Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 955

Tianxing soul jade is the treasure Lin Feng got from the ghost Shura Yan. This treasure can absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars day and night, and the power of the sun, moon and stars can enhance the soul power of the cultivator.

The improvement of soul power is the most difficult, which is more difficult than the improvement of cultivation.

Because ordinary monks can hardly absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars between heaven and earth.

Even if it can be absorbed.

However, the power of the sun, moon and stars shines down from nine days away. In this process, many impurities will be absorbed.

If a monk refines the power of the sun, moon and stars containing impurities, it will do great harm to the soul.

Therefore, if you want to absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars, you can only rely on some magic weapons.

Now Lin Feng has come to the extraterritorial starry world. Tianxing soul jade can naturally devour the energy of these sun, moon and stars more closely.

This is a great surprise for Lin Feng. He hurried to find a place to refine the power of the sun, moon and stars in the sky star soul jade.


Deep in the dense forest, Lin Feng found a hidden place, where mountains are continuous and trees are lush, so it is not easy to be found.

He can safely shut down here.

Lin Feng sealed the entrance of the cave with prohibition, and cast several hidden Dharma arrays.

Then he sat cross legged, holding the sky star soul jade in his hand.

Then Lin Feng began to meditate.

Gradually, he entered a mysterious realm and watched the operation of 90000 stars in his mind.

This is a means that Lin Feng understood from the stargazing map, and it is also a skill for cultivating the soul.

The power of the sun, moon and stars in the sky star soul jade was refined by Lin Feng, and his soul power began to grow again.

Lin Feng\'s soul power has reached the peak level of jiuchongtian in the realm of creation.

After absorbing the power of the sun, moon and stars, Lin Feng\'s soul power finally made a breakthrough and reached the level of ten Heaven in the realm of creation.

With the power of the sun, moon and stars being refined and absorbed, Lin Feng\'s soul power is still improving.

Finally, Lin Feng\'s soul power rose to the top of the ten Heaven in the realm of creation. It was only one step away from breaking through the soul power level of the realm of life and death.

"Ha ha, the star soul jade is really a treasure on this day. I absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars gathered in the star soul jade every few days. Then, can\'t my soul power break through the level of the eternal giant soon?" Lin Feng was also excited at the thought.

Lin Feng came out of the cave. He flew in the mountain forest and soon found a "star grass".

"Star grass of 8000 years?". Lin Feng\'s eyes widened with an incredible expression.

Star grass is extremely rare in tianwu mainland. A hundred year old star grass has been fried to a sky high price.

And a star grass I met casually has reached the age of 8000 years.

"No wonder they all cut their heads and want to participate in the star trial practice. There are too many good things in the star field"!

Lin Feng sighed slightly and then put the star grass away.

In this mountain forest, he found many miraculous drugs.

"Fire flower, ghost spirit vine, moon grass, nine color blood ginseng...".

All kinds of elixirs are at least three or four thousand years old, and those with longer ages have reached eight or nine thousand years.

As for the elixir of more than ten thousand years, we can\'t find it.

Because the elixir of more than ten thousand years has "spirituality".

This kind of magic medicine knows how to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and will take the initiative to hide in no man\'s land or very dangerous places.

Lin Feng collected more than 300 precious miraculous herbs in the mountains and forests.

At night, the temperature of the stars is extremely cold, and the silver moon hangs high in the depths of the starry sky.


A deep roar came from a distance, and a dozen monks fought with a huge fierce beast.

"It doesn\'t look safe above the stars.". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

There are also many fierce beasts on the stars. They are extremely powerful. Under the siege of more than a dozen monks, the strange beast like a wolf and a tiger seems to be able to handle it.

From a long distance, Lin Feng even saw the joking color in the fierce beast\'s eyes.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He felt that the fierce beast seemed to be deliberately teasing a group of monks.

"Brothers and sisters, sacrifice sword array and kill it"!

A monk shouted.


These people sacrificed flying swords together and scattered everywhere.

They are obviously from the same school and know each other very well. Now they sacrifice flying swords and kill fierce animals. They cooperate very tacitly.

A flying sword chopped at the fierce beast, but it was surprising that when those flying swords were killed, the fierce beast opened its bloody mouth and spewed out a black fog to cover these flying sword cages.

Click, click.

A powerful flying sword split directly.

Black fog is very strange and has extremely strong corrosive power.

Destroy all these flying swords.

"No, this fierce beast is dangerous. Let\'s go quickly...".

A leading friar exclaimed, and the men fled quickly to the distance.

But the fierce beast was so terrible that he chased it directly, shot it with one claw and killed one person.

The fierce beast had been hiding his accomplishments before.

Now all the strength has been released.

It shows its super combat effectiveness.

"That guy should be equivalent to the existence of mankind\'s eternal giant level?".

Lin Feng felt shocked.

Screams came out one after another.

The casualties of this team are too heavy.

A monk died miserably.

Lin Feng felt that this was not a place to stay for a long time. He turned and flew away.

But soon after, a terrible smell came out from behind, and a woman also fled to Lin Feng.

Behind the woman was the fierce beast.

The woman was protected by a defense magic weapon, so she was injured after several attacks by fierce animals, but she still didn\'t die.

The woman saw Lin Feng in front and was stunned. Obviously, she didn\'t expect to meet other monks here.

"Elder martial brother, help me...".

The woman looked at Lin Feng begging.

"Beauty, I can\'t protect myself. I can\'t save you.".

Lin Feng said helplessly.

Although the other party looks hot and beautiful, Lin Feng won\'t put himself in danger because of pity for fragrance and jade.

We also need to be in the right place at the right time. Now we are facing a fierce beast at the level of an eternal giant.

Obviously, running away is the most important thing to do now.

Lin Feng rushed to the distance. His speed was very fast and gradually opened the distance between the two sides.

The woman saw the desperate expression on Lin Feng\'s face when she ran away.


The fierce beast behind patted the woman with one claw and flew out for hundreds of meters.

The defense magic weapons offered by the woman were smashed.

The fierce beast roared and was about to kill it, but at this time, a huge black eagle flew into the sky.

The giant eagle stretched out its claws and grabbed the woman directly. Then its wings vibrated and rushed to the distance.

The fierce beast roared again and again, but the speed was not as fast as the giant eagle, so he had to return.

The fierce beast returned to the place of the previous war and began to devour the dead friars.

"唳..." the giant eagle made a sharp and harsh cry. It didn\'t leave immediately. Its cold eyes immediately stared at Lin Feng and quickly killed Lin Feng.