Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 841

"Young master, those people in the fire valley are always high above. You don\'t have to care about their words.".

After the people from the fire Valley left, the Guard commander said aloud.

These guards will not underestimate any medicine refiner.

Even if Lin Feng only refined the most rubbish flame, or even the lowest level pharmacist, they dare not neglect it.

Because even the lowest level medicine refiner has a very noble status.

Lin Feng smiled. He didn\'t say much.

Just a bunch of clowns.

Will Lin Feng get angry because of the remarks of a group of clowns?

Led by a guard, Lin Feng entered the city master\'s house.

The guard took Lin Feng to a different garden. The guard said respectfully, "childe, this is the place where the herbalist lives. The herbalist who comes today will rest here for a day, and the city Lord will come and receive you tomorrow".

Lin Feng nodded.

Someone arranged a small courtyard for Lin Feng, so he lived here for the time being.

"When something happened at home, Han Zihua must have thought that I was killed in the disaster. I don\'t know how he would feel if he saw me?".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help muttering.

Han zi\'s painting has been really difficult these years.

Outsiders think he is the superior leader of gentleman city.

But who can know Han Zihua\'s efforts to save his wife every day?

Enter the wilderness and die.

Entering daze was almost fatal.

Explore the abyss and return seriously.

Again and again, he was looking for ways to save his wife, but he failed again and again.

But Han Zihua never gave up and still insisted, even if he gave up his life.

This is what makes Lin Feng admire han zi\'s paintings.

In the scholar\'s town and the transmission square, more than a dozen herbalists came out. All of them were wearing hot sun robes.

The herbalists\' Union is the same as the spirit array masters\' Union.

There are two kinds of people who can wear hot sun robes.

The first kind of person is the great elder level herbalist, who is a high-level or peak level herbalist.

The second kind of people did not reach the high rank, but they were the feudal officials who served as the president of the General Union of refiners in a state.

Obviously, these herbalists have extraordinary identities.

Either the elder of the alchemists\' union or the president of the alchemists\' General Union in a state.

Usually, it\'s hard to meet such a person.

But today, more than a dozen people gathered here.

If Lin Feng were here, he would recognize one of the herbalists.

It was the refiner he instructed in stone city.

This person is no one else. He is Shi Yan, the medicine king, the president of Dongjun Shenzhou refining division Federation of trade unions, Shi Ningmeng\'s father.

Under the guidance of Lin Feng, Shi Yan broke through to the high-level herbalist of the earth level, and his position in the herbalist union was greatly improved.

But these people are not led by Shiyan.

But led by an old man wearing a robe of sun, moon and stars.

There is only one kind of herbalist who is qualified to wear the robe of sun, moon and stars in the herbalist Union, that is, Tianjie herbalist.

"My God, look, there are a lot of big people.".

"Is that Shi Yan, President of Dongjun Shenzhou pharmaceutical refiners General Union?".

"Is that Zhang Kun, President of Wuzhou pharmaceutical refiners\' Federation of trade unions?".

"Is that Xue zicang, President of Zezhou refiners\' Federation of trade unions?".

A series of exclamations resounded.

Countless eyes looked at a group of "big people" coming out of the transmission array.

These people, anyone, are the existence of the medicine King level.

Which one is not famous?

But now, so many big people have gathered together.

Soon, everyone found that an old man was supported by the stars.

I saw the sun, moon and stars robe that the old man was wearing.

Countless people were shocked.

"Sun Yi, general director of the union of refiners in 72 northern prefectures".

This is a big man who will shake three times in the whole 72 northern states.

"God, how can so many big people come?".

"Even the general director of the refiner\'s Union in 72 northern states came. He must have come for the 100000 year old elixir handed down by the mayor.".

Many people talked about it.

Let\'s go and meet Han Zihua. Sun Yi said.

"Yes," said many medicine refiners at the level of medicine king.

Surrounded by these medicine refiners at the level of medicine king, Sun Yi walked towards the city master\'s house.

The arrival of these big people soon spread all over the scholar\'s Town, causing a great sensation. It\'s almost empty.

Countless people crowded the streets to watch the legendary big men.

When Han Zihua heard about it, he quickly came out to meet him.

Not only Han Zihua, many herbalists in the city master\'s residence, including more than a dozen herbalists in the fire Valley, also came outside the city master\'s residence to wait for Sun Yi and others.

"Coming...". Zhuo Yan, the herbalist of fire Valley, pointed to the distance and shouted excitedly, "look, it\'s really many herbalists at the level of the king of medicine and Sun Yi, the general director of the herbalist Union in 72 northern states. When Sun Yi celebrated his 3000 birthday, I went to celebrate his birthday with the valley master. I was lucky to meet Master Sun Yi.".

Huoqianyun said, "be careful when you talk.".

"Yes". The fire Valley party hurriedly said.

"Younger generation han zi painting, meet elder sun". Han Zihua hurried up and saluted Sun Yi.

"Well, no gift.". Sun Yi nodded slightly.

"Younger generation, fire Valley, fire clouds, see you.".

Huoqianyun led the disciples of Huo Valley to salute Sun Yi.

Sun Yi nodded slightly and said, "I used to be a disciple of Huo valley. I also have some friends with your valley leader. So you are Huo qianyun, right? I remember. Some time ago, your valley leader heard that the position of president of Youzhou herbalist union was vacant, so he came to me. I hope you can work there. What level of herbalist are you now?".

The fire cloud suddenly shook.

Sun Yi now asks him what level he is a herbalist. He probably wants to see if he is qualified to serve as the president of Youzhou herbalist Federation of trade unions.

Many people look at the clouds of fire with envy.

Once huoqianyun becomes the president of Youzhou herbalist Federation of trade unions, huoqianyun may be able to gradually integrate into the core circle of the herbalist Union in the future. At that time, it will naturally have countless benefits.

The expansion of contacts, the Tianjie pill awarded by the trade union, if you are lucky, you can even get the reward of Shengjie pill, of course, you can also get access to Taigu prescription... Etc., which is definitely an enviable position.

Huoqianyun hurriedly said, "I\'m a medium level spirit array master of the earth level.".


Sun Yi nodded without sorrow or joy. No one knew what he was thinking.

But many people know that Sun Yi only recognizes the ability of fire qianyun.

A big man like Sun Yi will not promise in front of others, but it is estimated that huoqianyun will soon be appointed president of Youzhou pharmaceutical refiners\' Federation of trade unions.

"See you, my Lord".

The rest of the herbalists also came forward and saluted Sun Yi.

"You\'re free, too.". Sun Yi waved his hand.

At this time, the herbalist named Zhuo Yan in huogu saw Lin Feng standing still.

He looked at Lin Feng coldly and scolded, "boy, you are also a herbalist. Although you are only the lowest level, you are also a herbalist. As a herbalist, you are not polite when you see the general director of the herbalist trade union in 72 northern states. Don\'t you pay attention to your grandson?".

As soon as Zhuo Yan said this, many people\'s faces suddenly changed.

Sun Yi\'s face sank slightly.

A pharmacist didn\'t salute him, the general director of the pharmacist Union in 72 northern states.

Don\'t you look down on yourself?

Isn\'t this telling the outside world that he is not dignified enough in the 72 northern states?

He was despised by the herbalist.

Don\'t you want to be a laughing stock when this matter gets out?

Thinking of this, Sun Yi felt cold in his heart.

One after another, they all looked at Lin Feng.

Many people knew that Lin Feng was afraid it was over. As a herbalist, he didn\'t salute the general head of the herbalist Union in 72 northern states.

Isn\'t this death?

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with pity.