Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 956

"Black feather Eagle......".

Lin Feng turned his head and saw the giant eagle.

Black feather eagle is a large eagle among the eagle family. Its feathers are dark, like a black sword, with a cold metal feeling.

This is the origin of the name of the black feather eagle.

Just like the black feather Eagle seen in front of us, it was like a killing machine, with sharp claws grasping Lin Feng.


When the claw came, Lin Feng quickly avoided in the void. He dodged dangerously and opened a claw caught by the black feather eagle. At this time, Lin Feng found that the beautiful nun was also caught in the claw by the black feather eagle. But now she doesn\'t move, closes her eyes, and doesn\'t know if she is dead.

The black feather Eagle couldn\'t hit it. He opened his mouth directly, and black gas was sprayed out by it.

Those black gases turned into arrows and shot at Lin Feng. This is the natural attack of black feather eagle, which is called black feather arrow.

Black feather arrow has strong penetration. Even the defense magic weapon will be instantly penetrated.

Lin Feng offered the seven treasures glass tower to protect himself.

The attack of the black feather Eagle came and was resisted by the seven treasures glass tower.

Then Lin Feng jumped into the sky, jumped directly on the neck of the black feather eagle, and hit the black feather eagle with a fist.

Bang Dang.

A loud noise came out.

The black feather Eagle suffered such a heavy blow and fell down quickly.

With the sound of Peng, the huge body fell heavily to the ground, and large areas of mountains and forests were destroyed.

Lin Feng rushed to the black feather eagle and killed the black feather eagle with a sword.

Black feather eagles fly at low altitude and quickly flee to the distance.

It let out an angry cry and ran away.

Although the black feather eagle is powerful, it is estimated that in addition to speed, its strength is not comparable to Lin Feng.

But the most terrible thing about birds and beasts is speed.

Many birds even dare to rob the prey of high-level fierce animals because they are too fast.

Grab it and run.

There is no way for high-level fierce animals to take these birds.

Lin Feng breathed out and was about to leave when he suddenly found that the woman was lying in the mountain forest. Just now, the black feather eagle was hit by Lin Feng and failed to take away its "prey" when he ran away.

Lin Feng landed, checked and found that the woman was not dead.

But I saw that the woman\'s long purple dress completely showed her slender figure, front... Convex... Back... Upturned figure, white as jade skin, a beautiful face with a soft temperament, which made people involuntarily produce a desire to protect.

"It looks really good"!

Lin Feng couldn\'t help muttering. He picked up the woman.

If it were someone else, Lin Feng might not save. After all, there are many people suffering all over the world. Do you have to save them when you see them?

Lin Feng doesn\'t think he is the Savior.

But this woman, Lin Feng, will not die.

Because she\'s beautiful.

"Beautiful women should be loved...".

This is Lin Feng\'s definition of a beautiful woman.

So he likes to help beautiful women.

The world is cruel.

Especially in this face looking world.

As a woman, if you don\'t have a face.

Survival becomes more and more difficult.

But obviously, the nun should be glad that she was born so beautiful, otherwise she would really die here today.

Lin Feng left with the nun in his arms. Soon after, the thunder clouds rolled and the rain drifted. Lin Feng and the beautiful nun were drenched all over.

Not getting caught in the rain is also a good thing for a beautiful nun, because her injury causes her to get hot all over, and the rain can reduce her temperature.

Lin Feng found a cave. He took out an elixir. He treated Qiao Zhenyu and others to refine a furnace of elixir.

There are twelve pills in a furnace, and now there are six left.

After the beautiful friar ate Lin Feng\'s elixir, her face recovered a little blood color.

But she still has some injuries. The most serious injury should be in the left abdomen. The blood is still flowing out. In addition, there are wounds on her back.

These wounds should have been caught by the black feather eagle.


Lin Feng tore open the beautiful nun\'s clothes. Suddenly, the infinite scenery was in front of him.

At a young age, it is impossible to look at such a charming body without any idea, but Lin Feng knows how to restrain his inner desire.

He took back his eyes, cleaned up a wound on the abdomen, back and under the left chest of the beautiful nun, and then took off her intimate underwear, mainly because the intimate underwear was stained with blood, a war, dirt and dust, which was very unclean. Now he took it off to prevent the wound infection of the beautiful nun.

At this moment, all the scenery was completely displayed in front of him. Lin Feng had no female clothes. Naturally, he could only put his clothes on the beautiful friars. Although he looked a little fat, he finally wrapped the charming body, and his eyes were out of sight.

After all this, Lin Feng leaned against the rock wall to rest. It was still raining heavily outside. From time to time, he could hear the roar of animals coming from everywhere, shaking the earth.

The next day, the heavy rain still didn\'t stop. Lin Feng stood at the entrance of the cave and looked out. Occasionally, he could see the monks passing in a hurry.

"It is said that there are tens of thousands of stars in this star field, and there are hundreds of life planets. Are all monks immediately put into different life planets?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

At this time, the beautiful friar opened her eyes. She seemed to think she was dead and confused.

But soon felt the pain from the wound on her body, she looked down at her body and found that she was wearing a man\'s dress, but there was some coolness in the dress. The beautiful nun looked at it and found that she was not wearing anything. She blushed and immediately bled.

"You are injured. I have to take off all your clothes and wrap up the wound for you. Don\'t worry. I haven\'t offended you except for healing you. Today, I will keep my mouth shut and won\'t let others know. Your reputation will not be affected.".

At this time, the beautiful friar heard a voice. She looked up and found that it was the young friar she had seen before.

He saved himself?

He looked at himself? Really didn\'t do anything? The beautiful nun has absolute self-confidence in her face and figure. She doesn\'t believe that Lin Feng will do nothing in the face of such a charming body.

But since Lin Feng said he didn\'t touch himself.

This seems to be the best way to hide the embarrassment of both sides.

The beautiful nun nodded with a red face, but her heart was full of shyness. She herself was a very warm, honest, introverted and shy woman, not to mention that her body had been seen by a man?

"What\'s your name?". Lin Feng asked.


Said the beautiful nun.

"Lin Feng"!


One day later, the heavy rain stopped and shuilingyu recovered a lot.

But since she woke up, Shui Lingyu\'s eyes have been red and secretly wiped tears from time to time. It is obvious that she is sad for her tragic death of her martial brothers and sisters.

Lin Feng didn\'t know how to persuade her. It was really a heavy blow to see her fellow disciples die under the claws of fierce beasts, but this was the cruelty of the cultivator world.

"You must have your fellow disciples scattered elsewhere. Go find your fellow disciples and have a round with them, and we\'ll say goodbye here," said Lin Feng. Then he left. He and shuilingyu just met by chance.

Shuilingyu bit his lips, but caught up all the way.

"Why are you still following me? Go and find your classmate.". Lin Feng said.

Shuilingyu just bit his red lips, lowered his head, flushed his face and didn\'t speak.

When Lin Feng leaves, she will follow Lin Feng again.

This makes Lin Feng quite helpless. Finally, he can only let shuilingyu follow him.

He plans to give shuilingyu to her classmate when he meets shuilingyu.

That night, the sword light flickered in the distance, and more than a dozen figures stepped on the sword, like streamers, flew quickly and landed in the mountains and forests.