Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 870

The earthy yellow big hand caught it and scattered the ghost shadow in an instant.

Then when the earthy yellow big hand saw that he was about to grasp the palm bone of the saint devil in his hand, the old uncle roared angrily, "looking for death! Really looking for death! Dare to rob this seat and don\'t know whether to live or die"!

Old uncle Huang was angry, raised his right hand and patted it.


The void condensed into a huge energy fingerprint.

This is the "magic virtual palm" recorded in the "virtual emperor Sutra" of the Zhou empire.

The energy fingerprints in the void collided with the earthy yellow hands.


Like the sound of a giant spirit beating a war drum.

The collision between the two statues is extremely fierce.

Finally, the big yellow hand quickly retracted and disappeared.

I don\'t know who\'s doing it.

But obviously, since the characters who dare to fight in the stone workshop of the Zhou empire are definitely at the level of the ancestors.

Old uncle Huang didn\'t chase, but quickly collected the palm bone of the saint devil, which is comparable to the bone of the ancient giant God. The rune on it is likely to be an ancient supernatural power, which is too precious. No wonder it will attract the peep of others.

"Holy devil palm bone, it\'s too precious...".

Many people looked at the old uncle with envy and envy. They wanted to take the Holy Ghost palm bone from the old uncle.

But no one dared to do it because of his poor strength.

This is priceless.

It would be even more precious if the complete ancient supernatural powers were recorded.

"Thank you very much, little friend. This rule belongs to little friend.".

Old uncle Huang looked very excited.

He gave Lin Feng the sealed law.

"You\'re welcome, sir. Let\'s make a fair deal.".

Lin Feng smiled. He put away the sealed law and planned to go back to refining.

"Little friend, please help me argue with the stone. When it\'s done, I\'ll thank you again.".

"Little friend, I\'m willing to give you an ancient magic power. Please help me see some stones.".

"Xiaoyou, my crystal card has 200000 top-grade spirit stones. I hope Xiaoyou can accept it and help me choose a stone by the way.".


Many people poured in and surrounded Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng appeared, he cut four stones.

Three treasures were cut out.

Even the stone that didn\'t cut anything out was sealed with dragon blood in the past years.

If it were not for changes, dragon blood would have been cut out.

What is the ability of stone selection?

It can be called against the sky.


"You guys, I have something else to do. I have to leave now. As for the selection of stones, I\'m really powerless.".

Lin Feng and Qian Ruiyuan pushed away the crowd and left quickly.


"Have you heard? A little stone Saint appeared in the stone square, cutting out the sky demon snake eye, medicine King worm and holy devil palm bone successively".

"Can\'t you? Is it true or false? It should be spread falsely?".

"Of course, it\'s true. Many people saw with their own eyes that xiaoshisheng cut only four stones, but cut out three treasures. The time he missed, it was also sealed with dragon blood, but later the stone changed internally, resulting in the dispersion of dragon blood. If not, the stone should also be able to get dragon blood.".

"Unexpectedly, who is the little stone saint? Can we ask the little stone saint to help us choose the stone?".

"Go and find the little stone saint.".


Soon, the news about the "little stone saint" spread quickly, first among the stone workshops.

Then it spread throughout angry axe city.

After Lin Feng and Qian Ruiyuan returned to their residence, they opened the prohibition, and no one was seen.

Lin Feng wants to refine the rules to improve his strength.

Qian Ruiyuan was observing the king bug he got.

In the room, Lin Feng sat cross legged. His mana was wrapped in his hands, and the law was sealed in his mana.

"Demon king, will there be no danger in the law of refining?" Lin Feng said.

But there was no response.

The demon king seems to be closed.

Perhaps still refining the origin of God.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. No matter whether it was dangerous or not, he would refine this law.

Lin Feng swallowed the law into his body.

Then start running mana, refining law.

The power that seals the law has just been untied.

A terrible destructive energy surged out of the law and began to rage in Lin Feng\'s body.


Lin Feng was shocked to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face was extremely pale.

The refining law is really not that simple. If someone else had just died, he would have lost half his life.

"Taigu dragon elephant formula, suppression!"

Lin Feng roared and quickly ran the Taigu dragon elephant formula to suppress the violent power in his body.

Archaic dragon elephant, the emperor bow down!

The virtual shadow of the ancient dragon elephant appeared and began to suppress the violent power in Lin Feng\'s body.

The violent force that surged out of the law gradually softened.

But suddenly, the law fluctuated violently.

It seems unwilling to be refined like this.


Then, a strange sound like a cow barking and a dragon singing came out.

It is made of a gray Jiao.

This gray Jiao is fierce and violent. He runs rampant through Lin Feng\'s body and wants to tear Lin Feng\'s flesh.

"It\'s the law of a gray Jiao...".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He used the source of God in the Dantian, burned some of the power of the source of God, blessed the Taigu dragon and elephant formula, and suppressed the grey Jiao.

Gray Jiao roared angrily and struggled violently, but he was finally shaken away.

Lin Feng began to refine the laws of the body.

A day later.

The law was finally refined by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng only felt that there was a wild beast sleeping in his body.

This is the power of law.



Lin Feng opens the door.

Seeing Lin Feng leaving the pass, Qian Ruiyuan smiled and said, "it seems that the law has been refined by you. How do you feel?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "it feels like swallowing an ancient fierce beast, with endless power.".

Qian Ruiyuan said, "the power of the law is naturally very strong, but if you want to skillfully use the power of the law, you need to slowly increase your experience through actual combat.".

Lin Feng nodded.

At this time, Qian Ruiyuan said, "there are many big people looking for you. There are many people at the ancestral level of Taigu forces. Do you want to see them?".

Lin Feng said with a bitter smile, "it\'s really troublesome. They ask me to argue with them. If I refuse directly, I will offend these people. In this way, if someone can come up with the law, I will do it.".

It\'s hard to come up with rules.

However, if the other party can really take it out, Lin Feng doesn\'t mind taking it out.

The more refining rules, the stronger the strength will be.

For three days, Lin Feng was familiar with the power of the law.

Then Lin Feng and Qian Ruiyuan go to Shifang again.

Now Lin Feng\'s cultivation of refining and chemical law has soared. He wants to find the mysterious creature that hurt him.

Hidden in the stone, the birth of spirituality, if you can find it and cut it out, it must be a very rebellious existence.

"Look, it\'s the little stone saint.".

Lin Feng\'s appearance in Shifang caused an uproar, and countless monks poured in. It can be said that all people are empty.