Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 869

Law, the realm of creation, the strong can condense.

Law has extremely powerful attack power.

In general, if a monk in the realm of creation is killed, the laws in his body will collapse.

But there are some monks who have some special "abilities".

Can prevent the collapse of the law.

Then take the law out of the other party\'s body and seal it.

This extracted law can be refined and improved.

Of course, you can also refine others and improve their accomplishments.

If the monks in the realm of yin and Yang refine the rules, their accomplishments will be improved immediately. Even if they are not the opponents of the realm of creation, they are not far from the strength of the monks in the realm of creation.

Lin Feng naturally knows what meaning this rule represents.

His current cultivation is not the opponent of the friars in the realm of creation.

But if he had refined this law, Lin Feng\'s combat power would immediately be able to compete with the friars in the realm of creation.

Facing the temptation of this law, Lin Feng can\'t refuse it.

He smiled and said, "it\'s an honor for the younger generation if the elder can use it.".

"Shit, this boy is so shameless...".

Many people roll their eyes.

Anyone can see how unwilling Lin Feng was to make a move before.

But now, it is just like this

Many people raised their middle fingers to Lin Feng.

The boy clearly wants to get the law in the hands of old uncle Huang.

And make yourself so great.

People are shameless and invincible.

Although they despise, these monks don\'t know how envious and jealous they are.

That\'s the law.

If you have refined, your accomplishments will be greatly improved.

It\'s exciting to think about it.

"Thank you, little friend.". Old uncle Huang said with a smile, "please follow me to the inner yard.".

Many monks go together, and of course not everyone is qualified to go to the inner court.

The most precious stones are placed in the inner courtyard. Only friars with status and status can enter it.

Ninety percent of the monks were stopped outside.

Only a few people can enter it.

"Are you sure? If you fail again, I\'m afraid...". Qian Ruiyuan frowned slightly and said.

Now, although old uncle Huang looks like laughing.

Qian Ruiyuan, who was also born in the top forces, naturally did not think so plainly that he could still look like this after the old uncle Huang lost more than one million top-grade spirit stones.

It\'s possible to kill Lin Feng secretly.

Lin Feng said, "looking for wealth and wealth, maybe you can cut out good things.".

"You guy...". Qian Ruiyuan shook his head slightly. Now he even thought that if he didn\'t cut out good things this time, he would make an apology to old uncle Huang and hope that old uncle Huang could forgive Lin Feng.

Soon the party came to the inner courtyard, where hundreds of stones were placed, all of which were expensive.

The most expensive stones are in the depths. Each piece is worth five hundred thousand of the top quality of Lingshi. The most expensive piece is a five orifice stone, which spits up the essence of heaven and earth, which is pregnant with life.

"It\'s a stone with five orifices. It\'s said that it breeds a stone ape. I don\'t know whether it\'s true or false?". Someone pointed to the five stone and whispered.

"It looks like it\'s pregnant with life.". A monk replied.

It was the treasure of Shifang of the Zhou empire.

Therefore, the great Zhou empire will not sell.

Old uncle Huang pointed to the five stones in the depth and said, "these are the five stones. Look, which stone is the best?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes looked.

These are five very different stones.

The first stone is an immortal stone, shaped like a human, which seems to be overlooking the distance.

Seeing this stone, Lin Feng suddenly jumped in his heart. This stone is very extraordinary.

But he found it difficult to see through the stone and couldn\'t peep into the secrets inside the stone.

"It seems that these top stones can be isolated from the power of the sky demon snake eye".

Lin Feng frowned.

He then looked at the second stone, which was shaped like an ox, but raised like the head of a dragon.

The third stone is the stone with four wings on its back.

Lin Feng had seen a stone with two wings on its back before, which was similar to this stone.

The fourth stone is a stone like a coffin.

The fifth stone is a stone with disordered edges and corners.

"Which stone do you like best?" Lin Feng asked.

"This fairy stone," said the old uncle Huang.

Many people nodded, and they also looked at the good hope fairy stone, because the stone was really not simple and shrouded in fairy light.

"It\'s really extraordinary stone". Lin Feng nodded.

The old uncle Huang said, "do you also think you should cut the Wangxian stone?".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "the five stones are extraordinary. I still need to distinguish them carefully.".

Old uncle Huang nodded. He didn\'t disturb Lin Feng.

The people around also kept silent, waiting for Lin Feng to choose the stone.

Now many people think that Lin Feng must have the secret of choosing stones. Otherwise, he would not have cut out the precious stones one after another. Now he comes to choose stones for old uncle Huang.

"I can\'t see through these stones. It seems that it\'s necessary to use TIANYAO snake eyes.". Lin Feng frowned.

Around his body, black fog came out.

The black fog shrouded Lin Feng.

It also covers five stones.

"What is this boy going to do?".

Many people were surprised.

Dong Yuqing\'s eyes burst out a fine light. He said, "as I guessed, this boy knows the powerful art of stone debate. He must be using the art of stone debate to cover himself with black fog. He doesn\'t want us to see his art of stone debate.".

In the fog, the sky demon snake eyes at the center of Lin Feng\'s eyebrows opened.

He looked at five stones.

The five stones were covered by strange forces to prevent Lin Feng from exploring.

"Heaven demon snake eye, all things belong to the family, and the original eye can see through vanity".

Lin Feng murmured.


The sky demon snake\'s eyes were flowing with black eyes and looked at the five stones.


Lin Feng just glanced. If he was struck by lightning, there was blood flowing from the center of his eyebrows.

He quickly closed the eye of the demon snake.

Sky demon snake eyes are invisible.

The black fog disappeared and Lin Feng was pale.

"Little friend, what happened?" old uncle Huang looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

Many people also looked at Lin Feng in surprise, because Lin Feng\'s face was very pale and just screamed, something terrible must have happened.

Lin Feng was terrified. He was attacked, but he didn\'t even find himself attacked.

"Could it be that there was a stone in the stone workshop that gave birth to real creatures?" Lin Feng thought of some possibility and couldn\'t help taking a breath, and his face was also cloudy and sunny.

Uncle Huang asked again, "are you all right, little friend?".

Qian Ruiyuan looked at Lin Feng worried and asked, "brother Lin, haven\'t you hurt yourself?".

Lin Feng recovered, and he shook his head.

Then Lin Feng looked around.

He wanted to find out which stone creature attacked him.

Just now, the guy wanted to destroy his soul, but he was resisted with the eye of a heavenly demon snake.

If it weren\'t for the snake eye of the heavenly demon, I might have died.

Lin Feng was naturally very angry with the stone creature hidden in the dark.

"My Taoism is not enough. Now I hurt the eye of the heavenly demon snake. I can\'t find it. It seems that I can only find it again next time.".

Lin Feng frowned.

Old uncle Huang asked, "little friend, how should I choose these five stones?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes looked at the five stones.

Just now he glanced at the five stones. Although he didn\'t see anything clearly, Lin Feng felt that the most extraordinary stone might be the fifth stone.

The fifth stone has disordered edges and corners. From the appearance, it is the most common of the five stones.

But Lin Feng just felt that there seemed to be a fuzzy black air in the fifth stone, which made Lin Feng feel frightened.

Lin Feng didn\'t feel this way from the other four stones.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, and they were also looking forward to which stone Lin Feng would choose.

"Should you choose the hope fairy stone? Maybe you can dig out a holy spirit from it.".

Said the friar.

"I think I will choose the stone with a dragon like dragon head. Maybe there are dragon family treasures buried in it.".

Some monks said so.

Many monks were whispering and expressing their opinions.

Lin Feng pointed to the fifth stone and said, "if you let me choose, I\'ll choose this one.".

He chose the fifth stone.

Many people frown and are puzzled. Of course, the fifth stone is also extremely precious, worth 530000 yuan.

But it\'s much worse than the other four.

The other four stones, the cheapest one, are also worth 860000 top-grade spiritual stones, and the other three are at the price of more than one million top-grade spiritual stones.

Moreover, the energy fluctuation of the fifth stone selected by Lin Feng is far less than that of the other four stones, and the shape is not particularly colorful.

Old uncle Huang nodded and said, "OK, just cut this one.".

Old uncle Huang, holding a stone cutter, came to the stone and carefully cut the fifth stone.

Old uncle Huang is obviously experienced in stone cutting. His wrists shake flexibly, such as antelope hanging horns, and pieces of stone skin are cut off.

This is really an amazing stone cutting technique, and many people are amazed.

Before long, the fifth stone was cut to a diameter of only half a meter.

But they got nothing. Many people were talking about whether the last piece of stone could be cut out.

Can\'t you cut anything like the 670000 top-grade spirit stone before?

Naturally, this possibility exists.

The old uncle Huang\'s face also became dignified. When the stone was only 20 cm in diameter, the old uncle Huang\'s hands trembled slightly.

Two stones cost 1.2 million. If you can\'t cut anything, the loss will be too great.

At this time, the old uncle Huang stopped and his right hand trembled slightly. He couldn\'t cut it anymore.

Uncle Huang was obviously struggling in his heart.

Lin Feng can naturally understand the old uncle Huang\'s complex mood. If there is nothing in this knife, it will be a great blow.

Lin Feng said, "senior, the last knife, maybe you can cut something good.".

Old uncle Huang bit his teeth. He held the stone cutter and cut it directly.


A clear sound came out, and the stone cutter obviously touched something.

Everyone looked shocked.

Old uncle Huang swept away his previous decadence. He cut the stone excitedly.

The metacarpal bone of one hand appeared in the sight of everyone.

The metacarpal bone of that hand is shrouded in runes, which may have recorded ancient supernatural powers.

Suddenly, the metacarpal bone of that hand rose into the sky, and endless magic fog surged out to block out the sky and the sun.

Palm bones float in the magic fog, revealing a Holy Ghost virtual shadow.

The holy devil, wearing an ancient magic robe, has great magic power.

Feeling the power of the holy devil, countless people have an impulse to kneel on the ground and worship the holy devil.

In the archaic era, the holy devil was at the same level as the archaic giant God.

"God, it\'s the legendary holy devil\'s palm..."

The frightened and pale eyes looked at the ghost shadow and palm bone in the endless black fog in the sky, and couldn\'t help roaring with shock.

In the heart, it is like setting off a towering wave. The value of a holy devil\'s palm is unimaginable.

"Boom...". Suddenly, a big yellow hand came out of the courtyard and grabbed the palm of the holy devil in the void, trying to take the baby away.