Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 959


The ancient stone demon Dynasty rushed over with Li Xiangyang. His huge body of more than 30 meters ran, and the earth was shaking violently.

The ancient stone demon king held a huge stone axe in his hand and killed Li Xiangyang with an axe.

With this axe, I really have the feeling of splitting Huashan Mountain and surpassing the world.

"Magic sword"!

Li Xiangyang was obviously prepared. With a wave of his right hand, a flying sword the size of a palm flew out of his sleeve.

The flying sword vibrated like waves that destroyed the sky and the earth.

The smell of the avenue is diffuse. It is a Taoist instrument.

And it is definitely not an ordinary Taoist instrument. It should be a high-level Taoist instrument. The smell sent out makes Lin Feng, who is hiding in the distance and watching the war, feel frightened.

"Evil masters can also calm down. It seems that they want to catch cicadas with mantis and yellow finches. Li Xiangyang is too self righteous. They are all experts. They didn\'t find any hidden evil masters here.".

Lin Feng sneered.

He has no good feelings for Li Xiangyang and others, and naturally he will not care about their life and death.


After the magic sword is sacrificed, it quickly becomes larger.

In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of a palm to a length of about two meters.

Then, under the control of Li Xiangyang, he killed the ancient stone demon king, and the three disciples of Wandao sword sect behind Li Xiangyang assisted Li Xiangyang to urge tongshenjian.

The four people urge this high-level Taoist instrument together, and the power of tongshenjian is displayed.


The magic sword immediately collided with the axe in the hands of the ancient stone demon king.

The ancient stone demon king was shocked and retreated a few steps.

Ho ho!

This time, the ancient stone demon king was completely angered, roared and shook the sky, the black fog rolled in his body, and the breath of the ancient stone demon king climbed steadily, far more powerful than before.

The ancient stone demon king waved his axe again and swept over.

Bang Dang!

Tongshenjian was swept out.

Li Xiangyang and others were shocked and flew out, one by one pale and spitting blood.

"The ancient stone demon king is too cruel. We burn Shouyuan to awaken the spirit of tongshenjian against the ancient stone demon king".

Li Xiangyang looked a little pale.

When the voice fell, without any hesitation, he began to burn his longevity yuan to revive the spirit of tongshenjian.


At the same time, the rest of the monks of Wandao sword sect killed those ancient stone demons.

These ancient stone demons are not so easy to deal with. Just after a few rounds, the friars of 10000 sword sect were seriously beaten by the ancient stone demons.

There was a monk of the ten thousand sword sect whose left leg was torn off by the ancient stone devil. It was extremely tragic.

The monk of wandaojian sect named "Tang" rushed to the stone magic tree and wanted to pick the stone magic fruit while his fellow disciples were fighting with the ancient stone magic.

This wishful thinking was quite good, but when he rushed halfway, suddenly, a black fog surged out of the mountain forest.

Jie Jie Jie

In the black fog, there were bursts of strange laughter, as sad as the cry of a fierce ghost.

"Ah, what is this?".

After being swallowed up by the black fog, the friar surnamed Tang of Wandao sword sect gave a cry of panic, followed by another scream, and there was no sound at all. It was obvious that he was killed by the demon master.

"Whoosh...". More than a dozen magic fog surged out and all rushed towards the stone magic tree.

"Younger martial brother Tang...". Many monks of the ten thousand sword sect roared loudly.

"You despicable demons dare to attack secretly.". Li Xiangyang roared angrily. His originally handsome face was distorted at this moment.

The anger in his heart could burn the sky. He was about to succeed, but he was caught off guard by a group of evil experts. Now he was afraid to fall short.

Even if you want to stop these evil masters, it\'s too late.

The evil master who killed the monk surnamed Tang of wandaojian sect is the leader of this group of evil masters.

He said with a sneer, "I don\'t know whether you are stupid or naive. In the cultivator world, are you mean to others? Are you old enough to live on a dog? This cruel and cold world is the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest".

More than a dozen demon masters rushed to the stone magic tree and wanted to pick all the stone magic fruits, but the stone magic tree was so powerful that its branches were like a dancing dragon.

Bang Bang

More than a dozen demon masters were pumped out. No one thought of this scene.

Li Xiangyang laughed and said, "this is really the reincarnation of heaven. It doesn\'t pay well. Are you still proud now?".

"Hum"! The demon master sneered and rushed over in person.

But at this time, the ancient stone demon king and Li Xiangyang stopped fighting and killed all the demon leaders.

"Damn it...". The demon leader roared and had to avoid the attack of the ancient stone demon king and Li Xiangyang.

At this time, the ancient stone demon king quickly gave up and continued to attack the demon leader.

But rushed to the stone magic tree. Obviously, the ancient stone demon king wanted to come to the stone magic tree and protect the stone magic fruit.

Li Xiangyang, who was originally killed, joined forces with the leader of the evil way to stop the ancient stone demon king.

There is no eternal enemy in the world, only eternal interests.

There\'s nothing strange about the two working together.

Because they also know that once the ancient stone demon king came to the stone magic tree and cooperated with the stone magic tree, it would be too difficult for others to rob the stone magic fruit.

"Grab stone magic fruit".


Li Xiangyang and the leader of the evil way shouted loudly.

Even the three ten thousand sword friars behind Li Xiangyang rushed to the stone magic tree.

Those ten thousand sword monks who fought with the ancient stone devil also rushed to the stone devil tree.

As for the more than a dozen demon masters who were pulled out, they stopped their backward body and rushed over again.

"Stone magic fruit is mine"!

Lin Feng sneered and stepped in.

"Boy, it\'s you... Die for me!"

When a monk of the ten thousand sword sect saw Lin Feng rushing out, his face suddenly showed a sense of killing.

I wanted to kill Lin Feng before, but in order not to attract the attention of the ancient stone devil, I let Lin Feng go.

Now Lin Feng appears again, and these friars of the 10000 sword sect have no scruples.

Lin Feng looked indifferent. These friars of the ten thousand sword sect were really white eyed wolves. Anyway, they helped them explore all dangerous places. Now they turned their faces and didn\'t recognize the killer immediately after using them. However, this person was just a seven heaven cultivation in the realm of nature.

Lin Feng raised his right hand and clapped it.


The two hit each other, and the monk of Wandao sword sect was blown open by Lin Feng\'s palm, and died miserably on the spot.

"How is that possible?". All the friars of Wandao sword sect couldn\'t believe it.

Is this still the mole ant who obeyed them before?

"The road of death, immortal...".

Lin Feng walked forward in the void, and a low voice came out.

The roaring sound came out, and then a long river of death appeared, sweeping towards Wandao sword sect and demon masters.

"Kill the boy together.". The friars and demon masters of Wandao sword sect found that Lin Feng\'s threat was too great. They immediately agreed to deal with Lin Feng first.

Nearly 30 experts attacked Lin Feng together, but the long river of death was so powerful that they directly swept all these friars out.

And Lin Feng rushed to the stone magic tree.

Pop, pop, pop!

The dense branches smoked towards Lin Feng.

Eight forbidden gods!

Lin Feng looked indifferent. He directly performed the powerful sealing skill of the Heavenly Master, sealed the stone magic tree, and then suddenly rolled it with his right hand. More than a dozen stone magic fruits were collected by Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, you want to die...". Li Xiangyang roared and killed himself.

"Boy, you deserve to die if you dare to rob the baby from my purgatory demon sect.". The demon leader\'s voice was gloomy and cold.

"Humble mole ants rob our family\'s treasure, and I will eat you.". The ancient stone demon king roared and shook the sky.


The existence of three monsters directly stopped the scuffle, but killed Lin Feng at the same time.