Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7391

After all, Sikong Yu couldn\'t hold back and whispered to the ancient emperor Oshu, "senior, what\'s the magic of this skill called Xiaoyao Tiangong?".

Aoxiu ancient emperor has now obtained part of the cultivation formula of Xiaoyao Tiangong. He is very happy and naturally answers all questions. He said, "the skill to improve the breakthrough success rate is said to increase the success rate by up to 30%!".

Sikong Yu\'s mouth grew into an O-shape. The strong at his level rarely showed such an expression. It was because he was too shocked.

After all, the value of this skill is really too amazing. If you get this skill, doesn\'t it mean that the breakthrough that could not be completed will become a reality?

Sikong Yu is also a man with a dream. He also wants to break through the realm of the creator one day in the future, but he also knows that this possibility is not too high, and the destruction of reincarnation is coming, which is even lower.

But with the help of Xiaoyao Tiangong, will this impossibility become possible?

Thinking of this, Sikong Yu felt his heart beating violently.

In his long life, there has never been a moment, as now, so strong and eager to get a skill.

Si Kongyu is a smart man. He got some very important information from these people\'s conversation. First, Xiaoyao Tiangong is the skill controlled by the mysterious adult.

Second, everyone here seems to have practiced Xiaoyao Tiangong.

In other words, whether you can get the cultivation method of Xiaoyao Tiangong depends entirely on whether the adult wants to give Xiaoyao Tiangong?

Of course, this is not absolute. Didn\'t others give this adult something before?

Or do you need equivalent exchange?

At this time, Lin Feng looked at Si Kong Yu and said, "Si Kong Yu!".

"On!". Sikong Yu quickly got up and saluted Lin Feng. He felt his heart beating violently, because Sikong Yu thought that maybe his opportunity was coming.

Lin Feng said, "I\'ll give you a task. If you can do it well, we won\'t treat you badly!".

"Please tell me, Sikong Yu will do his best!". Sikong Yu said quickly.

The rest of the people are envious of cheese Kong Yu. Is this guy going to do an important thing for adults when he enters the creation space for the first time?

It\'s conceivable that iron will get the cultivation formula of Xiaoyao Tiangong after everything is done.

Maybe there will be more strong people at the creator level in the future?

Lin Feng then spoke to Sikong Yu. After hearing what Lin Feng said, Sikong Yu was a little surprised. He didn\'t expect that the task Lin Feng gave him was to escort.

The task is simple and difficult.

Because the task Lin Feng gave Sikong Yu was to go to the heaven, and then escort her mother, women, friends and others to the wasteland world.

The road may not be peaceful, and may even be intercepted by Lin Feng\'s hostile forces.

Originally, Lin Feng planned to send a friar army to pick them up, but the journey was too far.

It will take many years to come back.

Lin Feng can\'t stay in the waste land world for too long. He still has many things to deal with. If he stays in the waste land for many years, many important things may be delayed.

If it\'s a one-way escort, it can save half the time.

However, there is also a problem with one-way escort, that is, there is no top power in the sky.

If there is no top-level strongman in charge, changes in the escort process may bring disastrous consequences.

Sikong Yu himself is a figure of the Kyushu universe. He has impacted the creator realm three times, which shows that he is already the existence of the peak of the quasi creator realm. His strength should be much stronger than Soren, Sofia, the Dark Lord and Emperor Oshio. The reason why he uses his predecessors to call emperor Oshio is mainly because he is low-key.

Such a person who has not died three times in a row after hitting the realm of the creator is not only a powerful problem, but also may be shrouded in powerful luck. It should be quite smooth for a strong person like him to escort. When he is escorted to the waste land world, Lin Feng\'s people will hand over with him, and the escort task will be completed.

Lin Feng talked about it with Si Kong Yu because he didn\'t want to publicize it too much or let others know.

The fewer people know, the better.

The fewer people know, the safer the team will be.

Soren and others know what to know and what not to know. The adult didn\'t talk about it in front of them, and they won\'t inquire about specific information.

Lin Feng immediately said, "next is your free trading time!".

These top strongmen have many good things, such as Soren and Sofia. They will also keep some mecha. The improved version surpasses Dan. They can\'t give all of them to Lin Feng. They will also trade these things.

After the transaction, Lin Feng said, "look forward to our next meeting!".

"Congratulations, sir!".

The five got up and saluted Lin Feng.


Lin Feng disappeared first.

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!

Then the light flickered, and five people, such as Sauron, also disappeared from the creation space.

Lin Feng\'s divine thoughts return to the Buddha.

This time, he gathered in the creation space, and the harvest was really big enough. He took out the gilded heavenly holy gold and looked at it carefully. The gilded heavenly holy gold was flowing with bursts of divine colors. It was indeed a rare treasure, which made people excited.

Unfortunately, the number is too small.

I hope that the next time, the Dark Lord can give him some strength and help him find new awesome gold. When the amount is enough, Lin Feng will start forging a new magic weapon.

Lin Feng immediately summoned the book of the dead, and he got 1500 pairs of mecha.

He wants to equip the powerful undead inside the book of the dead with these mecha

Of course, the newly suppressed dead in the book of the dead have not been really subdued by the book of the dead.

Before equipping these undead, Lin Feng needs to completely subdue these undead.

Lin Feng\'s thoughts invaded the interior of the book of the dead.

Carefully observe the situation of all kinds of dead in the book of the dead.

Lin Feng first observed the undead collected before.

There are hundreds of undead collected before, which is not very much.

However, the book of the dead plays an extremely powerful role in promoting the cultivation of these undead, and can greatly improve the strength of these undead. Therefore, although the number of undead in the book of the dead is small, its strength is extremely strong.

Originally, the levels of these undead are as follows: