Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 901

"Brother Li, the boy doesn\'t know that he dares to win your channeling jade. He\'s looking for death. He must be right. Why don\'t we find someone to kill him secretly and let him calm down.". Liu Xianhuang chased out, and there was a sense of killing in her eyes.

Hai Wuyan also said, "we can do it for brother Li without brother Li\'s hand.".

Li Xinghe glanced at Liu Xianhuang and Hai Wuyan lightly. He felt a lot of disgust for them. He said lightly, "Lin Feng is not so simple on the surface. Don\'t follow me. Now I\'m going to return to the holy stone city to study the art of stone debate with my master.".

The voice fell, and Li Xinghe left with a dozen monks.

The faces of Liu Xianhuang and Hai Wuyan were uncertain.

Hai Wuyan poohed and said, "what\'s the matter? He didn\'t have to move so fast. He\'s really a timid guy.".

Liu Xianhuang said in a gloomy voice, "after this battle, I\'m afraid the two cheap women Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue will die hard for the boy. What else do we have? If we dare to rob the woman we like, there will be only one way to die.".

Hai Wuyan nodded and said, "then find a good chance to kill him"!


"I wonder if you can help me argue about some stones? There will be a huge reward at that time.".

"I also have some stones to identify. I hope you can make a move.".

Many of the older generation of strong people crowded up, hoping Lin Feng could make a move.

Lin Feng said, "if you ask me to argue with stone, you should follow my rules. Whoever can work out the rules can ask me to do it.".

Lin Feng\'s words immediately caused a great commotion.

The reward is too harsh. If there is such a treasure as law, who doesn\'t leave it for refining?

This can greatly improve your cultivation.

"Little friend, your conditions are too harsh.". When even many older generation strong frowned and said.

Lin Feng said faintly, "it\'s not cost-effective for ordinary stones to argue with me at such a high price. If the top stones are stones worth hundreds of thousands, millions or even millions of top-grade spiritual stones, such stones are likely to cut out some unimaginable things and pay a law to argue with me. This is a win-win situation.".

"Who do you think you are? How dare you talk big here, just a kid?". The strong sneered.

"If you can afford the price, sell it. If you can\'t afford the price, roll away. Don\'t make a fool of yourself here.".

Lin Feng carries his hands and sneers. The other party\'s words are disrespectful. Naturally, Lin Feng doesn\'t need to be polite.

"Upright son is crazy. Today I want to see what you can do.".

The voice fell and a middle-aged man stepped in.

The middle-aged man walked like a tiger, and his body was as powerful as a famine. His strength was extremely strong.

"This is Huangfu\'s only mourning in the yuhuaxian dynasty?".


Suddenly someone said in surprise.

Yuhuaxian Dynasty, the ancient imperial dynasty of Xianzhou, is a prestigious top force in more than a dozen states around the falling Xiangu forest.

"It turned out to be the people of the yuhuaxian Dynasty"!

Lin Feng looks cold. Although he is strong, Lin Feng is not afraid. If he starts, he can kill him even if he is in the realm of creation.

"Hum, the eclosion fairy Dynasty has crossed"!

A cold hum came.

Thump, thump, thump.

Huangfu Dushang was shocked back three steps.

An old man came out of the courtyard.

"Master Xun of the holy stone city of Qilian".

Many people cried out when they saw the old man.

The Qilian family in Xingzhou holy stone city is also an ancient family with unfathomable strength.

Xun in Qilian is the strong man of the older generation of the Qilian family. His strength participates in nature.

"It\'s the younger generation\'s fault. I hope the elder won\'t blame me.". Huangfu Dushang\'s face changed slightly, and he didn\'t dare to be presumptuous any more. He quickly apologized to Qilian Xun.

"Well, I\'ll spare you this time.".

Qilian Xun waved his hand. He looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "don\'t you think your requirements are too strict?".

Lin Feng said lightly, "if you want to invite an expert, you naturally have to pay a price.".

Many people talked and pointed. Even though Lin Feng, a young monk, knows the art of debating stones, can he be called an expert?

Even the stone king xuanyuanlong will never put forward such strict requirements as asking people to come up with rules.

Lin Feng, a young monk of about 20 years old, why?

Many people think Lin Feng is supporting the University.

Even Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue are worried. If they offend a big man like Xun in Qilian, they are afraid that they will die.

"It\'s said that heroes grow up young. I also want to see it today. Little friend, I have a batch of stones to be transported to the holy stone city. These are the stones of my Qilian family. I\'m going to cut a stone. How about you help me have a look?".

Qilian Xun said.

"Stones transported to the holy stone city? No wonder Qilian Xun appears here. It seems that this batch of stones are escorted by Qilian Xun. How precious are the stones escorted by such a giant?".

Many people were shocked.

"What about the reward?" Lin Feng asked.

Qilian Xun stretched out his right hand and saw a group of distorted laws sealed in his right hand.

"This is the law of a fire Warcraft emperor".

Xun of Qilian gave the law to Lin Feng.

"The old man is quite cheerful. Now let\'s go and have a look at the stones.". Lin Feng said.

Please follow me. Qilian Xun said and walked towards the deep courtyard.

Of course, not everyone is qualified to follow in the past. Only a dozen strong older generation with white hair are allowed to watch.

In addition, Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue are sisters.

Now Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue are both nervous to death.

What if you can\'t cut out good things?

There are more than 30 stones in the eighth courtyard, which are the stones escorted by Qilian Xun to Shengshi city.

This stone belongs to the Qilian family, not to Qilian Xun, so Qilian Xun also needs to spend a lot of money to cut the stone.

"Xiaoyou, all the stones are here. Please choose a stone for me.".

Qilian Xun said.

Lin Feng nodded. He stepped towards more than 30 stones.

In Lin Feng\'s body, black fog surged out, enveloping Lin Feng in it.

"Is this?", Xun of Qilian and more than a dozen strong older generation with white hair were surprised.

Obviously, they have never seen Lin Feng\'s skill of debating stones.

"Is he trying to cover up his art of stone debate?". An old man said.

The others nodded. Everyone looked at Lin Feng curiously. They didn\'t know which stone Lin Feng would choose.