Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 958

"Ha ha, brother Lin, don\'t worry. We\'ll take good care of younger martial sister Shui when you go in," said a male friar of Wandao sword sect.

Obviously, the underlying meaning of this person\'s words is that if Lin Feng dares to escape, the safety of shuilingyu will not be guaranteed at that time.

Lin Feng said, "I naturally believe you. Of course, I will live up to your expectations and find out the situation for you.".

"Elder martial brother, be careful...". Shuilingyu bit his lips and said that he was very worried about Lin Feng\'s safety.

After all, the ancient stone devil\'s territory is too dangerous.

"Don\'t worry, it will be fine," Lin Feng nodded slightly.

He carefully entered the territory of the ancient stone demon.

This ancient stone devil territory is very huge, stretching for more than 30 miles, all of which belong to the ancient stone devil territory.

Lin Feng went all the way in.

In the depths of the dense forest, he saw a huge ancient stone demon. He saw that those ancient stone demons were more than ten meters high, dark and terrible.

One of them is an ancient stone demon with a height of more than 30 meters. The smell emitted by the ancient stone demon is even more terrible. It must be the ancient stone demon king.

It is equivalent to the existence of mankind\'s eternal giant level.

Lin Feng saw a lacquer black stone tree more than ten meters high, followed by more than ten fruits like black rocks.

It must be the stone magic tree.

"It\'s not easy for those people outside to get the stone magic fruit.".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The strength of those people of Wandao sword sect is very strong, but is Lin Feng really afraid of them?

Of course not.

Lin Feng has been showing weakness.

To paralyze these people.

Then make good use of them.

When these people were involved in the ancient stone devil, he was ready to sweep the stone devil fruit away.

"Eh, there seems to be a group of people hiding here? This breath is very evil. Is it an expert of evil or evil?".

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

In tianwu mainland, some forces of evil and evil are very terrible.

For example, the evil leader man temple in 72 northern states is at the level of Taigu power.

After all, it is not easy for these evil forces to survive in tianwu mainland if they do not have the ability.

Evil forces, extremely evil, kill without blinking an eye.

Now they are also eyeing the stone magic fruit, which is interesting.

Lin Feng retreated quietly.

Seeing Lin Feng retreating, Li Xiangyang laughed and said, "ha ha, I knew brother Lin had his own heaven. As we guessed, brother Lin didn\'t return smoothly? I don\'t know what was going on inside the ancient stone devil territory? Please tell brother Lin carefully"!

Lin Feng said, "there is indeed a stone magic tree with more than a dozen stone magic fruits on it, but it is guarded by more than 30 ancient stone demons. It\'s difficult to get it. My younger martial sister and I have limited strength, so we give up this action. As for the stone magic fruits inside, we don\'t have any illusions and leave...".

When the words fall, they will leave with shuilingyu.

However, the friar of Wandao sword sect stopped Lin Feng and shuilingyu.

Lin Feng\'s face sank slightly and said coldly, "what do you mean? Are you not going to let our martial brothers and sisters leave?".

A monk of the ten thousand sword sect sneered and said, "since we come together, we should go together, so you two still stay and deal with the ancient stone demon with us.".

"Looking for cannon fodder?". Lin Feng sneered and said, "I\'m determined not to go today. If you force me again, it\'s a big deal. I don\'t know if I and my younger martial sister can pull them together before they die?".

The faces of these people of the Wan Dao Jian sect were slightly heavy. Although Lin Feng and Shui Lingyu were only the cultivation of the ten Heaven of the realm of yin and Yang.

If they choose to explode, or they have some powerful hidden means, such as powerful magic symbols, they may pull a few cushions before they die.

Li Xiangyang smiled and said, "ha ha, brother Lin misunderstood us. We didn\'t mean to force brother Lin and the water fairy to be cannon fodder at all. We just think it\'s a pity that the two would miss the stone magic fruit if they left like this. However, since the two have made up their mind, we don\'t insist. Please help yourself.".

Lin Feng and shuilingyu didn\'t stay and left quickly.

"Lin Feng really doesn\'t know how to live or die. He dares to threaten us. Why did senior brother let him go? If we distance ourselves, even if they have some means, it\'s difficult for them to hold us on the back before they die.".

A monk of the ten thousand sword sect said fiercely.

Li Xiangyang said, "if the fight is too noisy, it will disturb those ancient stone demons. It\'s not worth the loss. I simply let them go. If I see the boy next time, I\'ll kill him again. Anyone who dares to threaten us friars of Wandao sword sect will die.".

The others nodded.

"Wait until night". Li Xiangyang said, so he found a place to close his eyes and adjust his state.

The rest also find their own place to rest.


Lin Feng and shuilingyu flew fifty miles before they stopped. Lin Feng said to shuilingyu, "wait for me here. When I grab the stone magic fruit, I will come to you.".

Shuilingyu grabbed Lin Feng\'s arm and said, "senior brother, don\'t go. It\'s too dangerous.".

After all, Lin Feng is only the ten Heaven cultivation of Yin-Yang realm, and he has not shown his strong strength in front of shuilingyu, so shuilingyu is very worried about Lin Feng.

After all, whether it is the people of Wandao sword sect or the strength of ancient stone demons is too strong. In her opinion, she can easily kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "don\'t worry, I won\'t act rashly. As long as I find something wrong, leave immediately. Protect yourself and wait patiently for me.".

The voice fell, and Lin Feng returned the same way.

Shuilingyu is full of worried expression, but she doesn\'t dare to disobey Lin Feng\'s words. She finds a hidden place to hide in the mountains.

Night fell.

The friars of the ten thousand sword sect rushed towards the ancient stone demon territory.

These ancient stone demons are creatures who come out day and night. They go out to hunt at night.

So now there are only ten ancient stone demons left in the nest, which is the best chance to do it.

"Younger martial brother Zhang, younger martial brother Yu and younger martial brother Dong, you three deal with the ancient stone devil with me, and the rest are involved in an ancient stone devil. Younger martial brother Tang, you go and collect the stone devil fruit"!

Li Xiangyang gave orders.

"Yes...". Everyone answered.

Do it.

Li Xiangyang whispered.

He rushed out first.

Three friars of the ten thousand sword sect followed him and rushed to the direction of the ancient stone demon king.

"Humble human beings dare to intrude into the territory of ancient stone demons. You will all die here.". The ancient stone demon king saw Li Xiangyang and others and was able to spit people out.