Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 734


Seeing that the female emperor is about to petrify the sky.

At this time, a cold cry suddenly rang out.


There was a dazzling light in the center of the sky\'s eyebrows.

The light.

Irradiate it and tear the void in an instant.

In that light, a hazy figure appeared.

He seems to have crossed the ancient wilderness.

"Yuanshen brand".

Many people shouted in shock.

The illusory figure is a brand of Yuanshen.

The so-called Yuanshen brand is that friars integrate the power of Yuanshen with powerful mana and condense it into a brand.

Once this brand is activated.

They can often exert their fighting power against the sky.

Heaven cannot be branded by people.

This is the last line of defense that can\'t be.


The mystery exists.

It should be the top floor of the temple of God.

This statue exists, big hand out.

I saw the big hand blocking out the sun.

Suppressed the past towards the female emperor.

The petrified power of the female emperor bombarded the big hand.

No one can petrify big hands.

"What a great cultivation achievement".

Everyone was shocked.

The cultivation of the female emperor.

It can already be described as unfathomable.


The temple of God exists.

Seems more powerful.

"Eh, it\'s you, the saint of heaven. Didn\'t you say you died 12000 years ago? You\'ve lived to this day?".

The female emperor seemed to recognize the mysterious existence and was slightly surprised.

"What? The holy way of heaven? Is this man still alive?".

Some monks who had heard the holy name of heaven suddenly changed their faces.

"Who is the saint of heaven?". Suddenly someone asked.

An old man said, "the heavenly saint is the previous generation of the Lord of the Heavenly God Temple, but it is said that it has long fallen, but the original God brand of the heavenly saint\'s blessing in the center of the heavenly eyebrows has not dissipated, which means that the heavenly saint is still alive. The heavenly saint should have lived for 35000 years, and the living time is too long.".

"35000 years"!

Many people took a breath.

Five thousand years of vicissitudes.

Thirty five thousand years.

What concept?

On everyone\'s face.

All moving expressions.

This is really shocking.

No wonder this person\'s original God brand is so powerful.


"How old you are.".

Lin Feng heard that the old friar said that the way of heaven had been injured and had lived for 35000 years.

I can\'t help feeling and shock.

This life is too long.

No wonder the temple of heaven is one of the most powerful archaic forces in tianwu continent.

There are even old immortal monks who have lived for 35000 years.

It\'s incredible.

This is a deep shock from the bottom of my heart.

"I\'m so cruel. If I don\'t teach you a lesson, I really think I can\'t bully the temple of God?".

The virtual shadow of the saint of heaven.

The sound is cold.

That big hand that blocks out the sky and the sun.

Blast down.

Although it is only a Yuanshen brand in the attack.


But it gives people a feeling of being king over the heavens.

It\'s like facing a powerful God.

"The saint of heaven, is Shouyuan almost exhausted? I dare not come out, and I dare to be fierce with the brand of Yuanshen? Therefore, I\'m not afraid of you.".

The empress skimmed her lips.

Then the female emperor drank, "stone God".

The voice fell.

The empress pinched her hands.


The light surged.

In the endless light.

A mysterious creature in armor appeared.

He was covered in stones.

Exudes endless majesty.

One punch hit the virtual shadow of the heavenly saint.

"It\'s really not simple. The petrified blood actually understands the stone God. This is the third stage of the petrified blood".

The demon king among the magic beads sat on the solitary grave and muttered.

Obviously what happened outside.

Ice can\'t hide from the demon king.

The stone God is very powerful.

Collide with the Holy Ghost of heaven.

Click, click!

A shocking scene appeared.

The way of heaven hurt the virtual shadows and even began to petrify.

"The female emperor is really terrible.".

Seeing the war in the air, Lin Feng was shocked.

This tianwu is recognized as the first beauty in the mainland.

It\'s not just beautiful.

The means are also frightening.

No wonder the female emperor can become one of the nine pirate kings.

After the heavenly Saint saw his body begin to petrify.

Look is also a big change.

He tried to crack this petrification.

But he failed.

The vision of the saint of heaven is gloomy.

No longer love war.

Turn around and catch the sky.

Tear the void and disappear in an instant.

"The female emperor won.".

"The female emperor was so strong that even the saint of heaven was frightened back.".

Many people exclaimed.

"Of course, my body is powerful. No one can defeat my body.".

The empress smiled.

"It\'s so beautiful.".

Countless people were fascinated by the temptation of the female emperor again.

Lose yourself.

"Hum, female emperor, you nine pirate kings united with the sea clan to kill countless friars. How do you calculate this account?".

The strong sneered in the crowd.

"Don\'t be fooled by this witch. The nine pirate kings and the sea clan killed hundreds of millions of innocent friars. Those friars may have our classmates and even relatives. The female emperor is coming alone now. We might as well kill the female emperor.".

Soon, another monk said indifferently.

"Yes, revenge for the same family".

"Revenge for dead relatives".

Many monks\' hatred was awakened and looked at the female emperor with hatred.

The female emperor said pitifully, "my body is so beautiful. Do you have the heart to kill my body?".

"No, of course not.".

Originally those friars who were hostile to the female emperor.

The anger and killing intention in his eyes disappeared in an instant.

The female emperor continued, "then, are you willing to forgive my concubine?"

Of course we do.

Cried countless monks.

The great men who originally wanted to provoke many monks to besiege the female emperor looked extremely gloomy.

Lin Feng was stunned.

Is the female emperor too evil?

Taoist priest Shangyuan said, "the female emperor is a charming martial spirit. She can tempt anyone and let others work willingly for her or even die for her. Her martial spirit has not been really activated. Therefore, when you see the female emperor want to activate the charming martial spirit in the future, close your eyes and seal your hearing. Don\'t look, don\'t look and listen, otherwise, the female emperor will turn you into her slave.".

Lin Feng nodded.

The ability of the female emperor.

It\'s really terrible.

She made a few movements gently.

Has turned all sentient beings upside down.

Let countless people abandon their hatred for her.

This means, too terrible.

"Empress, it really deserves its reputation. See you at the God ruins.".

In the dark, the strong sneered at the female emperor.

In the sound, there was a cold killing intention.

"I\'m so scared"

The empress\'s beautiful face looked frightened.

"We are willing to protect you"

Countless monks roared hysterically.

The female emperor now let them die, and they were even willing.


The strong man in the dark could not help humming when he saw this scene.

Because among those enchanted by the female emperor, there are also his descendants.

But in the end.

The strong man who secretly targeted the female emperor completely hid his body shape. Now this is not the place to do it.