Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7390

As we all know, the materials for forging creator level magic weapons are very rare. For a long time, many creator level strongmen have not forged this level of treasure. Don\'t they want to forge this level of treasure?

Of course not.

Because they can\'t find the right material.


Lin Feng has forged seven life magic weapons.

Theoretically, he can forge nine life magic weapons. He can continue to forge one life magic weapon by gilding heaven gold, and then forge one life magic weapon by gilding heaven holy gold.

In fact, Lin Feng\'s life magic weapons are extremely not simple. Some life magic weapons have reached the realm of quasi creator, and some life magic weapons have reached the realm of transcendence.

However, due to the limitation of materials, it is difficult for these life magic weapons to break through the realm of the creator. Of course, they are not completely hopeless.

In fact, there is still some hope. The premise is that Lin Feng breaks through the realm of the creator. Although the materials of his life magic weapons are poor, after his long years of sacrifice and refining, coupled with some luck, there is a certain probability to reach the realm of the creator, but this probability is really not high.

But what if it is integrated with such things as gilding heaven holy gold?

There is no need to say more about the role of gilding heavenly sage gold. The value of such a baby is unimaginable. If gilding heavenly sage gold is integrated into it, gilding heavenly sage gold may play a stimulating role.

If the potential of these magic weapons is completely stimulated, maybe a life magic weapon will degenerate into a creator level magic weapon, even if only one life magic weapon can complete the transformation.

However, this also faces a problem.

Lin Feng intends to use the heaven holy gold to forge the life magic weapon. This life magic weapon is the life magic weapon to promote the creator magic weapon in the future. It is the most important life magic weapon. Such a life magic weapon will definitely play an extremely important role at the critical moment.

Therefore, the first thing to get the gilded heaven holy gold is not to harden other life magic weapons, but to forge a new life magic weapon. However, there is another problem, that is, the gilded heaven holy gold provided by the Dark Lord to Lin Feng seems to be less, and it needs more to try to forge life magic weapons, If you want to refine other life magic weapons with gilding heaven holy gold, you need more gilding heaven holy gold.

Lin Feng said, "we still need to continue to work hard to collect some heaven holy gold!".

The Dark Lord said, "of course, I will try my best to finish it!".

"Yes!". Lin Feng nodded.

He was quite satisfied with the harvest this time.

Lin Feng asked, "how are you practicing Xiaoyao Tiangong?".

Sophia said, "I\'ve reached the level of great perfection!".

Sauron and the Dark Lord also said, "so do we!".

The magic of Xiaoyao Tiangong can not only improve the probability of breakthrough, but also can be divided into many parts, and each part can form a separate individual. When such a separate individual is formed, even if it is only a part, it can also have an extremely amazing evil effect.

Lin Feng gently pointed at several people, and some new words appeared in their minds. This is the new cultivation formula of Xiaoyao Tiangong.

"Thank you, my Lord!". Sophia, Soren and the Dark Lord quickly thanked Lin Feng. They finally got the following part of the cultivation formula. Next, they can devote themselves to cultivating this part of the cultivation formula.

Oshugu looked at Lin Feng eagerly. He was a little uneasy. After all, at present, all he could do for Lin Feng was to translate some ancient Chinese characters.

Can\'t do more.

Can this kind of merit be exchanged for the cultivation formula of Xiaoyao Tiangong?

In fact, he envied Sauron. Sauron used to learn ancient characters with him. At that time, Sauron could not compare with his identity and status. Even when he was called into the creation space for the first time, he had a sense of pride in front of Sauron.

At that time, he found that he was very wrong, because Solon had begun to practice Xiaoyao Tiangong at that time, and his strength had surpassed him. Up to now, his strength is much stronger than him.

There is still a big gap in my heart.

Sometimes I have to sigh that some people are lucky. If they seize an opportunity, they may soar to the sky.

During the time he lived with Sauron, Emperor oshugu had a general understanding of Sauron\'s situation. Now Sauron is a quasi creator realm, which depends on the cultivation of Xiaoyao Tiangong taught by the mysterious creator. With the passage of time, Sauron\'s Xiaoyao Tiangong will become more and more complete and his realm will become more and more profound.

Before the reincarnation is broken, he may be able to impact the realm of the creator.

And with the protection of the mysterious creator, it seems that you can avoid many dangers when you impact the realm of the creator.

Seeing that people who were not as good as themselves have left themselves behind, this taste is naturally extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, Emperor oshugu is also looking forward to getting the cultivation formula of Xiaoyao Tiangong quickly. How he expects the mysterious creator to drive him to do more things. However, the mysterious creator seems to have nothing more to do.

As for Si Kongyu, who entered here for the first time, he didn\'t understand the Xiaoyao Tiangong we talked about. He even heard of such a skill for the first time. These people in front of him are very terrible. The mysterious adult may even be a strong man at the creator level.

The existence of such terror is talking about such a skill. We can imagine how precious this skill is.

What role can it play.

Si Kongyu was also very curious about Xiaoyao Tiangong. He wanted to know what Xiaoyao Tiangong was. But at present, he didn\'t seem to have the hope of Xiaoyao Tiangong. He decided to take a good look. This is his consistent principle. When he came to a new place and faced with a strange environment and strangers, he talked less and observed more.

Lin Feng looked at aoxiugu Di and said, "aoxiugu Di didn\'t intend to teach you Xiaoyao Tiangong at this time. However, for the sake of your intentions, I\'ll teach you Xiaoyao Tiangong in advance!".

Hearing the speech, Emperor Oshio stood up at once. His body trembled slightly because of excitement. He thanked his Lord for his cultivation. His subordinates must be loyal to him! Do their best to do things for him.

Seeing this performance of emperor Oshio, Sikong Yu was even more shocked. Emperor Oshio was also an old master. He had never seen any big storms and waves. A skill even made emperor Oshio so excited.

What kind of skill is this?

Si Kongyu, who was very curious about Xiaoyao Tiangong, is more curious now.

How he wants to watch this skill.