest of the alliances and become the most influential alliance in the Beyond Cloud."

"The competition for ranking in the Ten Thousand Races List will be more intense and convincing than before!"

Due to the long dormant time in this world, Chun can only rely on his general impression when introducing the situation of the Tianyu outside the cloud.

It is very likely that Chun\'s statement is quite different from the current situation in the sky beyond the clouds!

Lin Yuan is aware of this.

But even a superficial understanding is an understanding.

Chun\'s words strengthened Lin Yuan\'s determination to gallop in the sky beyond the clouds.

During the exchange between Chun and Lin Yuan, the strength of Zhizhen Touching Vine has been improving.

Chun was not surprised by the magic of reaching the vine.

I just feel very lucky to reach the vine.

The spiritual object of Zhizhen Touching Vine was in the hands of Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan happened to be willing to provide resources for Zhizhen Touching Vine to achieve such achievements.

In the hands of others or grow freely in the wild.

Where is it possible to obtain today\'s transformation! ?

The existence of this kind of life that requires more resources than other creatures does not conform to common sense.

And the elven blood, metals, and even the secret treasures of the Scaled Snake absorbed by the Supreme Touch Vine are things that other people in this world cannot provide to the Perfect Touch Vine!

This vine is fortunate to be by Lin Yuan\'s side, and the future achievements must be extraordinary!

I\'m afraid it won\'t be long before he can become famous in the sky beyond the clouds!

Chun talked to Lin Yuan for two full days, patiently sketching out the sky outside the clouds in Chun\'s impression for Lin Yuan.

It made Lin Yuan, who had never been to the Heaven Beyond the Clouds, seem to be an old fritter in the Heavens Beyond the Clouds!

Feeling the aura of reaching the vine at this moment, Chun said to Lin Yuan very seriously.

"Master Sage, this spiritual creature of yours will soon be promoted to the realm of the Realm Emperor and God Realm."

"If a creature wants to reach this level, it must go through the process from destruction to new life."

"So no matter what happens for a while, you don\'t need to worry."

"I will help you when necessary!"

"Although the strength of the demon you sent has reached the level of the Realm Emperor."

"But because it is only a dimensional creature attached to a first-level world, its realm cannot reach the realm of God."

"There is no way to protect this spiritual creature in a short time!"

Chun enjoys staying with Lin Yuan very much and is willing to do things for Lin Yuan.

At present, he finally found an opportunity to help Lin Yuan.

If Emperor Abyss can protect Zhizhen Touching Vine, Chun will never dare to take the initiative to act for Lin Yuan.

Because this is tantamount to flattering and flattering Lin Yuan.

Followers follow the master, such behavior is not allowed!

Lin Yuan\'s heart shuddered when he heard the words, and he secretly thought that he was a little overwhelmed.

Lin Yuan thought that the Emperor of the Abyss, as a master of the reincarnated realm, could be said to have touched the threshold of the realm emperor rank.

Has been able to **** the advanced Zhizhen touch vine.

But I didn\'t realize that the Abyss Emperor didn\'t have such ability at all!

Lin Yuan\'s ability to improve the strength of Zhizhen Touch Vine so happily is related to Zhi Zhen Touch Vine\'s ability to use the exclusive feature [Psychic] to cast its trump card.

Secondly, it was because Chun was by his side.

Lin Yuan can be sure that when Zhizhen Chuteng is in danger, it is impossible for Chun not to help.

In short, it is already a certainty for Zhizhen to touch the vine to improve his rank today.

At this time, Zhizhen Touching Vine absorbed half of the resources that Lin Yuan had hoarded before.

The absorption of aura by Zhizhen Touch Vine made Lin Yuan roughly understand the amount of resources he needs to cultivate other spiritual creatures.

The Ultimate Touch Vine is swinging the vines, constantly absorbing spiritual energy.

The absorption of aura by every mouthful of Zhizhen Touching Vine will make the breath of Zhizhen Touching Vine more intense than before.

This shows that it is difficult for the body of Zhizhen Touch Vine to absorb more energy.

These energies absorbed by the Zhizhen Touch Vine are all expressed on the outside of the Zhi Zhen Touch Vine.

Just like what Chun said, the time to reach the top of the vine is coming!

Suddenly, Lin Yuan felt that the eternal mentality in Zhizhen Touch Vine\'s body was burning without warning.

This is not because the eternal mentality is being disintegrated under the attack of external force.

It is the self-burning of the eternal mentality from the inside out.

Not only did the eternal heart of Zhizhen Touching Vine burn, but the emerald green divine fire that had just condensed in Zhizhen Touching Vine\'s body a day ago was also gradually extinguished.

The eternal mind is destroyed by burning, and the divine fire is gradually extinguished.

This is a harbinger of the imminent extinction of a god-level creature.

If it wasn\'t for Youchun\'s reminder to Lin Yuan just now, Lin Yuan would definitely be extremely worried about the situation of Zhizhen touching the vine.

But after Chun said that reaching the Realm Emperor God Realm will experience a process from destruction to rebirth.

Lin Yuan put his heart in his stomach.

Lin Yuan, as a witness, will witness the transformation of Zhizhen Touching Vine!

It can be said that the transformation of Zhizhen Touching the Vine was created by Lin Yuan alone!

Lin Yuan will solve many doubts in his heart after attaining the touch of the vine and advancing to the realm of the emperor of the world!

Lin Yuan has always only had a general concept of the Kingdom of God.

With Mobius\' skill [True Data], Lin Yuan was able to confirm that what was in his soul shrine was a kingdom of God.

But to define himself through the classification of human beings, he is at best an A-level spiritual energy professional.

When Lin Yuan obtained the Kingdom of God, he wasn\'t even an A-level aura professional.

This made Lin Yuan very puzzled.

After attaining the Kingdom of God by Zhizhen Touching Vine, even if Lin Yuan didn\'t know how he obtained the Kingdom of God.

You can also know whether there is a gap between yourself and the divine kingdom that has reached the vine.

Lin Yuan could feel the pain of Zhizhen Touching the Vine at this time.

The burning of the eternal heart and the extinguishing of the divine fire made the Zhizhen touch vine extremely fragile.

But just like the withered vegetation, every time the vegetation withered and flourished, an astonishingly vigorous vitality would burst out.

Feeling the state of reaching the vine, Chun sighed in admiration.

This Zhizhen Touching Vine is really a little guy born with a golden spoon in his mouth!

From the beginning of Lin Yuan\'s cultivation of Zhizhen Touching Vine, he gave Zhizhen Touching Vine such extreme resources.

If it is replaced by other spiritual objects, it is at the threshold of being promoted to the realm of emperors and gods.

The eternal heart will definitely not burn for such a long time, and the divine fire should have been extinguished long ago.

Right now, most of the world has no living beings who have advanced to this level.

To explain in the popular words of Yunwai Tianyu, this promotion process is called the Nirvana of the God Lord.

Once undergoing this transformation, a miniature kingdom of God will be opened up as a divine master.

With the Kingdom of God as the core of its own energy, transformation occurs on the energy level!

Once the Kingdom of God is opened up, UU Reading www. will be able to absorb the beliefs enshrined by other powerful people for themselves.

Anyone who is not a strong person in the realm of the gods cannot destroy his own soul.

In battle, God will guard the soul and spiritual power.

The development of the Kingdom of God can even give back to the strong in the Kingdom of God in terms of strength.

Compared with the detailed division of ranks in the realm of the kingdom of God, the imperial rank of the realm is only a general concept.

Only those who are strong in the realm of the gods can reach the step of stepping into the realm of the gods.

Such a strong person is no longer divided by the rank of the emperor rank.

It is the Yushan-level powerhouse known as Yunwai Tianyu.

Looking at the entire Yunwai Tianyu, there are no more than 30 Yushan-level powerhouses alive!


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