Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7442

What attracts Lin Feng\'s attention is a stone.

This is a very special stone, emitting a cold smell. When he saw this stone, Lin Feng was deeply attracted by it. He always felt that the stone should be very simple, but he can\'t tell what\'s not simple. He needs to take a careful look at it before he can know.

He picked up the stone and began to feel cold. It was bone cold and terrible cold, which directly passed into Lin Feng\'s body. Under the influence of this cold, Lin Feng felt very uncomfortable, but the more so, Lin Feng was more and more happy, because it showed that the stone was really not simple.

He tried to explore the stone with his mind and wanted to see what secret was hidden in the stone, but Lin Feng found that his mind could not enter the stone. This situation made Lin Feng\'s eyebrows wrinkle together slightly. For his current practice, it should be easy to explore something.

But now that this situation has occurred, it shows that his previous judgment is correct. This stone is really not simple.

Seeing Lin Feng observing the stone, the stall owner smiled and said, "this is a good thing. I found it in an extremely special place. The value is unimaginable. If you want, I\'ll sell you a million high-grade immortal stones!".

The Taoist priest definitely doesn\'t know what\'s going on with this stone. All the things he sells are asking for exorbitant prices. Even if a thing is really unusual, it hides great secrets. However, when the leader can\'t find these secrets, it has no value!

There must be some secrets hidden in the stone in front of him, but no one knows what the secret is, neither does Lin Feng. He believes that the Taoist doesn\'t know, so this thing is dispensable to him.

Can sell!

It\'s already good!

At this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes could not help but coagulate slightly, because at this time, he was angry and said that after something that Lin Feng had not expected, something on him even sent out a weak fluctuation because of the stone in his hand.

This thing is nothing else, but Qiushan map.

Autumn mountain map!

It is said that an ancient map closely related to the pioneers and even the era of the pioneers hides an extremely ancient secret, but Lin Feng is not particularly clear about the secret, because although Lin Feng has obtained the autumn mountain map, he has not been able to unlock the secret of the autumn mountain map.

Lin Feng is always curious about the secret of Qiushan map, which is a treasure. Lin Feng has been waiting for an opportunity. It is said that if he finds the ancestral stone of snow mountain, he can unlock the secret of Qiushan map. However, after so many years, Lin Feng has not been able to find the ancestral stone of snow mountain.


The stone in his hand caused the change of Qiushan map.

Although this change is very weak.


No matter how weak the change is, it is also a change.

Lin Feng had to connect this stone with the ancestral stone of the snow mountain. Lin Feng didn\'t know whether it was specific, but Lin Feng felt that this probability was still very high. He needed to find a quiet place and test it.

"I\'ll take a hundred high-grade immortal stones!". Lin Feng said.

After hearing the price quoted by Lin Feng, the corner of the stall owner\'s mouth twitched slightly. The price was too cruel, more cruel than just now.

"I don\'t want to give you a hundred dollars! If I don\'t sell it, I\'ll go!". Lin Feng said.

The stall owner said, "well, I\'ve convinced you! Just make a friend. I\'ll sell you 100 high-grade immortal stones!".

Lin Feng gave the stall owner 100 high-grade immortal stones, and he collected this special stone suspected of being the ancestor stone of the snow mountain.

He found two very important treasures at a low price. Lin Feng was in a good mood.

Lin Feng continued to stroll at the fair.

Constantly searching for something that could get into his eyes.

Lin Feng found a large number of precious stones in an area. These stones are very special and can forge precious treasures of quasi ancient weapons.

You know!

It is very rare to forge materials of ancient weapon level or higher.

Many powerful monks may not be able to find corresponding materials for their whole life.

The next level is the material for forging quasi ancient weapons. This material is also relatively small, but in fact, the quantity is relatively good, but this kind of material is rarely spread, and most of it is collected by top forces.

There are a lot of materials in this place!

They are all sold by top forces!

Because this material is more precious, and many top forces want to get a large amount of transaction volume, peddling this material is a better method.

In fact, there is another extremely important reason why these top forces sell these materials.

That is, the end is coming.

As the end of the world is coming, the people of their family may not use this material for the time being. It\'s better to sell this material in exchange for the cultivation resources they need or other things. If they can survive the end of the world smoothly, why can\'t they find precious materials?

At the beginning of any new cycle, the richness of resources is unimaginable!

At that time, this level of materials may be ordinary materials?

This kind of thing can still happen.

Seeing these materials, Lin Feng\'s eyes have begun to shine.

Of course, Lin Feng can\'t use such materials, but don\'t forget that the undead Legion in Lin Feng\'s book of the dead hasn\'t been equipped with top magic weapons. Don\'t think about ancient weapons and magic weapons above ancient weapons for the time being. There can\'t be many in an era.

The magic weapon of quasi ancient weapons is far less powerful than ancient weapons!


Compared with other magic weapons, this level of magic weapon is extremely terrible.

Lin Feng\'s legion of the dead is just beginning to take shape.

If possible, Lin Feng even wants his undead Legion to reach more than 100000 in the future, so that he can be invincible. However, at present, there is still a big gap from this goal, but this does not prevent Lin Feng from preparing some necessary things for the undead Legion.

Like the mecha you got before.

Now it has been equipped with 2500 undead.

Mecha makes the comprehensive ability of these undead soar.

If one day in the future, the undead army has a treasure of quasi ancient weapon level, how terrible is the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the undead army?

I can\'t imagine!

At that time, absolute encounter God kill God, encounter Buddha kill Buddha!
