Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 935


Hearing Lin Feng asking whether it was Longling tea, Xun in Qilian smiled and nodded and said, "yes, it is Longling tea. It is the spirit tea produced by ancient tea trees. It is extremely rare. Now there is only one dead Jedi. There are several Longling trees among them. Very few Longling tea are produced every year. This Longling tea is sold according to leaves. A leaf of Longling tea is worth tens of thousands of best spirit stones".

Lin Feng is surprised. The price is too high. It\'s frightening to death.

But think about it. Every year, tea pickers are dying. They enter the dead Jedi to pick tea. I don\'t know how many people will die if they want to pick Longling tea.

Longling tea is expensive. There are also reasons why it is expensive.

"Elder, you are really a fastidious person.". Lin Feng smiled.

Qilian Xun said, "I have only two hobbies. In addition to gambling, I taste tea, which makes my little friends laugh.".

Lin Feng said, "hobbies are the most cherished things. Without hobbies, life is too boring. The elder has two hobbies. It\'s too late for people to envy. How dare the younger generation make fun of the elder".

"Ha ha, what you said is good. Hobbies are really something to cherish.". Qilian Xun couldn\'t help laughing.

Si Chang said, "on weekdays, we come to see old Qi. Old Qi is not willing to take out Longling tea to entertain us. Today, we can drink Longling tea because we are stained with brother Lin\'s light.".

They laughed and chatted for a while. In the eyes of outsiders, the old ancestor level figures and the eternal giants.

In front of Lin Feng, he is so approachable.

This is the so-called "circle".

You are not in a circle. You can\'t fit into other people\'s circle.

People who see a certain circle outside the circle always feel mysterious.

When you integrate into that circle, what you contact may be different from what you imagine.

These grandfathers and giants of all ages are high above the outside, and they are all dignified.

But in their own circles, they also joke with each other.

Lin Feng said, "during this time, more and more strong people come to the holy stone city for the ancient god stone. I don\'t know when the ancient god stone will appear? How many are there?".

Xun said in Qilian, "there have been some changes on the road, which led to the late arrival of the archaic God stone, but the news came that the matter should have been solved. It is estimated that the archaic God stone will be transported to the holy stone city in half a month at most".

Lin Feng said, "I remember that my predecessors also transported three ancient sacred stones. I don\'t know where those three ancient sacred stones are?".

Xun said in Qilian, "in fact, it is the three stones mixed with fish and eyes and interfering with some people with intentions. Although they are extremely precious and enough to confuse the false with the true, they are not the real ancient god stone".

Lin Feng nodded. He guessed that the forces that organized the stone debate holy meeting were worried that the ancient god stone was robbed, so he asked a strong man like Qilian Xun to transport fake ancient god stones to interfere with each other.

"Xiaoyou can live in our Qilian family during this time. If possible, I hope Xiaoyou can help us. Of course, we all know the rules"!

Xun Dao in Qilian.

Lin Feng\'s rule is to choose stones.

Take the law.

Lin Feng said faintly, "there\'s no problem selecting stones, but the rules should be changed.".

"What does Xiaoyou mean?" Xun looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

Lin Feng said, "during the period when Taigu God stone came, I will choose stones for three people every day, and the one with the highest price will get"!

Qilian Xun nodded and said, "in terms of Xiaoyou\'s ability, there is naturally no problem. I will help Xiaoyou deal with this matter.".

"Thank you, master! Later, I\'ll choose some stones for you for free.". Lin Feng smiled.

The rest of the ancestors looked at Xun in Qilian with envy.

They have heard of Lin Feng\'s stone selection ability. Qilian Xun is afraid to be rich this time.

A few stones don\'t require that every stone can cut out good things.

Cut out only one.

It\'s worth a lot.

Xun in Qilian showed his joy. He took so much trouble to help Lin Feng. First, he wanted to have a good relationship with Lin Feng. Second, he thought whether Lin Feng would feel hard, and then helped him choose some stones. Now it seems that Lin Feng really knows how to behave.

young! Strong strength! EQ! IQ! So high again.

Xun in Qilian looked forward to the extent to which Lin Feng could grow into a strong man in the future.


"Jincheng Wu, the ancestor of Jincheng family in prison state, wants to see you"!

"The ancestor of Changzhou situ family, situ Haohao, asks for a meeting"!

"Mu Hongbo, the ancestor of snow Eagle gate in Nanshan region, asked for a meeting"!


At this time, voices came from outside, all of them strong at the level of ancestors.

"These people seem to be moving after hearing the wind, and they all come here"! Qilian Xun smiled.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "about the auction, we still need to explain it to them in person, and it\'s inconvenient for me to participate"!

"Rest assured, little friend"! Qilian Xun nodded, and then Qilian Xun phen charged Qilian one and Qilian Valley to meet the strong at the level of their ancestors.

In the holy stone city, there are many strong people at the ancestor level sitting in the divine vehicle, and all kinds of strange animals pull the divine vehicle in the void towards the direction of the Qilian family.

"What happened? Why did so many strong people at the ancestral level go to the Qilian family?". Many people are extremely confused.

"Don\'t you know? The little stone Saint rumored to be is now in the Qilian family.".

"Little stone saint? Is it the demon who pressed Guo Tianming?".

"Yes, it\'s him. He\'s really a God and man. The art of stone debate is unique in the world. He is respected as the little stone saint. His strength is so terrible. I really don\'t know how to cultivate.".

Many people talked about it with incomparable emotion.

In this world, I\'m afraid there will be another evil spirit against the sky.

In a few years, the once-in-a-decade Tianjiao war in 3000 States will open again.

The little stone saint, I\'m afraid he\'s going to shine? Maybe in the top ten.

Then it will attract worldwide attention.


Lin Feng met with the strong at the level of these ancestors. The two sides exchanged greetings with each other. In the evening, Qilian Xun held a banquet to entertain these ancestors.

Of course, Xun of Qilian didn\'t forget to take the younger generation of the family and let them see the world. More than a dozen outstanding young people of Qilian family were also called to serve them with tea and water.

But obviously, the focus is on Lin Feng. The younger generation of the Qilian family looks at Lin Feng, who is several years younger than them, and is even supported by a group of strong stars at the ancestor level. It is an unspeakable taste in their heart.

Originally, many people were very proud. Now they put away their pride and made up their mind to practice hard. Obviously, these people were stimulated by Lin Feng and aroused their fighting spirit.

This may be the reason why Qilian Xun called them and let them serve here. Qilian Xun, such an ancient giant, came from his youth. Naturally, he knew that he encouraged the younger generation of the family to put away their pride and practice hard.

After the banquet, Qilian took Lin Feng to a courtyard to have a rest, while Qilian Xun moved to the living room to talk with the strong at the level of ancestors.

Lin Feng, who had just packed up and was about to rest, received a report from the servant that someone had sent a letter. Lin Feng wondered who sent the letter to himself in the middle of the night?