Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7421

Lin Feng can feel the strength of "Chen". The existence of such a terrible statue makes him feel great pressure. Although Lin Feng\'s external avatar is very powerful, he is not an opponent in the face of such a terrible existence.

However, since this kind of thunder robbery has appeared, we can only face it. In addition, there is no other way.

"Chen" looked at Lin Feng\'s incarnation and said, "countless primates were born between heaven and earth. Among these primates, there are many gifted beings".

"Moreover, the existence and strength of these talents are very strong. Some of them even have the potential to impact the realm of the creator.".

"But in fact, it is extremely rare for creatures who can really exchange their potential and come to this step. I haven\'t seen many creatures in my long life and can finally impact the realm of the creator.".

"In this world, there should not be so many strong people in the realm of Creator. If they appear, they can only erase these existence.".

Although Chen\'s words are very cruel, the fact is that this is the case.

Some extremely powerful existence, they really do not want to see more top-level strong, not only the problem of resources, it is estimated that there are other reasons.

These friars themselves are strong men who combine heaven and earth.

Lin Feng guessed that if there were more friars above the creator level.


These new strong people will not only divide up the resources between heaven and earth, but also divide up the Qi and fortune between heaven and earth.

When there are some opportunities for the strong at the creator level to peep at it.

Due to the increase in the number of strong people above the creator, the possibility of these old strong people wanting to get these opportunities is greatly reduced.

Therefore, it is the best choice to kill these latecomers when they have not made a breakthrough or just after a breakthrough. This is also the most appropriate time. If these latecomers stabilize their realm in a few years, their strength will become stronger.

It is very difficult to erase these new creator strongmen.

After all, the strong at their level have extremely powerful means.

Even if they are not your opponents, it doesn\'t seem difficult for them to get out of trouble.

Lin Feng\'s incarnation said, "those strong at the creator level sometimes kill those monks who want to break through the creator\'s realm. In my opinion, it\'s understandable that they do so, but your existence at this level is older than those strong at the creator level. It\'s more or less disgusting to do such things.".

Chen said, "they don\'t want to see more strong people appear, so do we. We don\'t care what others think of us!".

"Besides, ordinary monks have no contact with our existence at all. At most, they have only heard about the Creator! It seems to be more conducive to us!".

After the voice fell, "Chen" attacked Lin Feng\'s Avatar. He slapped Lin Feng\'s Avatar. Although it was a slap across the void, the power contained in this slap made people feel creepy.

Lin Feng\'s incarnation naturally can feel how powerful this power is.

He quickly resisted the attack.


Lin Feng\'s outer incarnation simply couldn\'t resist the attack from "Chen". He was directly blown out by the attack from "Chen". Chen is really too terrible. Such a powerful strength makes people desperate.

In the face of such a strong man.

How can you resist his attack with only your outer incarnation?

Lin Feng even had a strong feeling.

That\'s it.

Even if his original statue is together with the "Chen" war, it is estimated that he can\'t get any advantage.

After Lin Feng\'s external Avatar was hit and flew out by Chen, the second wave of attack was brewing soon. Obviously, Chen didn\'t want to give Lin Feng any chance. He wanted to destroy Lin Feng\'s external avatar at one fell swoop.

This situation is much worse than expected.

When Lin Feng\'s outer incarnation hasn\'t stabilized his body, the second wave of "Chen" attack has killed Lin Feng\'s outer incarnation.

After receiving the attack of "Chen", Lin Feng\'s incarnation was even worse, and there were dense cracks on his body.

You know, Lin Feng\'s incarnation is a stone family Holy Spirit.

Such a body is famous for its hardness and strength, but it has been damaged so badly before it can resist the other party\'s two waves of attacks. It is hard to imagine how strong the attack of "Chen" is.

Lin Feng felt that his outer incarnation should not be able to resist Chen\'s attack.

Maybe Chen only needs five or six shots to solve his external incarnation.

Such a situation.

It\'s worse.

Now we must find a way to resolve the immediate crisis. If there is no way to resolve the immediate crisis, this time, the external Avatar has a certain probability that it will be completely destroyed.

Lin Feng thought of a way to completely solve the immediate crisis.

Lin Feng\'s idea requires Phoenix Nirvana.

The reason why Phoenix Nirvana is used is that Lin Feng wants to make his incarnation outside his body and complete self destruction.

Release extremely powerful power through self destruction.


Such a powerful existence when he destroys himself.

What an amazing level of power will be released?

When this power completely erupts, it should be able to destroy the "Chen".

But there is also a problem in this place, that is, the success rate of Phoenix Nirvana is not very high, that is, the success rate is about 40%.


If the Phoenix Nirvana fails, then this time, the outer incarnation will destroy itself, that is, it is really self destruction.

It is impossible to reverse the current situation.

But in addition to this method, Lin Feng didn\'t think of any other way for the time being.

What Lin Feng lacks now is time, because "Chen" won\'t give him so much time to think about how to deal with the next situation.

It\'s time to make a quick decision.

In itself, the monk\'s breakthrough has an element of gambling.

In that case, a bet is enough.

Read from here.

Lin Feng gave the order of self destruction to his outer incarnation.