Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 997

The star transmission array was opened, and friars entered the star transmission array one after another.

Lin Feng also entered the star transmission array and disappeared from the planet.


The sky was spinning and the light was shining. Lin Feng, a group of thousands of monks, appeared on another planet.


Just after I came to this planet, I heard the sound of killing from the sky. It rang through the sky from a distance.

There were friars everywhere, and a dense number of friars rushed towards an island.

"Brother, what happened?" someone stopped a friar and asked.

"Guxiu cave is guarded by puppet animals. More than a dozen Taoist weapons have flown out of that Guxiu cave. Countless people are crazy. If you want to attack Guxiu cave, maybe there are even artifacts in it.".

The friar said a word and rushed over.

"Brothers, let\'s go and have a look"! Many monks who came with Lin Feng also rushed to the island.

Of course, some people feel strange to everything on this planet because they have just arrived on this planet.

Therefore, he planned to observe it first and then decide on future actions without rushing to the island.

Lin Feng didn\'t plan to go to the island. There are too many monks. Even if there are treasures, it\'s not easy to get them. It\'s better to leave such opportunities to others.

"This seems to be an ocean?". Tan taixuan said.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "let\'s find a place to have a rest first.".

Soon, the party left. They found an island and landed on it. Soon after, it was dark and a bonfire rose on the island.

Emperor Shixuan hunted a huge sea snake as food in the sea.

"Yang\'an, your brother and sister seem to have collected a lot of green leaf stones here, don\'t they? I have elixir for more than ten thousand years to exchange some green leaf stones with you.".

Lin Feng said.

Zhao Yang\'an said proudly, "brother Feng, don\'t say, isn\'t this hitting our face? Our lives were saved by brother Feng. We gave these green leaf stones to brother Feng.".

Zhao Yang\'an took out about 500 pieces of Bi ye stone and gave it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "one yard to one yard! These green leaf stones are very precious. Naturally, I can\'t take them for nothing. There are three million year old elixirs in them. Take them.".

Lin Feng gives a storage ring to Zhao Yang\'an.

There is a ten thousand year elixir sealed in a white jade box.

Zhao Yang\'an wanted to refuse. Dan taixuan said, "Yang\'an, since it was given to you by brother Feng, you can take it.".

"All right.".

Zhao Yangan just accepted it.

In the next three months, several people practiced on the planet, first in the sea, then left the sea, and went to a famous desert. Everyone\'s strength has made great progress.

On this day, Lin Feng got a message in a friar trading area about the "Holy Spirit fruit".

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is one of the most mysterious fruits between heaven and earth.

This fruit is of great benefit to some of the top spirit beasts.

"Eat! I want to eat!"

Beibei woke up immediately after hearing the news about the Holy Spirit fruit outside and conveyed her emotions to Lin Feng.

This is an extremely eager emotion. Lin Feng has never seen Beibei\'s desire for anything.

Lin Feng inquired about the place where the Holy Spirit fruit appeared. It was a terrible Jedi, inhabited by many terrible creatures. Many monks entered it, but they were destroyed.

Lin Feng has decided to go to find the fruit of the Holy Spirit. He asked emperor Shi Xuan to experience with Dan taixuan and others without waiting for him, because most of the two-year planetary experience has passed.

It will be over in more than half a year. At this stage, we try our best to collect all kinds of resources.

Lin Feng was relieved to hand over Dan taixuan, Zhao Yangping and Zhao Yangan to Emperor Shi Xuan.

"Be careful"! Tan taixuan said anxiously.

"Don\'t worry," Lin Feng nodded.

In the evening, he took Dan taixuan to a hidden place.

Naturally, it is Wushan cloud and rain.

It seems that it is because we are about to separate.

So tan taixuan was both enthusiastic and proactive.

The next day Lin Feng left.

"Fierce territory" is the name of that secret place. There are terrible creatures everywhere.

Beibei was very excited all the way, because according to Beibei, the Holy Spirit fruit can help it hatch.

Lin Feng is naturally very happy.

Beibei is a very rebellious race, although Lin Feng still doesn\'t know which race Beibei belongs to.

So Lin Feng has been looking forward to Beibei\'s incubation.

On the way, Lin Feng saw many monks who entered the fierce territory.

Lin Feng wondered why so many monks came to such a dangerous place.

"This season is the time for all kinds of fierce animals to hatch their eggs. Many young animals can be seen in the fierce area. Not long ago, some people got the young pterosaur and others found the young gluttony.".

Lin Feng inquired about a middle-aged monk, but he got amazing results.

This surprised him. Whether pterosaurs or Taotie, they are the blood of divine beasts.

Up to now, perhaps the blood has not been so powerful, but their ancestors are all divine beasts after all. With the improvement of cultivation, once the blood in these fierce beasts returns to their ancestors, they can become "divine beasts".

Divine beast, that is equivalent to the existence of "gods".

Lin Feng now finally understood why so many monks entered the fierce territory.

Soon after, a great war broke out in a mountain, and hundreds of monks were besieging the fierce beast "red burning Golden Dragon" entrenched in the mountain.

In ancient mythology, there is such a rumor.

There are strange animals, like lions, whose bodies are covered with fire red scales and shrouded in endless flames. They are fierce and cruel.

This beast caused havoc all over the world, and countless people were devoured in the hundreds of millions of miles of bare land.

Thirty six top experts such as the Red Emperor of the fire family fought with him for nine days and nine nights, and finally subdued it and sealed it into the red copper plate of the fire family artifact red copper fire jade plate. The town is in ChiYan mountain.

In this war, it was also difficult for the strong of the fire family such as the Red Emperor, the God of fire and the Chixia fairy, plus the super strong Nanyang fairy of Zhenyuan, Tuoba, Lieyan, coral unicorn and other strong men to kill them.

The red emperor used the magic of two injuries to use the purple light Qiyao, which was also on the verge of success. Finally, he killed it with Taiyi fire by using the fierce body, but he also paid a heavy price for turning feathers into immortals. It can be seen how fierce this beast is.

The fierce beast in myths and legends is the red burning Golden Dragon beast.

Of course, in the ancient times, the red flaming Golden Dragon beast was not comparable to several red flaming Golden Dragon beasts in the mountains.

But now, even though the blood is very thin, several red flaming Golden Dragon beasts are still very powerful.

A red flaming Golden Dragon beast with a length of more than ten meters roared, the mountains shook, its claws patted out, and more than a dozen monks were patted into meat mud. It was really fierce and powerful.