Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7370

This makes Lin Feng feel very incredible, but this feeling is so strong.

This dress wants to control his body. Lin Feng feels bad. This dress is really weird. He must take off this dress quickly. Lin Feng tries to tear it off, but there is no way to do it. It looks like an ordinary dress, but it is indestructible.

Lin Feng felt that with the power inside his clothes pouring into his body, his body was getting worse and out of control.

"Such an evil door?".

Lin Feng feels that things are a little troublesome. This dress is so strange that he still wants to control his body. The key is that his body may be controlled by this dress according to the current situation.

It\'s just a dress. Lin Feng has such a skill. He\'s really experienced today.

There are so many evil things in this world that we can\'t underestimate them.

"Sky fire!".

Lin Feng whispered. The sky fire in his body burst out from inside to outside, shrouded the dress and began to burn.

When ten kinds of sky fires burn up, this powerful burning feeling is very terrible.

Although this dress is very strange, it should also be restrained by the sky fire. Perhaps in this world, there are few things that cannot be restrained by the sky fire.

Some things may be able to resist the burning of one kind of sky fire, two kinds of sky fire, or even three or four kinds of sky fire, but what about more sky fire?

The supreme treasure of the creator level is likely to be destroyed under the repeated burning of a variety of heavenly fires.

The dress quickly separated from Lin Feng and flew to the others.

"Get out of the way!".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help shouting.

The rest of the people also saw how strange the dress was. Hearing Lin Feng\'s cry, they fled one after another.

Poison Zu is the slowest to avoid (mainly because poison Zu is the weakest among all people). So I was targeted by this dress.

After catching up with the poison ancestor, this dress quickly attached to the poison ancestor.

"No...". The poisonous ancestor cried in horror.

At the next moment, the eyes of poison Zu changed and became extremely cold and evil. This was not all the eyes of poison Zu familiar to Lin Feng.

It\'s like a different person.

Lin Feng knows that poison Zu Tieding is under control.

The poisonous ancestor looked at the people indifferently, and then quickly flew to the distance to leave the place.

Lin Feng, of course, they can\'t let poison Zu leave like this. If they leave, they\'ll be in trouble.

The poisonous ancestor may "die out". Will be completely replaced by this dress.

"Get out of his body quickly, otherwise, don\'t blame me for being rude to you!".

Lin Feng stopped the "poisonous ancestor" wearing this strange dress.

"Poison ancestor" said, "hum, I\'m a god of clothes. I won\'t like this body. This body is just a temporary attachment of me. When I find a better body, I\'ll let him go!".

Clothing God?

This guy is called the God of clothes?

Clothes become gods, so they are called clothes gods?

Whether this is the reason or not, it is not the reason why Lin Feng let this guy leave, because no one knows what will happen later. He said that if he found a new body, he will let go of the poison ancestor, and he will let go of the poison ancestor?

How many people don\'t keep their word?

Moreover, it\'s hard to say whether he can really find a body that satisfies him. At least in Lin Feng\'s view, it\'s difficult. After all, poison ancestor is already a strong man at the level of quasi creator.

If the body of the strong at this level is not satisfactory to the God of clothes, it is difficult to find a better body. Even if you find it, you may not get it. For example, the God of clothes failed to control his body before?

"I said, if you leave my partner\'s body, I can let you go. In the same words, I don\'t want to say it a third time!". Lin Feng\'s voice was cold.

"Hehe, I want to see what means you have to deal with me". "Poisonous ancestor" said with a sneer.

The war broke out instantly. Lin Feng and others all participated in the war and besieged the poisonous ancestor controlled by Yi God.

After the poison ancestor\'s body was controlled by the God of clothes, his strength soared too terrifying and his fighting power was incredible. Lin Feng and so many of them besieged the poison ancestor possessed by the God of clothes, but they couldn\'t take him down all the time.

Lin Feng feels unimaginable under such a situation. It\'s too powerful. It\'s incredible. If it goes on like this, this guy will soon run away. At this time, the saint Diao immortal said, "Yi God, do you remember your identity?".

After hearing the words of the saint Diao immortal, the "poisonous ancestor" looked at the saint Diao immortal and the heart plate suspended around the saint Diao immortal. He didn\'t seem to have any impression on the saint Diao immortal, but the heart plate made his eyes suddenly freeze.

"This thing, some familiar......".

"Poisonous ancestor" said.

The so-called clothing God should be that this clothing gave birth to its own spirituality and became so terrible. It takes time, or even a long time, for such a thing to happen. Therefore, the clothing God may have some impressions of the heart disc. However, when he saw the heart disc, he had not yet given birth to a complete consciousness. Therefore, he could not remember the real identity of the heart disc for the moment.

The saint Diao immortal said, "clothes tomb... Immortal Dharma clothes...".

Hearing the words of the saint Diao immortal, Lin Feng couldn\'t help but move slightly. It should be the heart disk that sent some new information to the saint Diao immortal.

The immortal Diao received the information and said it.

The look of "poisonous ancestor" changed again and again. When he was just born, the memory of Yi God seemed to be vague, but many memories emerged after the reminder of Saint Diao immortal.

The immortal continued, "son......".

"Son! Son! Son!".

After hearing the word "Zi", the "poisonous ancestor" suddenly roared, as if he had been stimulated.

This word is really extraordinary and represents extraordinary meaning.

However, even if the word is extraordinary, it should not have such a serious impact on the God of clothes. However, what happened at present shows how great the impact on the God of clothes is, which makes Lin Feng feel that there seems to be some secrets he doesn\'t know?

Lin Feng didn\'t know exactly what was going on. For the time being, he didn\'t seem to have to think about it. The top priority now is to quickly separate this dress from poison Zu\'s body, and then seal it again.

Now, the thinking of "clothing God" seems to have become extremely chaotic.

It\'s a great opportunity to deal with the God of clothes.

Therefore, Lin Feng and others attacked Yi God one after another.