Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 718

The eggshell is about to crack completely.

When the little guy looks about to hatch.


This time.

The eggshell stopped cracking.

"What\'s going on?".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help wondering.

The little guy\'s feeble mind fluctuated and passed it to Lin Feng.

"Not enough energy?".

Lin Feng wondered.

The little guy then passed it to Lin Feng with a sigh.

"What a pitfall? I\'m about to hatch successfully, but I can\'t hatch because of insufficient energy?".

Lin Feng was very depressed.

Then Lin Feng communicated with the little guy.

No one can break out of the shell.

The little guy was dejected.

Lin Feng hurriedly comforted the little guy and told him not to worry.

Hatching is a matter of time.

Under Lin Feng\'s relief, the originally sulky little guy became lively again.

The eggs revolve around Lin Feng.

The little guy in the beast\'s egg sent out a wave of happy thoughts.

After playing tired.

Just returned to the storage ring to rest.

"What on earth is the golden liquid just now? It can help animal eggs hatch?".

Lin Feng\'s heart was full of puzzled expression.

But obviously.

That thing!

Absolutely amazing.


Even the elixir of the holy medicine level can\'t arouse the interest of the little guy in the animal egg.


A small golden liquid inside the tianwai meteorite almost hatched the little guy.

The only pity is.

The amount of golden divine liquid is too small.

It seems that we can only wait for the next chance.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

The eggs have not hatched.

Lin Feng was naturally a little disappointed.

He had been expecting the eggs to hatch.

Lin Feng wants to know what kind of animal his pet is.


The auction continued.

Baby by baby was put up for auction.

"The next auction item is a golden flame fruit, which can help friars break through the realm of yin and Yang.".

At this time, the voice of the old auctioneer came out.


A maid came up with a golden flame fruit.

"It\'s the golden flame fruit auction.".

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up suddenly.

He felt a little uneasy.

I don\'t know what kind of price golden flame fruit can finally get.

"What a golden flame fruit".

"This thing is still being auctioned.".

"The patriarch has sent a message. Let\'s shoot the golden flame fruit and let the young master who can\'t break through take it.".

"Ha ha! Jin Yanguo, I\'m going to make a decision. I\'ll contribute this treasure to the supreme elder of Penglai holy land. The supreme elder must be very happy. His great grandson has been suffering from the inability to break through. Now he can break through, and I can take the opportunity to climb the relationship of Penglai holy land."

Many people talked about it.

Many people seem to get the golden flame fruit.

The female auctioneer smiled and said, "the starting price of golden flame fruit is 200 million. Now start bidding.".

A fierce competition.

The price of golden flame fruit is rising.

The final transaction price was locked at $4 billion.

The price surprised Lin Feng.

He obviously didn\'t expect that Jin Yanguo could make such a price.

Originally, Lin Feng thought that the golden flame fruit could shoot 2 billion is the limit.

But unexpectedly, it sold for $4 billion.

After the golden flame fruit auction, Lin Feng didn\'t stay at the auction.

He asked someone to contact Jiang Chao.

The spirit stone who planned to pay for the shooting and buying tianwai meteorite left.

Jiang Chao received Lin Feng in the VIP room.

"Why did Mr. Lin leave in such a hurry?".

Jiang Chao smiled.

"I\'ve bought what I need, and I\'m not interested in anything else.".

Lin Feng smiled and said.

Jiang Chao has some regrets.

He quite hoped that Lin Feng could see several auctions.

Then compete.

He knew that Lin Feng had insufficient financial resources. At that time, Lin Feng "borrowed money" from the auction house.

This can make Lin Feng owe a favor.

But there\'s no way.

Lin Feng is leaving.

Jiang Chao said, "the golden flame fruit auctioned 4 billion inferior spirit stones, which is converted into 4000 top-grade spirit stones. The auction house will draw a 30% commission. Childe Lin will get 2800 top-grade spirit stones. Before childe Lin bought tianwai meteorite, he spent 4500 top-grade spirit stones. Now childe Lin can pay me 1700 top-grade spirit stones.".

Lin Feng nodded, took out 1700 pieces of the best spirit stone and handed it to Jiang Chao.

He still has 1500 pieces of the best spirit stone left.

Ordinary people break through the realm of yin and Yang.

You can break through it by consuming about 100 pieces of the best spirit stone at most.

But Lin Feng\'s savings are too strong.

It is dozens of times the savings of monks of the same level.

Therefore, before Lin Feng breaks through the realm of yin and Yang, he must accumulate more than 3000 best spirit stones to ensure that anger will encounter a crisis that the best spirit stones are not enough.

Lin Feng said goodbye to Jiang Chao.

The next day, Lin Feng invited Murong Baichuan, Wang Changming, nangonghai and Jiang Tiandou, President of the auction house.

These are four great people.

"Are you going to Shenxu this time?".

Jiang Tiandou asked.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng.

There\'s nothing to hide.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I really want to go to the God ruins.".

"To go to Shenxu, you have to cross the deep sea area, which is the world of the sea family. It is extremely dangerous, so you should go by boat.".

Murong Baichuan said.

"Sea family?".

Lin Feng said in surprise, "could it be that the sea clan will attack human friars?".

"The boundless sea originally belonged to the sea clan, but later, the human friars, demon friars, and even demon friars entered the sea to establish their influence, which is equivalent to seizing the territory of the sea clan, so the sea clan is a friar who hates other races very much.".

Wang Changming said.

"Is the sea clan strong?". Lin Feng asked.

Nangong Hai nodded and said, "it\'s really powerful, but since the ancient god and devil war, the power of the sea family has weakened very much, while other forces outside the sea family are developing rapidly, so the sea family has now retreated to the deep sea area".

"Although not as strong as before, today\'s Hai clan is still very powerful. If anyone dares to pass through the Hai clan\'s territory, the Hai clan will often launch fierce attacks.".

"Is it safe to take a boat?".

Lin Feng asked.

"They are not ordinary ships. These ships are giant warships with strong attack and defense systems.".

"Moreover, when going to sea, it is not a ship, but dozens of ships together.".

"Such a huge power, the sea family should also weigh it.".

"Because once there is a war, there will be heavy casualties. Naturally, the high-level of the Hai nationality does not want their own people to die miserably. Therefore, if they go by boat, the safety factor will be very high.".

Jiang Tiandou said.

"Aren\'t you going to the God ruins?". Lin Feng asked.

"Shenxu... We\'ve been there.".

Murong Baichuan\'s old eyes are full of memories.

He smiled and said, "it\'s really a place full of opportunities. However, after going once, we shouldn\'t go again. The opportunity is determined by heaven. Our opportunity has been obtained as early as the last time the God ruins was opened".

The next day.

Lin Feng went to the port.

I saw a huge ship 10000 meters long docked at the port.

Thirty six such ships.

Want to board.

You need to pay a top-grade spirit stone.

The cost is very high.

But it\'s worth it!

Countless monks paid a piece of the best spirit stone and boarded the giant ship.