Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7371

Lin Feng and others chose a really good time this time. Yi Shen was immersed in pain and couldn\'t extricate himself. Facing the attack of Lin Feng and others, he didn\'t have much parry. When he reacted, the attack of Lin Feng and others had formed a strong suppression on him, and it was too late for him to resist.

Yi Shen was deprived of this state of being attached to the poison ancestor by Lin Feng and others. After they separated, the spirit of the poison ancestor returned to his body, and then scolded and shouted, "lying trough, you dare to attach yourself to the poison grandfather. You\'ve eaten the bear heart and leopard courage, haven\'t you? See how your poison grandfather treats you!".

The slogan of poison Zu was loud. People who didn\'t know thought that poison Zu would kill him and fight with the God of clothes for 300 rounds. In fact, after shouting, poison Zu hurried to the distance and asked him to deal with the God of clothes. Isn\'t that a joke?

Before, the God of clothes was attached to him. He wanted to resist, but he didn\'t even have the power to resist. It\'s reasonable that a powerful monk like him can\'t resist at all. Even if a strong man at the creator level wants to control his body, he can make resistance, but the God of clothes can\'t resist against him. What does that mean?

This shows that... The God of clothes should have some extremely strange means, which limit others\' resistance to him, rather than the suppression of absolute strength, but it is precisely because of this that shows the horror of the God of clothes.

Lin Feng and others breathed a sigh after poison Zu got out of trouble, but they didn\'t stop. Now is the key moment to deal with Yi God. If they stop, they might be run away by this guy. This is not what Lin Feng and others want to see.

Lin Feng and others\' attacks were very powerful and fierce, and poison Zu joined in after he got out of trouble. Poison Zu\'s strength was still terrible. After he joined in, Lin Feng\'s combat power on their side naturally improved a lot again. This time, even Bei Bei and them also took action against Yi God, so they can experience Beibei and others and enhance their actual combat experience.

As for the God of clothes, after a short period of "insanity", he has returned to normal and tried his best to resist the attack of the people, but even if the God of clothes is powerful, he is only a single individual.

After all, there is a limit to the power that such a single individual can master. Therefore, when Yi Shen was attacked by Lin Feng and others, it was difficult to sustain for a period of time. This situation was also predicted by Lin Feng. In fact, he was besieged by so many top powers, even if he mastered some powerful secrets, It will be difficult to support at that time.

How can a person\'s power resist the power of a group of people?

Isn\'t that why two fists are hard to beat four hands?

The clothing God became colder and more angry. He remembered some things and knew how extraordinary his existence was, even more extraordinary than what he knew at the beginning. It\'s unreasonable that such an extraordinary and great existence should be so embarrassed by a group of monks.

The clothing God shouted angrily, "I am the clothing God, which is transformed by the clothes tombs of the" Sons "of the twelve local kings. Who dares to suppress me?".

"Twelve local branch king" son ". Hearing what Yi Shen said about this character, Lin Feng was surprised.

Obviously, the son mentioned by Saint Diao refers to a friar, that is, the terrible friar before endless years. The friar is likely to exist in the same era as the pioneers. He is naturally raised and extremely terrible.

Moreover, now the God of clothes also named the identity of the existence, the "son" of the twelve earth branches.

This made Lin Feng think of the division of the twelve Branches.

So what are the twelve Earthly Branches?

The twelve Branches of the earth were actually the method of recording time created by the ancient ancestors. At that time, the method of recording time was not as rich as it is now. The ancestors began to record time, which is a driving force for social progress.

However, it is not particularly clear when such a situation can be predicted. After all, the long years have passed, the rebirth and destruction of one cycle after another, and the method of recording time by the twelve earth branches has not disappeared. It can be seen that this inheritance has been one of the oldest inheritance among the heavens. Since the twelve earth branches are mentioned, Then it is necessary to talk about how the twelve Branches are divided.

Twelve local branches, which were not systematic at first, were called trunk branches.

The ancient name of "Ganzhi" is "Sui" (photo).

At that time, after long-term development, many new things appeared.

For example, "years old".

"Sui" takes 60 Jiazi (chronology of cadres and branches) as the operation cycle.

The book of changes, a series of words, was written in the cold and heat of the year.

"Taiping Yulan" Volume 17 quoted "Shi Ming" as saying: "when you are old, the more you are. The more you are, the more you are limited, the more you enter the year, and then before you, you worship yourself, the new Qi is born, so your Qi is already, and you carry organisms."

Volume 67 of the Kaiyuan ZHANJING quotes the exegesis of Honglie in Huainan, which says, "doudipper is a little old.

(Note:) the words of age go through more than twelve hours. "" White Tiger Tong "the old man, then also.

"Shuowen": "age: Jupiter too. The moon passes through the twenty-eight seasons, proclaiming Yin and Yang, once in December, starting from the sound of Bu Xu." the book of the Three Emperors: "the emperor\'s family, King mude, has been photographed since the age of.".

Therefore: it is divided into twelve Branches.

The twelve Branches are:

Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, noon, Wei, Shen, you, Xu, Hai.

According to the theory of yin and Yang, it is divided into Yin branch and Yang Branch:

Yang Branch: Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen, Xu;

Yin branch: Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, you, Hai.

Zi means "Zi", which means that all things sprout under the moving Yang Qi.

Ugliness is new, and Yang is not down.

Yin means to move and lead, which means that all things are born Yin ran.

Mao is Mao, and everything is Mao.

Chen means earthquake, and things grow after vibration.

It refers to the prosperity of Yang Qi.

Noon is the meaning of "Wu", which means that everything is grand and covered with branches.

No taste, everything has a taste.

Shen means the body, which means that the bodies of all things have been achieved.

Unitary means old, and all things are old.

Xu means to destroy all things.

Hai means nuclear, and all things are collected.

When I was older, I said to take TIG in Yin, to hold Xu in Mao, to hold Xu in Chen, to be desolate in Si, to hold Dun in noon, to negotiate in the future, to be sad in Shenyue beach, to be Eunuch in Xu, to offer the great abyss in Hai, to be trapped in Confucius, and to be chifenruo in ugliness.

This is the basis of time division. After long years of development, the system has become more and more mature.

However, looking back on the past, who can think of the existence of the creatures related to the twelve Branches?

So what is the existence of the twelve earthly kings mentioned by Yi God?

Is it a creature evolved from the twelve Branches of the earth?
