Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 934

"How is that possible?". A series of incredible exclamations came out.

Even if Xue Lingyue, muzikun, Nangong parting, Huangfu qingqiong and luoyuchen are the top Tianjiao, there is still a big gap from the strong at the level of Laozu.

But Lin Feng blew Guo Tianming out with one move.

"Is this guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?".

Until this time, a group of people came back.

Everyone\'s eyes to Lin Feng changed more.

This is the existence of strong people who force their ancestors.

Cultivator world.

Not on the basis of age.

Lin Feng is young!

But Lin Feng is strong!

Originally, Qilian Xun and his ancestors made friends with Lin Feng because they valued Lin Feng\'s skill of debating stones.

In the future, he may ask Lin Feng for help.

But now, they have regarded Lin Feng as a person at the same level as themselves.

Don\'t ask the origin of a hero.

Don\'t ask your age if you are strong.

Everyone knows how amazing Lin Feng\'s potential is in his early twenties.

"Little boy, this seat wants your life"!

Guo Tianming, whose face was broken, roared loudly, and the breath in his body increased crazily.

He jumped up and came to Lin Feng again.

"Both of you are my friends. How about giving me a face today and ending this matter?".

Xun stepped forward in Qilian, with a soft force, separating Lin Feng and Guo Tianming.

The monk of the eternal giant is powerful.

Easy, separate the two.

"Today, I sold brother Qilian this face, and let this boy go for the time being"! Guo Tianming said with a gloomy look.

Lin Feng smiled calmly and said, "you should be lucky. You don\'t have to change your name today!"

"Poof...". Xue Lingyue was directly amused.

A pair of wonderful eyes looked at Lin Feng with curiosity.

This guy, how can he be so angry?

Look at Guo Tianming\'s face now. You can see what Guo Tianming is angry about.

"I\'m too lazy to argue with you!"! Guo Tianming\'s pitiful eyes swept towards Lin Feng, with a dark sense of killing.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and didn\'t say much.

"Little friend, please come inside"!

Qilian Xun invited!

Please, master. Lin Feng made a gesture of invitation.

They entered the Qilian family.

At this time, all people come back.

"Who the hell is that guy? He has the strength to hold down the friars at the level of Lao Zu. He is young, but he can talk with the strong people like Lao Zu and the eternal giant"!

"There is no shortage of demons in this world. The future is uncertain. Why do you wait for the existence of terror?".


Naturally, many people around saw the duel between Lin Feng and Guo Tianming. Everyone was deeply shocked. Now, these monks are still talking about it.

The news spread like wings.

Many interested people were shocked when they learned the news.

"Is it the little stone saint?". And many strong people at the level of ancestors are even more moved.

Since they saw the small stone Saint cut stone in Wangxian Town, they were shocked.

Today, many ancestors are waiting for Xiaoshi to come to Shengshi city.

"The little stone Saint really deserves to be a god man. He not only has a deep research on stone materials, but also has the strength to press his ancestors. How powerful is this over time? Maybe he will become a God in the future.".

Thinking of this, the ancestors of the major forces could not bear the excitement in their hearts. They quickly walked out of the room and asked people to prepare a car to go to the Qilian family to meet xiaoshisheng.


Lin Feng followed Qilian Xun and others to the living room.

A beautiful maid brought up the spirit tea.

"Little friend, how does this spirit tea taste?" said Xun of Qilian with a smile.

Lin fengpin took a bite and immediately felt a sweet smell filled between his teeth.

Before Lingcha entered the stomach, a powerful spiritual force began to flow in the body.

Good spirit tea!

Can make cultivation progress by leaps and bounds!

Of course, good spirit tea is also extremely precious.

"Good tea! I\'ve never drunk such amazing Lingli tea.". Lin Feng said.

"Brother Lin, do you think each tea leaf is like a real dragon swimming in the water?". Qilian said with a smile.

Now Lin Feng\'s strength overwhelms Guo Tianming, so these ancestors regard Lin Feng as a level existence and call Lin Feng "brother Lin".

Because Xun of Qilian is the strong man of the eternal giant, he still calls Lin Feng "Xiaoyou".

If a monk at the ancestor level calls Lin Feng "little friend", it would be too big.

Lin Feng observed it carefully. It was really like what Qilian said. Tea was like a dragon.

"Is it Longling tea?".

Lin Feng thought of a legendary tea and asked in surprise.


When Xun served Lin Feng in Qilian.

The small gathering of the Qilian robbery also proceeded as scheduled.

Everyone naturally talked about Lin Feng at the banquet.

Xue Lingyue asked, "brother Qilian, who is the son named Lin Feng?".

Qilian robber smiled bitterly and said, "I don\'t know this, and I haven\'t heard anyone in the family talk about it, but he should be a friend of the old ancestor when he met the old ancestor.".

Many Tianjiao figures twitch slightly at the corners of their mouths.

These people seem to outsiders to be high up.

The strength is even stronger than many of the older generation.

Where do you go, not like stars holding the moon?

But after seeing Lin Feng today, everyone is not happy.

Because they are still just young in the eyes of those ancestors and giants.

These young people want to salute and greet their ancestors and giants of all ages.

And Lin Feng looked smaller than them.

Now, they have been talking and laughing with their ancestors and giants of all ages.

Although the heart is not the taste, but no one is jealous.

Because when the difference is too large.

I can\'t be jealous.

Luoyuchen said, "brother Huangfu seems to know that boy?".

Huangfu qingqiong and Huangfu Qingming\'s faces were slightly gloomy and did not answer.

Seeing the ugly faces of the two brothers, these people didn\'t continue to ask questions.

After leaving the Qilian family, Huangfu qingqiong said in a deep voice, "is the monk who fought with his third brother for ten years also called Lin Feng?".

Huangfu Qingming said, "that\'s right! Does elder brother think that Lin Feng is the one who fought with third brother for ten years? No, that Lin Feng\'s strength should be very poor. Moreover, the wasteland is so far away from Xingzhou. What is he doing here?".

"Is it right? Find someone to investigate and find out! Be sure to find out the details of this boy"

Huangfu qingqiong said coldly.

"Yes, I will go and tell the following to find out his identity as soon as possible," said Huangfu Qingming.

"Well"! Huangfu qingqiong nodded.