Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 842

"Eh, the young man seems to be Lin Feng?".

Han Zihua looked at Lin Feng and showed a puzzled expression.

Five years passed in a hurry. Lin Feng changed from a young man with a weak crown to a handsome young man now. His appearance naturally changed a lot.

Therefore, Han Zihua didn\'t recognize Lin Feng at the first time.

But doubts also arose in my heart.

"Big, master".

Shiyan in the crowd was excited when he saw Lin Feng.

Even if I just met Lin Feng.

But how could Shiyan forget Lin Feng?

Later, he asked his daughter Shi Ningmeng for confirmation. Only then did he know that Lin Feng was indeed the Tianjie Lingxian master of the Lingxian master Union who came to the herbalist union to rest for a few days.

But this is not the most shocking place for Shiyan. What really shocked Shiyan is that Lin Feng is likely to be a Tianji herbalist.

He is only twenty-two or three years old.

Not only the heavenly level spirit array master, but also a heavenly level medicine refiner, which is too shocking.

Lin Feng\'s dual identity, even if Yu Ji in the Wuhun hall, the spirit array division union Murong Baichuan didn\'t even know.

Because Lin Feng only showed his profound attainments in refining medicine in front of Shiyan.

That is to point out Shiyan this time.

Some time ago, Shiyan successfully broke through to the high-level medicine refiner of the earth terrace.

This is naturally a big event, because Shi Yan was promoted to the elder of the herbalist Union.

Therefore, even Sun Yi, the general director of the 72 northern states of the herbalist Union, personally came to preside over Shi Yan\'s promotion ceremony.

In addition, there were three elders and 12 presidents of the Federation of Lingzhen division who had a good relationship with Shi Yan. These people all worked in the Federation of Lingzhen division in a certain state of 72 northern states.

After the promotion ceremony, Shi Yan once had a secret talk with Sun Yi, just the two of them, and what Shi Yan talked about was about Lin Feng.

Sun Yi almost sat down on the ground when he heard that there was a Tianjie spirit array master about twenty-three years old who was also a Tianjie medicine refiner.

Sun Yi is more than 3000 years old this year. He studied for more than 2000 years before he was promoted to Tianji herbalist.

Sun Yi knows how difficult it is to ascend to heaven as a herbalist.

Some people may not be able to break through to the heaven level herbalist all their life.

And that young man, so young, is not only the heavenly level spirit array master, but also the heavenly level medicine refiner. What does this mean is self-evident.

If the five ancestors of the temple of the medicine refiner knew that they would appear in person and win each other into the temple of the medicine refiner.

Sun Yi was eager to see Lin Feng.

But I can\'t see it.

Because Lin Feng had left at that time.

This made Sun Yi very upset.

Later, Sun Yi heard that Han Zihua in the gentleman city took out the holy medicine handed down by his ancestors for 100000 years as a reward to seek a pill that can prolong his wife\'s life.

So Sun Yi decided to go there himself.


This is why Sun Yi and his party came to gentleman city.


"Little brother, quickly kneel down and kowtow to adults to apologize. Adults will read that if you are young and ignorant, forgive you.".

Lin Feng said hurriedly to a middle-aged herbalist with a good heart.

Obviously, he was worried that Lin Feng would cause a terrible disaster.

In the cultivator world, there is no reason to kill. Needless to say, Lin fengruo offended the head of the refiners\' Union in 72 northern states.

It is estimated that countless people want to quietly get rid of Lin Feng for Sun Yi, so as to curry favor with a big man like Sun Yi.

Lin Feng said faintly, "no herbalist in the 72 northern states is qualified to let me salute.".

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, the middle-aged pharmacist who reminded Lin Feng was pale with fear.

"Crazy, this boy is crazy.". He shook his head and didn\'t know how to persuade Lin Feng.

He knew that Lin Feng\'s words would be irreparable, and no one could save Lin Feng.

He is just a casual practitioner without roots and Ping. Although he is also a herbalist, he is only a mysterious level herbalist.

Even if he wants to help Lin Feng, he has more than his heart and less strength.

"This boy is really looking for his own death. He deserves it.".

Zhuo Yan sneered in his heart.

This person obviously still hates the language conflict with Lin Feng, but this person thinks highly of himself and feels that Lin Feng is not qualified to let him do it.

That\'s why a murderer just came.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words just now, Zhuo Yan was ecstatic. He felt that he should perform well in front of Sun Yi at this time. Maybe he could curry favor with a big man like Sun Yi at that time, so he became prosperous.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yan scolded again in a cold voice, "boy, you\'re really blind. A most junior pharmacist doesn\'t know his dignity. Even Lord Sun Yi doesn\'t pay attention to it. It\'s a shame for our pharmacists.".


Before Zhuo Yan finished his sentence, everyone heard a loud slap.

Zhuo Yan, who was originally arrogant, screamed and was slapped by Shi Yan, the newly promoted elder of the spiritual array division trade union, and flew out four or five meters.

Not only was Zhuo Yan hoodwinked.

Everyone present was stunned.

Even Sun Yi, who was originally angry, was stunned.

I don\'t know why Shiyan did such a rude thing.

Zhuo Yan was just defending Sun Yi\'s dignity.

Now Shiyan slapped Zhuo Yan, who maintained Sun Yi\'s dignity, out.

What\'s the meaning of this?

Indirectly hit Sun Yi in the face?

That\'s not right.

Sun Yi is Shi Yan\'s immediate boss and controls Shi Yan\'s fate.

How can Shi Yan dare to offend Sun Yi?

This is where everyone doubts.

"Brother Shi, what do you mean?"

Seeing Zhuo Yan being beaten, Huo qianyun\'s face sank slightly.

He is also the master of the earth level spirit array and the leader of the people in the valley of fire.

In addition, he will soon become the president of Youzhou refiners\' Federation of trade unions.

So fire clouds are not afraid of rocks.

So he asked aloud.

If the people of fire valley are beaten for no reason, fire valley will lose face.

Shiyan ignored fire qianyun, but hurried to Sun Yi with a gloomy face and whispered, "Sir, that young man is the master Lin Feng mentioned by his subordinates.".


Sun Yi\'s face changed and changed again.

Twenty two or three year old heavenly level spirit array master and heavenly level medicine refiner.

Such a person.

Even if his grandson is easy to see, he should talk to him politely.

Because it may not be long before the other party will become a holy order.

At that time, their own destiny may be in each other\'s hands.

Can you speak without being careful?

Thinking of this, Sun Yi\'s anger had long dissipated, with a smile on his face.

He hurried to Lin Feng.

Seeing Sun Yi walking towards Lin Feng, many people secretly said, "is it that Lord Sun Yi wants to teach the boy himself? Now, the boy is dead.".

But what surprised everyone happened.

Sun Yi came to Lin Feng, hugged his fist with both hands and asked with a smile, "I don\'t know if it\'s brother Lin under Sun Yi?".

Everyone is stupid.

Sun Yi is a Tianjie herbalist.

He was so polite to a young monk in his twenties.

He also called the other party "brother Lin".

This is peer talk.

There is only one situation for practitioners to communicate with their peers in the world, that is, they are at the same level.

That is to say.

That young man is also a high-level herbalist, isn\'t he?

Thinking of this situation, many people feel like they are going crazy.

How could there be such a young Tianjie herbalist?

This can never be true.

No one believes it.

I don\'t want to believe it\'s true.

"It\'s Lin Feng. It must be Lin Feng. I won\'t admit my mistake...".

Han Zihua was excited when he saw that a big man like Lian Sunyi had made friends with the young childe\'s peers.

He was sure that the young childe must be Lin Feng.

Only Lin Feng\'s demon level talent can hope to become a heaven level herbalist at this age.

"Heaven level herbalist, I thought he had gone against the sky when he became a earth level herbalist within five years. Unexpectedly, he became a heaven level herbalist.".

The heart of Han Zi\'s painting is full of shock. He even has an unreal feeling now.