Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 900

Some people gamble with Li Xinghe, the disciple of stone king xuanyuanlong, with 50000 year old holy medicine.

The news spread quickly.

A lot of monks came and surrounded the place.

"Who cuts the stone first?" Li Xinghe said faintly.

After you.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile.

Li Xinghe did not shirk it. He took out his stone cutting knife and came to the golden spot stone.

"Who is that boy? He dared to gamble with Li Xinghe, and he also took out the 50000 year old medicine king and Li Xinghe. This is too big. Is it possible that he has a plan in mind?".

A monk muttered.

"He should also know some stone debating skills. Leng Touqing will never come out to gamble with Li Xinghe, but Li Xinghe has the true legend of stone King Xuanyuan dragon. The art of stone debating has three success powers of Xuanyuan dragon. Now Li Xinghe is known as the little stone king. Naturally, this title is not for nothing. That childe is young. Even if he knows some stone debating skills, how can he compete with Li Xinghe How about Xinghe\'s skill of debating stones? ".

"He wants to get the psychic jade from Li Xinghe, so he wants to have a fight? A treasure like psychic jade is extremely rare. Wearing this treasure can double the speed of absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth. Who doesn\'t want to get such a treasure?".

"It\'s true, but Li Xinghe\'s baby, which is so easy to get? The final result is to lose his wife and lose his soldiers.".

Many people talk about it one after another. Obviously, they are not optimistic about Lin Feng and Li Xinghe\'s bet this time.

Li Xinghe is famous after all.

At this time, Li Xinghe has also begun to cut stones.

Li Xinghe\'s first-class stone cutting method. Obviously, he has some level.

Before long, the stone was reduced by half, with a diameter of about one meter.


It was another knife. After this knife, it seemed to encounter something hard and made a clang collision sound.

Everyone looked shocked.

Sure enough, I cut something.

A smug expression appeared at the corners of Li Xinghe\'s mouth.

He quickened the speed of stone cutting.

Finally, a armor was cut out by Li Xinghe.

This armor was supposed to be a very powerful armor, but now it is broken.

It seems to have been hit hard in the past years.

"Although the armor made of dark demon iron has been broken, it is still valuable. If it can be repaired, it should be equivalent to the power of a semi-finished defensive weapon.".

Said a smelter.

"It\'s hard to say whether it can be repaired. Such a broken armor is worth dozens of top-grade spirit stones at most.". Lin Feng said faintly.

The golden spot stone is worth 1500 top-grade spirit stone. Cutting out such a broken armor is obviously a loss making business.

Li Xinghe\'s face was a little gloomy. He said indifferently, "stone cutting depends on some luck. Moreover, there are few stones that can cut things. Now it\'s your turn. I want to see what good things your stone can cut.".

Lin Feng smiled calmly and said, "look at it!"!

He took out his stone cutter and began to cut the stone.

Stone chips are flying.

It was not long before a wave of astonishing waves escaped from the stone.

"What is this?".

Many people\'s eyes widened.

Obviously, even if you don\'t see anything in the stone, everyone knows that there are definitely good things cut out of the stone.

And Li Xinghe\'s face became gloomy.

Lin Feng naturally ignored Li Xinghe\'s mood at the moment.

The stones are shrinking.

Gradually cut.

Finally, the things wrapped in the stone appeared in the sight of everyone.

It turned out to be a pair of bronze hairpins.

A colorful Phoenix is carved on the bronze hairpin, which is beautiful.



Many people exclaimed.

Bronze ware is a treasure inherited from the bronze age.

For example, Lin Feng once got a bronze mirror with great power.

Lin Feng cut out a pair of bronze hairpins.

The value of this pair of hairpins is difficult to measure.


Suddenly, everyone saw that the two bronze hairpins turned into two green luans.

Two green luans soared into the sky and wanted to fly away.

Phoenix also has many branches. Phoenix, Phoenix, Luan, Zhuo, Zhuo, Zhuo, Zhuo, yiniao, yiniao, Zhuo, Zhuo, Zhuo, Zhuo, Zhuo, Zhuo, Zhuo, Zhuo, yuniao, Zhuo, quail, swan, Yan, Zhuo and so on are all branches of Phoenix.

Qingluan, of course, is also a phoenix family.


Seeing that the two green luans were about to fly away, Lin Feng waved his right hand and rolled out his mana to suppress the two green luans directly.

The two green luans turned into two bronze hairpins again.

"The hairpin has a spirit, which is absolutely the treasure".

Many people are very excited.

"Xiaoyou, can you give up this pair of bronze hairpins? No matter what Xiaoyou wants, I will try my best to find it for Xiaoyou.".

"Little friend, I have a Taoist instrument here. How about a bronze hairpin for you?".

"Little friend...".

Many of the older generation of strong people were alerted and rushed in.

I want to exchange the two bronze hairpins in Lin Feng\'s hand.

Bronze ware is very mysterious and has boundless divine power. The key is that bronze ware also records Ancient Runes, which is of great research value.

These powerful elders naturally don\'t want to miss a treasure like bronze.

Many people were surprised, because there were many big people, many of whom were well-known strongmen in more than a dozen states around Zhuxian ancient forest.

Now they are attracted by bronze hairpins.

But Lin Feng rejected the idea of exchanging bronze hairpins.

He looked at Li Xinghe, smiled and said, "it seems that you lost this competition.".

Li Xinghe twitched violently at the corner of his mouth. He nodded with some pain and said, "I didn\'t expect to meet an expert today. Today, I Li Xinghe would like to admit defeat. This channeling jade is yours.".

Li Xinghe threw the psychic jade to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn\'t expect Li Xinghe to be so cheerful, and his impression of Li Xinghe has changed a lot.

"Six months later, a batch of top stones will appear in Xingzhou holy stone city. It is said that they are divine stones inherited from the ancient times. I hope brother Lin can come at that time.".

Li Xinghe hugged his fist.

Lin Feng was surprised that such ancient stones would cut earth shaking things.

"OK", Lin Feng hugged his fist.

Li Xinghe stopped staying and turned away.

Liu Xianhuang and Hai Wuyan looked gloomy. They glared at Lin Feng fiercely and hurriedly chased out.


Lin Feng handed the two bronze hairpins to Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue respectively.

The sister was slightly stunned, "give it to us?".

Many people have violent convulsions in the corners of their mouths.

That\'s bronze.

There is no way to measure the value with a spirit stone.

But Lin Feng gave it away. Is that too generous?

"The precious hairpin matches the beauty. Such an ancient bronze hairpin matches your temperament.".

Lin Feng smiled.

Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue\'s sisters immediately blushed and reached out for the bronze hairpin.

"This guy won\'t hatch the heart of the best sister flower because of the beauty given by the treasure hairpin? Maybe he can play two phoenix with one dragon".

Thinking of this, many people looked at Lin Feng with an expression of envy, jealousy and hatred.