Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7441

It didn\'t take long for Lin Feng and his old empty boat to come to the outside of the huge floating boat.

After coming to the outside of the giant floating ship, Lin Feng and others flew down from the empty ancient ship one after another.

Ning Ke\'er and Ning Hai stayed with Lin Feng, but not with their people.

Many people lined up to board the ship.

The poisonous ancestor said, "there are so many people!".

Ning Ke\'er said, "it\'s natural. The top forces in the west sea world will basically send someone over!".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help but move slightly. He didn\'t know if Wu Zitian would send someone over there?

He didn\'t think much about it. Lin Feng\'s eyes looked at the floating ship in front of him. The floating ship was really very special. There were huge runes on it. If you look from a distance, you will feel that those runes are like pictures drawn on the hull, much like a giant dragon.

Look closely to know that it\'s runes, not pictures.

But it\'s not dragon pattern. It\'s a very old and special rune. Lin Feng hasn\'t seen this rune. Many runes before endless years have long been lost. Naturally, Lin Feng can\'t have seen all runes.

"What do you think of this floating ship?". The prison demon Saint looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng felt a little moved in his heart. The big prison demon saint is not a talkative person. Now he even asked such a question. He probably found something special.

Lin Feng didn\'t answer the question of the prison demon saint, but asked, "what do you think?".

The prison demon Saint said, "the floating boat is really special. I even feel the power of time from the floating boat!".

"Yes!". Lin Feng nodded.

The holy heart of the prison devil led the God society, and did not go on.

In fact, the devil saint of the prison was right. Lin Feng also felt the power of time from the floating boat. This power of time is very obscure and can hardly be sensed. That is, only when he has strong strength can he be sensed.

The prison demon saint can sense that he naturally has some of his own abilities.

Lin Feng was thinking about something. The floating ship suddenly appeared and disappeared. It was mysterious and strange. Where did it go when it disappeared?

Through time?

If so, doesn\'t it mean that this floating ship can cross the time limit and sail in time and space?

This inference made Lin Feng feel a little incredible.

After all, such a result is so crazy that it is difficult to believe that it will be true.

But think about it!

This possibility does exist!

Yes, of course.

At this stage, many things are just Lin Feng\'s guess. After all, Lin Feng has not been exposed to any secrets of the floating ship.

After boarding the boat, see if you have the opportunity to contact the secrets of the floating boat.

Before long, it was Lin Feng\'s turn to board the ship.

After boarding the ship, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He had a strange feeling, as if someone was spying on him.

Lin Feng\'s strength is so strong.

Many times, the induction is not produced out of thin air.

When this feeling occurs, things may have really happened. If there is no discovery, it can only explain one thing, that is, the strength of the secret man is too powerful, so it is difficult to find his specific position and who he is. Just like the current situation, when Lin Feng has this feeling of being peeped at by others, He tried to determine the other party\'s position, but he was disappointed that he couldn\'t determine the other party\'s position.

Lin Feng showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth. He didn\'t know who the other party was or who the other party was. He believed that even now, in the waste land world, there must be many experts such as Taishan Fujun, and even some enemies of Lin Feng, such as Su Yuexi, the son of the pioneers, and the evil thoughts of the pioneers, Did you really leave the wasteland world?

The wasteland world is so huge

If they really want to hide in a corner, it is not easy to find them.

Lin Feng\'s current state has also changed. The State mentioned here is not how to cultivate.

But the realm of life.

for instance!

In the past, Lin Feng might care more about who was hiding in the dark?

What is the purpose?

Wait, wait.

But now, he won\'t worry about this kind of thing at all, unless the strong man at the creator level hides in the dark and wants to calculate him and deal with him. In addition, the others have little threat to Lin Feng.

If you dare to appear, you will ruin yourself.

"The fair will be held for several days and divided into several links,