Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 940

"Does anyone really dare to do it?".

"It was a young friar who cut off the arm of a fortune bound friar of Taicang family.".

"The hatred is growing. Although the holy stone city prohibits killing, there is no rule that you can\'t fight. The people of Taicang family catch the boy and may cut off his limbs.".


When we saw that the person who shot was a young friar, we all thought that the young friar cut off an arm offered by Taicang family by sneak attack.

After all, how strong can such a young monk be?

The Taicang family is full of experts.

"Lin Feng..." after seeing the person who made the move, Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue\'s pale faces showed a surprised expression.

"Didn\'t you hurt it?". Lin Feng asked.

The two shook their heads.

Lin Feng nodded. His cold eyes immediately looked at taicanghao.

"Boy, you are looking for death. You dare to hurt the people of my Taicang family"! Taicanghao\'s voice was deep.

Lin Feng said with a sneer, "what a Taicang family! Even the younger generation of the Qilian family would not commit such crimes in the holy stone city. The people of the Taicang family went to the territory of the Qilian family. It\'s really an eye opener for me. No wonder the Taicang family can\'t compare with the Qilian family. We can see from the younger generation\'s children how big the gap between the two families is." 。

Taicanghao\'s face became more and more gloomy, and his eyes glittered with a gloomy and terrible killing intention. He said coldly, "boy, what are you? Dare to satirize my Taicang family. Come on, give me his limbs.".

"I\'ll come! I\'ll pinch the bones of his whole body inch by inch.".

The monk\'s face was twisted and murderous when Lin Feng cut off an arm.

The monk\'s blood has stopped, although his strength has decreased a lot because he broke an arm.

But obviously he has confidence to deal with Lin Feng.

Just a boy in the realm of yin and Yang.

Crush such a monk.

It\'s not easy to get it?

"Boom...". He slashed Lin Feng with one palm.

The image of mountains and rivers appeared on his palm.

This palm is called mountain and river palm technique. It is also a famous magic power.

This unique skill is inherited by Taicang family.

Obviously, these offerings of Taicang family can not only get the cultivation resources of Taicang family, but also get the magic power inheritance of Taicang family.

"It\'s a good move. Mountains and rivers shake the world. This magic power has been cultivated to the point of pure fire by the strong man who created the realm. It\'s really powerful. I\'m afraid the boy can\'t resist it.".

"That\'s right! It\'s estimated that this move can beat him half to death.".


Many people talked about it one after another. Originally, no one was optimistic about Lin Feng. Now, seeing that the move of the monk of the realm of creation was so powerful, he would not be optimistic about Lin Feng.

Facing this powerful blow, Lin Feng raised his right hand and made a slight stroke in the void.

A sword spirit flew out again.

I have a sword in my heart.

Crack the gods and cut the immortals!

The power of Lin Feng\'s sword was almost invincible. It was so terrible that he broke the supernatural power of the monk of the realm of creation in an instant.


Another sound of tearing came out, and the arm of the monk of the realm of creation was cut off again.

First the right arm, then the left arm. Both arms were cut off.

"Those who help tyranny should be abolished"!


Swing your right hand.

The sword is full of Qi.

Poof! Poof!

The two legs of the monk of the realm of creation were also directly cut off.


The friar of the realm of nature, whose limbs were cut off, fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

The monks who watched the excitement around were already scared silly at this moment.

Everyone thought Lin Feng was doomed. Who would have thought that it was the monk of the realm of creation who couldn\'t catch a move in Lin Feng\'s hand. Now his limbs were cut off and completely abandoned. Life is better than death.

"It\'s terrible. The strength is terrible and the means are terrible. Who is the young friar?".

Many people looked at each other and guessed Lin Feng\'s identity.

But no one knows Lin Feng.

"Obviously, the young friar knew the sisters.". Someone said.

The others nodded, and they all knew the cause of the matter.

Taicanghao is arrogant and domineering, and does evil.

But today, it was obviously kicked to the iron plate.

The young friar is simply crushing the abandoned realm of nature friar unilaterally, which shows that the young friar is hiding his real strength.

"Come on, give it to me. I\'ll make that boy\'s life worse than death.". Too canghao roared angrily.

Seeing that Lin Feng abolished the sacrifice of their Taicang family, Taicang Hao\'s eyes twinkled with a sense of killing.

In his opinion, this is a provocation to the Taicang family.

Taicanghao is gnashing his teeth at Lin Feng.

"Boom, boom...".

Then the others all shot.

"Stars fist"!

"Hurricane cut"!

"Xiaoyue kill"!

"Avenue limitless palm"!


A dozen experts shot together.

This is a joint attack by three monks of the realm of creation and twelve monks of the realm of yin and Yang.

The terrible attack directly formed a torrent of attack and flooded Lin Feng.

It\'s too terrible for so many strong attacks to come together.

The wave sent out made many friars who were watching the excitement tremble with fear. They retreated in embarrassment and didn\'t dare to approach the center of the war.

"Can the young friar resist it?".

"I\'m afraid I can\'t resist it. Although he is strong, he is now besieged by more than a dozen experts. His fists are difficult to defeat four hands, not to mention one against so many experts?".


Many people talked pale.

They all looked at the flood of attacks made by more than a dozen experts.

"I think the young monk may be stronger than we thought.".

Some friars said so, obviously more optimistic about Lin Feng.

All kinds of powerful supernatural powers gathered together and turned into a supernatural dragon, hitting Lin Feng.

Seeing that the attack flood was about to drown Lin Feng, Lin Feng sneered and stepped forward.


"If I were the green emperor in the next year, I would sweep away the injustice in the world...".

Lin Feng\'s voice was quiet, as if it had come from the ancient times through endless time and space. His right hand was like a sword. A sword cut out, and the dense sword Qi excited and shot out.

The overwhelming sword Qi is like a blade storm.

Instantly swallowed the attack torrent of more than a dozen experts.

Then, he went to drown more than a dozen experts of Taicang family.

Poof! Poof!

Tearing sound.


One after another.

Sword light and blood shadow.

Everyone was full of shocked eyes and looked at the center of the war.

An expert of Taicang family.

Even the three masters of the realm of creation.

Under Lin Feng\'s attack, he didn\'t even have the ability to fight back.

The sword Qi.

Tore their flesh.

These people, one by one, were amputated, fell to the ground and convulsed violently.

The strong smell of blood dispersed.

Many people see such a bloody scene in front of them, and their stomachs are overturned.

But in my heart, I was deeply shocked.

"How strong is he?".

Many of the monks around looked at the handsome young monk with shocked and pale eyes.