Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 943

"Young master Lin, are my brothers still saved?". Qiao tingyue looks pale and is very worried about the safety of Qiao Zhenyu and others.

Lin Feng said, "don\'t worry. I have my own way to save them. Now find me a room and I\'ll refine a furnace of healing pills.".

"Childe" come with me...... ". Qiao tingyue said.

She led the way in front and led Lin Feng to the next room.

Then he retreated. When a herbalist refined medicine, he generally needed to be quiet, which Qiao Tingyu naturally knew.

Lin Feng took out a 15000 year old elixir as the main medicine.

Assist 372 kinds of panacea.

Refining the elixir.

This is a medium level elixir of heaven level. It can bring the dead back to life.

On the second day, Lin Feng successfully refined the pill.

Lin Feng asked Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue to take the pill for Qiao Zhenyu, Wang Fei, Zhao Kuo, Tian Kun, Li Shishi and Nalan bing\'er.

The two sisters nodded and quickly took the next Huitian pill for the six.

After taking the pill, the six people\'s breath became stable, and their originally pale face began to return to ruddy gradually.

Seeing the gratifying changes of the six people, Lin Feng checked their bodies again and breathed a little in his heart.

He turned to look at Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue and said, "your health is all right. You don\'t have to worry too much.".

"Thank you, childe Lin"!

Both sisters saluted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "you are too outsider.".

The sisters blushed slightly. Qiao Tingyu said, "childe Lin, you\'ve been tired all day. Go to the next room and have a rest. I\'ll call you when my brothers wake up.".

Lin Feng nodded. Refining Huitian pill is really a great consumption.

Lin Feng really needs to have a good rest and recover.


While Lin Feng was resting, the Qilian family was holding a small auction.

Those who can participate are either friars at the ancestral level or senior members of the big family.

Only three places are auctioned at a time.

At the beginning, many strong people at the ancestor level had seen Lin Feng\'s stone selection, so there was absolutely no doubt about Lin Feng\'s stone selection ability.

There are also many strong people at the ancestor level who are attracted by the name and want to wait and see for a while.

For the first time, nine, twelve and fifteen rules were photographed respectively.

The people who photographed the three places were Duanmu Xiang of Duanmu family, the first force in Yuezhou. This Duanmu Xiang was the daughter of Duanmu Chang, the ancestor of Duanmu family.

When he was in Wangxian Town, Lin Feng helped duanmuchang select stones, and duanmuchang cut "dragon fruit" from the stones selected by Lin Feng.

Now duanmuchang is practicing in seclusion and preparing to attack the eternal giant.

Before closing, he ordered his daughter to come and ask Lin Feng to do it again no matter how much it cost.

The second place was taken away by the stone King Xuanyuan dragon.

Stone king xuanyuanlong is a famous master of stone debate.

He didn\'t hear much about Lin Feng. Now he photographed this place. He wanted to compete with Lin Feng and see if Lin Feng really has skills or has a false reputation.

The third place was photographed by the "Suzhou Sima family". The ancestors of the Sima family had also seen Lin Feng cut stones.

So for Lin Feng is also extremely confident.

"Ladies and gentlemen... Taoist Lin will choose stones for you tomorrow. Please wait a little longer.".

Qilian Xun said.

Duanmuxiang, xuanyuanlong and simahua nodded and said, "OK, I\'ll see you in Shifang tomorrow.".

Then the strong left one after another.

They are talking about Lin Feng\'s stone selection tomorrow, and we all look forward to the results.

Want to see if Lin Feng is really as divine as the legend.


In the afternoon, Qiao Zhenyu and others who had been sleeping finally woke up.

When they knew that Lin Feng had saved themselves, they all showed great gratitude.

Lin Feng asked them to have a good rest in the room, while he chatted with Qiao Zhenyu, who had the best recovery.

Lin Feng wants to know about the injuries of Qiao Zhenyu and others.

"It\'s brother Lin\'s credit to get back a life this time. If you\'re kind, I won\'t say more. I\'ll never frown when I go to Qiao Zhenyu\'s place to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire in the future.".

Qiao Zhenyu patted his chest and said.

He walked around the gate of hell.

Now, when I live, I am very happy. My gratitude to Lin Feng is also from my heart.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "we are friends and we should help each other.".

After a pause, Lin Feng asked, "I don\'t know what you\'ve experienced? Why have you been so seriously injured?".

Qiao Zhenyu said, "At that time, we came out of the meteorite mountains and saw a mysterious thing falling from the sky on the way. We hurried to look for it. Later, we found a very strange stone. However, it also attracted some other monks. After a life and death war, we managed to escape, but we didn\'t expect to encounter an extremely terrible animal king After being chased and killed, we finally escaped from Shengtian. However, when we fled to the holy stone city, our bodies could no longer bear it. There was no impression of what happened later until we were rescued by brother Lin ".

Lin Feng asked, "is the stone falling from the sky still there?".


Qiao Zhenyu took the stone out of the storage ring.

This is a fiery red meteorite, with layers of cuticle like scales on it, and its shape is uneven.

Lin Feng also saw such a meteorite for the first time. It is really a strange meteorite. I don\'t know its origin.

This meteorite is extremely heavy. Although its diameter is only about 10 cm, it weighs tens of thousands of kilograms.

"Did brother Lin ever see anything?".

Qiao Zhenyu asked.

Lin Feng said, "if you look at the shape, you can\'t see any special place of this stone, so you need to cut it. However, it\'s almost unrealistic for such an extraterrestrial meteorite to cut it. It can only be dissolved. Once dissolved, this extraterrestrial meteorite will be destroyed.".

"That\'s a pity," Qiao Zhenyu said.

"Brother Qiao, I have a proposal. How about listening to it?" said Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, please go ahead." Qiao Zhenyu said.

Lin Feng immediately said, "it\'s not easy for you to work hard to get this tianwai meteorite, but there\'s only one tianwai meteorite, which is not easy to distribute. I\'m going to spend 800000 top-grade spirit stones to buy it, and each of you can get 100000 top-grade spirit stones. What do you think?"

Qiao Zhenyu said, "brother Lin is our life-saving benefactor. How can we accept Lin Feng\'s spirit stone? This meteorite outside the sky was given to Lin Feng.".

Lin Feng said with a smile, "it\'s a matter of course for friends to help. There\'s no need to return, and goods trading is not emotional. There\'s just 800000 top-grade spirit stones in this crystal card. Brother Qiao takes it.".

Qiao Zhenyu saw Lin Feng insist, so he took the crystal card, and Lin Feng left immediately.

After returning to the Qilian family, Lin Feng began to dissolve the meteorite.

He calcined repeatedly with two kinds of sky fires and finally dissolved the meteorite.

To Lin Feng\'s surprise, there was a stone talisman wrapped in the meteorite. The stone talisman was too simple. Even sky fire could not dissolve it. Lin Feng took out the stone talisman and saw the lines on the stone talisman. His face immediately showed an extremely shocked expression.

These lines are as like as two peas.

Obviously, this fiery red stone rune is also a rune that can make friars "evolve their martial spirits".