Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 941

"Who the hell are you?". Taicanghao\'s face became extremely ugly.

Lin Feng even so easily abandoned so many of his subordinates.

How can such a person be simple?

"Do you think you are qualified to know my name? If you think you have some power behind you, you can do evil? Do you think no one can cure you? Now kneel down and apologize!"!

Lin Feng stepped forward with cold eyes.

"Boy, I\'m the direct young master of Taicang family. Dare you make me kneel?".

Taicanghao said with a gloomy look.

The legitimate young master of the Taigu forces has a noble status and is superior.

Moreover, the strength of taicanghao is also extremely extraordinary. He is not afraid of Lin Feng.

"I asked you to kneel? Didn\'t you hear me?".

He looked indifferent, strong and overbearing. He stepped forward and slapped taicanghao.

"Boy, presumptuous! Do you really think I\'m too canghao to be afraid of you? I suppressed you today.".

Taicanghao shouted coldly, and the Supreme Master\'s art of catching heaven came out and went to kill Lin Feng.

This is too canghao\'s breath.

This person is actually the cultivation of the five Heaven of the realm of creation.

The cultivation of this realm can help the ancient supernatural powers, and the combat effectiveness can even overwhelm the monks in the sixth and seventh heaven of the realm of creation.

This move was used by the Supreme Master to capture heaven. Suddenly, it appeared all over the sky and stars around taicanghao.

Countless stars, like the quicksand of the Ganges, rotate in the starry world.

Taicanghao\'s big hand can break the stars around the world. This move is the power of the supreme art of capturing heaven. It\'s really powerful.

"What a terrible power. I didn\'t expect that a villain like taicanghao should have such a strong strength.".

"Taicanghao is the direct descendant of Taigu forces, and his strength will naturally be very strong.".

"I don\'t know if the young friar can resist taicanghao\'s attack. It\'s an ancient magic power. Its power is unimaginable"!

Many people talked about it. Now the upcoming World War I has excited many people.

"Today I\'ll let you know that the gap between you and me is just a comparison between mole ants and Dragons".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and clapped out across the void.


In the void, a huge energy handprint condenses.

That energy fingerprint.

drop from the clouds!

Suppress it.


This blow instantly broke taicanghao\'s ancient magic power "Taishang heaven catching skill".

Then shoot it on taicanghao.

Taicanghao was slapped on the ground.

A splash.

Kneel on your knees.

Lin Feng threw it out together.

Taicanghao\'s body was imprisoned and could not struggle.


"Is that too strong?". Incredible eyes looked at Lin Feng.

Tai canghao is such a strong man.

The young friar didn\'t catch a move.

The young Friar\'s accomplishments seem far beyond everyone\'s imagination.

Everyone underestimated the young Friar\'s accomplishments.



Taicanghao roared like a beast.

His eyes turned red with blood.

He is too canghao.

A descendant of the Taigu forces.


Have you ever suffered such humiliation?

Tai canghao roared, "boy, you dare to humiliate me like this. You\'re looking for death. You\'re looking for death"!


Next moment! The sound of tearing came out.

Blood splashed.

Taicanghao\'s left arm was cut off directly.

Taicanghao uttered a shrill scream.

"God, it\'s bold to cut off the arm of the descendants of the ancient forces!"!

Many people exclaimed.

Originally, everyone thought that Lin Feng humiliated too canghao at most.

I won\'t do anything too special to taicanghao.

After all.

The power behind taicanghao is too great.


No one thought that Lin Feng really dared to cut off taicanghao\'s arm.

"You dare to cut off my arm. I\'m too green to die with you.".

Taicanghao growled bitterly.


Lin Feng didn\'t speak. His response was very simple.

Taicanghao\'s second arm was cut off by Lin Feng.

"Both arms were cut off. The young friar didn\'t want to cut off taicanghao\'s limbs?".

Many people roared in shock.

Because the limbs of the rest of the Taicang family were cut off by Lin Feng.

Now taicanghao has been cut off two arms. Look at this posture.

Lin Feng seems to really want to cut off taicanghao\'s limbs.

"Spare my life! Spare my life! I know I\'m wrong. Please spare me.".

After the two arms were cut off, taicanghao was completely stunned.

The previous arrogance has completely disappeared, and now it is a deep panic.

He really regretted it. Why did he provoke this murderous God?

I shouldn\'t have come to holy rock at all.

Even if you come to holy stone city, you should stop being arrogant and domineering.

After all, this is not the territory of Taicang family.

But now.

No matter how regretful.

It\'s too late.

This world.

No regret medicine!

Poof! Poof!

It\'s two swords in a row.

Taicanghao\'s two legs were also cut off.

From beginning to end, Lin Feng didn\'t even say a word.

But his actions let people know how bold he is.

Tai canghao? A descendant of the Taikoo faction? What if I cut off your limbs?

Many monks came from all directions because there was too much noise here.

"That\'s taicanghao. He\'s the direct descendant of Taicang family. He was cut off. Who\'s the one who did it?".

"I don\'t know, but I\'m too brave. I dare to cut off taicanghao\'s limbs. Now there is endless hatred with Taicang family.".

"This too canghao is arrogant and domineering. He deserves to be kicked to the iron plate and cut off his limbs.".


Many people talked about it.

Taicanghao fell to the ground.

His whole body twitched.

His eyes looked at the stars with despair.

He turned out to be a loser.

Even though he is a direct descendant of the Taigu family.


Once you become a loser.

Will also be abandoned by the family.

Thinking of this, endless panic spread in my heart.

"No, it\'s too canghao"!

More than a dozen people poured into the crowd. When they saw taicanghao lying on the ground, their faces suddenly changed.

These people are experts of Taicang family.

"Boy, you dare to abolish the people of my Taicang family. You\'re looking for death.".

These experts of Taicang family poured out, each roaring and killing.

The leading middle-aged monk looked at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes and said coldly, "why did you cut off taicanghao\'s limbs? If you don\'t give me a reason for Taicang family today, no one can save you from heaven and earth.".

Lin Feng stands with his hands on his back, with a momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

"I behead him only by mood. Why do I need a reason?".

In a word, domineering!