Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7422

Although the order of self destruction has been issued, it is not self destruction immediately. It needs to choose the time.


If the timing is wrong, even if self destruction, it will not achieve the desired effect in the end.

Lin Feng\'s incarnation quickly flew towards "Chen".

Very fast.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s incarnation flying, Chen was stunned. He probably didn\'t expect such a thing to happen.

"Did you throw yourself into the net?". Chen said contemptuously.

In his opinion.

Lin Feng\'s incarnation rushed at him, which was really no different from throwing himself into the net.

Although he\'s just ray.

However, his original statue, as one of the twelve local branch kings, is too powerful. Even if his body formed by thunder robbery, it also has unimaginable magical powers.

Chen shot again. This time, he condensed a more powerful attack. He wanted to completely destroy Lin Feng\'s external avatar. The powerful attack was condensed in an instant and killed Lin Feng\'s external avatar.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s incarnation was very close to Chen, and he also tried his best to resist Chen\'s attack.

After the two sides collided.

Chen almost completely destroyed Lin Feng\'s outer incarnation. Fortunately, Lin Feng\'s outer incarnation was tough enough and was not completely destroyed. Lin Feng\'s outer incarnation took this opportunity to rush to Chen\'s body and instantly completed self destruction. When Lin Feng\'s outer incarnation destroyed itself, the destructive power released instantly drowned Chen.

"What a cruel means! We underestimate you!".

Chen finally left a word, and then his body was destroyed.

At this time, in the void, a flame appeared.

The flames were blazing.

A figure appeared in the flame.

It\'s none other than Lin Feng\'s incarnation.

It\'s done!

Phoenix Nirvana is successful!

Lin Feng\'s incarnation, dead and resurrected!

In fact, many times, we need the courage to fight hard. Only in this way can we achieve unexpected results in adversity.

If you dare not fight hard, the final result may be extremely bad. Now, Lin Feng\'s result is quite good.

Chen was so powerful that it was difficult to compete, but he was finally dissolved.

It is said that Taihang Mountain and Wangwu mountain can suppress everything. Now thunder rob condenses Taihang Mountain and Wangwu mountain. Do you want to kill his incarnation?

If so, I\'m afraid the situation will be bad.

What happened next also seemed to verify Lin Feng\'s conjecture. Although the two thunder mountains condensed by Lei Jie were not the real Taihang and Wangwu mountains, they were integrated into the power of the famous article Yu Gong moving the mountain.

After integrating the power of the Confucian and Taoist article "Yu Gong moves the mountain", the two thunder mountains do have some abilities of Taihang and Wangwu mountains.

Therefore, the two thunder mountains locked Lin Feng\'s Avatar. When suppressed, something terrible happened. Lin Feng\'s Avatar found that he seemed to be affected by some rules and could not resist the suppressed two thunder mountains.

This is an extremely bad situation.

Lin Feng\'s self, also aware of this situation, gave orders to his external avatar to concentrate on destroying two thunder mountains.

However, among the two thunder mountains, the sound of reading became louder and louder.

The sound of reading can greatly bless the two thunder mountains, so the power of the two thunder mountains is increasing.

The two thunder mountains directly suppress Lin Feng\'s Avatar below. No matter how Lin Feng\'s Avatar struggles, there is no way to break free from the repression of the two thunder mountains. This situation is extremely bad, because it is a robbery. Once personal freedom is restricted, how can we survive the robbery?

At this time, something more terrible happened. Countless thunder runes flew out of the two thunder mountains. These thunder runes surrounded the Thunder Mountain and formed a special resonance with the Thunder Mountain and the thunder cloud above the nine days. These runes are like a special hub between the Thunder Mountain and the thunder cloud above the nine days.

Through this hub, the power of Leishan will continue to increase.

In other words, the sound of reading and the thunder clouds above the nine days are all blessing the power of Lei Shan.

Click, click.

The sound of cracking came out.

Lin Feng saw it.

The incarnation was suppressed by two thunder mountains. It was unbearable. There were many cracks on his body.

Stone Man blood.

Flowing out of the cracks in the body.

Lin Feng\'s incarnation seemed to break up like porcelain.

The situation is extremely critical.