Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 944

"Fire red talisman, is it fire magic talisman"!

Lin Feng looked at this Wu Fu in surprise.

In this world, there are 81 pieces of talismans.

Each kind of martial talisman can make the martial soul evolve.

Lin Feng collected the "blue stone talisman" before.

With the blue stone talisman, his soul evolved again, from three devouring souls to five devouring souls.

After the energy in the talisman is swallowed, it will split again.

Then scattered in the world.

After a long time, gradually recover the energy until the energy is accumulated enough to be born again.

Now that this fire magic charm was born, it is obvious that the energy of the fire magic charm has been accumulated enough.

This should be one of the three fire charms.

Because Wufu will be divided into three pieces and scattered in different places.

"Is this a map of the starry world?".

Lin Feng looked at the back of the fire magic charm.

I saw a star field on the back.

Stars are dotted in the star field.

Lin Feng has never entered the star world, so he can\'t know where the star field in this map is.

Lin Feng can only put the map away for the time being and study it well when he enters the starry world in the future.


In the evening, Lin Feng met with Qilian Xun and others. He had obtained the 34 rules of the first auction from Qilian Xun.

The rules are precious, especially in the outside world. It is very difficult to seal the rules. Now Lin Feng hopes to take advantage of this event to get more rules.

Every time you get one more rule, your accomplishments will be improved by a large part.

Accompanied by Qilian Xun and others, Lin Feng went to Shifang.

The news that little Shi Sheng went to Shifang has already spread, and countless people flocked to Shifang.

Including the top leaders of many top forces.

Nine Dragons pulled the cart, and Lin Feng and Qilian Xun came down from the bronze cart.

"Look, that\'s the little stone Saint...".

"This little stone is really young and promising.".

"Don\'t ask your age, hero. This sentence is really suitable for the little stone saint".

"I don\'t know if it\'s really as powerful as the legend, or if it\'s spread falsely?"

"Today we can know whether the little stone saint is really capable or has a false reputation.".


Many monks talked.

"Isn\'t that Lin Feng? My God, Lin Feng is the legendary little stone saint?".

Wang Chaozong, Yuan Hua and others were also in the crowd. When they saw Lin Feng, they suddenly exclaimed. They didn\'t expect that Lin Feng was a little stone saint.

However, I thought that Lin Feng had selected three stones for the emperor and cut out three treasures. This method of selecting stones is really amazing. Therefore, it seems unexpected and reasonable to say that Lin Feng is a little stone saint.

Others may doubt whether Lin Feng is in vain.

But Wang Chaozong, Yuan Hua and others will never doubt it.

Because they have seen Lin Feng\'s means.


Xun of Qilian introduced duanmuxiang, xuanyuanlong and simahua to Lin Feng. The two sides saluted each other.

Xuanyuanlong said, "for Lin Daoyou, I have been friends for a long time. Today, I see God and man.".

Lin Feng said, "Xuanyuan Taoist friends are very polite. I\'m still very young. There are still many places to ask Xuanyuan Taoist friends for advice and learning. I hope we can communicate and promote each other in the future.".

Seeing Lin Feng giving himself such face, xuanyuanlong couldn\'t help but be very happy. He laughed and said, "Lin Daoyou has such an elegant interest. It\'s really overjoying. After choosing stones today, shall we have a talk together?".

"Nature is what you want," Lin Feng said.

After a few greetings, they walked towards the stone square.

Qilian Xun asked, "I don\'t know which Shifang Lin Xiaoyou plans to go to?".

"Let\'s go to the Shifang of yuhuaxian Dynasty". Lin Feng said.

Huangfu qingqiong and others of the yuhuaxian Dynasty are also in the Shifang. They already know the identity of Lin Feng\'s little stone saint. Seeing Lin Feng leading a group of people, they not only hate to gnash their teeth, but their faces are about to turn green, because Huangfu qingqiong and others just learned that Lin Feng had entered the yuhuaxian Dynasty Shifang before and cut out three treasures.

Now come back to yuhuaxian Dynasty stone square. Naturally, 100000 yuhuaxian Dynasty stone square are not welcome.

However, those who opened the door to do business naturally could not drive Lin Feng and others away.

Because the people around Lin Feng are too big.

If you really dare to expel these people, how many people will you offend?

"What price do the three Taoist friends want to choose?". Lin Feng asked.

"I remember there are three immortal stones in the stone workshop of the Yuhua immortal Dynasty. I can\'t see through these three immortal stones and didn\'t dare to start. How about Lin Daoyou help me choose one of the three?" xuanyuanlong took the lead.

"Naturally no problem"! Lin Feng nodded.

Then they went deep into the courtyard.

The price of stone here is very high, which is more than 100000 top-grade spirit stones.

The price of the three fairy stones is higher. The first fairy stone is like a fairy ape looking at the sea, the second fairy stone is like a fairy dancing, and the third fairy stone is like a shepherd riding a cow.

Each fairy stone is extremely not simple.

The faint black fog escaped and wrapped Lin Feng. He walked towards the three immortal stones.

Xuanyuan dragon was not too surprised to observe Lin Feng\'s every move. The art of stone debate has different branches. Lin Feng obviously doesn\'t want to reveal some of his means in front of people. This situation is very normal, because Xuanyuan dragon will hide his body when he shows some unique tricks to press the bottom of the box. javascript:

The three immortal stones are extremely extraordinary.

Every immortal stone seems to be pregnant with a life.

The price of these three immortal stones is more than 2 million top-grade spirit stones, which can be said to be sky high.

"With such a strong breath of life, there are still some things wrong. Between heaven and earth, all things are born and overcome each other, and Yin and yang are opposed. The extreme life is extremely deadly, and there is still a glimmer of vitality in the extreme death. The three immortal stones are gathered together, and each is as vigorous as the sea. Will they consume the power of life in this invisible confrontation, but in fact, the three immortals The stone is just a piece of gold and jade. If so, the three fairy stones are waste stones!

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Suddenly, his eyes looked around the three immortal stones.

Because the life power of the three immortal stones is too strong, it produces a terrible pressure.

The surrounding stones are difficult to approach the three immortal stones.

So there are no stones next to the three immortal stones.

However, to Lin Feng\'s surprise, there was a huge stone platform more than ten meters long under the three immortal stones.

This huge stone platform seems to be an ordinary stone platform, but Lin Feng feels something wrong, but he can\'t tell what\'s wrong, so Lin Feng runs Taigu dragon elephant formula and carefully senses the smell of the stone platform.

This feeling startled Lin Feng. There was a trace of energy pouring into the black stone platform among the three fairy stones.

Lin Feng can feel it because the Taigu dragon elephant formula he practiced is too special, so he can feel the power that others can\'t feel.

If someone else.

Even the monks of the ancient giants may not be able to detect it.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. He dispersed the black fog around him. In his eyes, he showed the color of reflection.

Xuanyuanlong couldn\'t wait to ask, "brother Lin, have you ever had a result?"

Everyone looked at Lin Feng in unison. They were also very curious about which immortal stone Lin Feng would choose.